• It was a sunny day Mary was picking some berries for her villages annual parade, it was a commendation of when their ancestors settled in the land. everything was going great as Mary was skipping home she saw flames in the distant
    "oh have they started cooking for the feast?"she thought then as she was walking to her village she thought she heard a scream"its probably the wind"Mary never went berry picking alone before this was the first time she went alone she was kinda scared but kinda happy that she got to go alone.then she saw her village the houses were on fire the oldest tree in the village was burning she started to run and see if this was a accident.she saw the people that she looked up to dead
    their bodies had swords and arrows in them,there was blood every where in puddles she looked at their bodies with a horrified look on her face she ran though the village looking to see if anyone was alive she saw a half dead man on the ground moaning she ran up to him and grabbed his head jerking it up "WHO ARE YOU!!?? WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!!!!????"she screamed he opened his eyes and gave a toothy smile blood was coming out of his mouth "heh heh heh"Mary was angry that he didn't answer her so she punched him in the stomach so hard he coughed up some teeth "NOW TELL ME!!!!"he looked all bloody so she balled up her hand into a fist
    "STOP *cough* alright i`l tell you just don't punch me in the stomach again"Mary put her fist down"ok we were riding on this dirt path looking for a place to make our new base when we saw this place so the boss told us to get ready to take over then outta no where these other people came ridding to the village swords out and everything screaming so we chased after them then the villagers saw us and screamed the guys there got weapons and started pulling us off our horses and trying to kill us then we started to fight off the villagers then someone caught the houses on fire
    so then everyone started to fight each other kill each other the riders ran off while the rest of us were left to kill these people there were people screaming then i got shot in the back by a bow
    then i looked up at the village and saw it the flames going higher and higher soon everyone was leaving i kept screaming for them to help me but they didn't see me i looked all around me and saw the people and started to think.so this is what it feels like to be left alone waiting for someone to come back and get you. and i thought of all the people that were left alone waiting for someone to get them heh heh its strange that this was how i would die"with that the man quietly stopped breathing Mary got up and started to feel sympathy for the man and then she started to run to look for everyone.as she was running a she heard horses running she stopped and looked behind her and saw a few people on horses galloping toward her, she started to run again trying to run faster then them she was running out of breath and couldn't run another step she fell on the ground breathing heavily then she passed out when she woke up
    she was in this place she looked around she was in a room it had a small couch a small table and a book shelf she was confused she saw some doors so she ran to them she opened the first door it was a bathroom she ran to the second door it was a bedroom
    she was really confused she ran to the last door it was a kitchen there she saw a door in the kitchen she ran to open it but it was locked.
    so she went into the rooms to explore them the bedroom had a nice bed in it a dresser filled with clothes and a closet with a few toys and there was a sock dresser and next to that there was a shelf with some shoes on it she was happy but confused, onto the bathroom it was nice a shower a sink a towel cabinet and a door that led to the closet there was extra towels she went to the kitchen tried to open the door it was no use it was still locked.
    so she started to read a book she completely forgot what happened she always red a lot of books then after she read the book a man came into the room
    "So your the kid who was found in that village?" she got startled and then she remembered that she wasn't at home
    "Who are you?where am i?"Mary was just staring at the man "Well i`m the one who saved your life and just don't ask. oh yeah sorry but we didn't change your bloody clothes we were very busy after were done talking you can go change. now whats your name?"Mary stared at him "why should i tell you are you a pervert?"the man was shocked "I have never heard a kid say that to me before" Mary laughed a little "its so we know who lives in the room"Mary was shocked "w-w-what do you mean live in r-r-room?" she was confused "Yes you will be living here until your family is found ok?so whats your name?"the man looked at Mary waiting for her to tell him her name "um ok my name is Mary so i have to stay here until my family is found?" Mary looked at the man "well yeah"