Many years ago, there was a child brought in to this world. A child possessing extrodinary gifts and abilities; This child was given the name Aurora Rose. The child's parents knew of Aurora's exceptional gifts but decided it would be best if few knew of her powers. These "Gifts" were endowed to Aurora from her mother and many generations of women before her. The child unbeknownst to her gifts lived a relatively happy childhood, until the day came of Aurora's sixth birthday. While out playing with the other neighborhood children, Aurora tripped while running and released a cry much like any child would have. However to everyone's horror, the child's screams caused the pink paper decorations to evaporate into fire, black smoke floated high from the ground. This was the day Aurora noticed her first gift, she was a firestarter; Whenever she concentrated on a certain object it would explode into flames before quickly dying out. This also meant; Aurora had to watch her temper and thoughts. The second event did not occur until sometime after, On Aurora's fourteenth birthday she like any young girl invited a few of her close friends over, a sleepover was planned that night and everything seemed to be going to plan. Before the girls settled down for the night, Aurora turned off the lights within her room. All six girls sat around telling ghost stories to one another in hopes of scarying the next which was uneventful to say the least, however Aurora did feel fear but not from the stories which were told that night. A male presence stood within the corner of her room, gazing to the group of girls. Aurora released a shrill cry and pointed to the spirit which was present which upon notification could not be seen by the other girls. The girl's mothers were called and escorted away from the house that night at the request of Aurora's mother who had grown incresingly concerned about her daughter's well being. Aurora's mother sat the child down and further explained the exceptional gifts she was entitled to inherit on different birthdays, The first occuring on the sixth year of birth, the second on the Fourteenth and the third on the eighteenth. Aurora could start fires using her mind and contact the dead when concentrating hard enough. Over the years Ghosts frequented Aurora's bedroom; especially at night time but none ever tried to harm the girl, they merely watched her as if envious of her ability to breathe in life. When the day came for Aurora to receive her third gift, the family felt it best to keep the party a private one for safety and exposure reasons. The girl's third gift which she was endowed with was really and expansion of the one she had received on her sixth birthday, now not only could she cause random articles to explode but she could also summon her fire and capture it in it's natural state, balancing the element within her hand whenever she felt the need to do so. Aurora also found out why these gifts were given to her, dating back nearly five hundred years, she came from a family of powerful witches who's soul goal was to rid the world of evil and criminals. This was meant to be her destiny and life, Aurora however was not too pleased upon finding out this information and refused to even acknowledge the notion she could do such a job, nor would she want to. Now at the age of twenty one, Aurora has not used a single ability within those four years, determined to push her past behind her and end the family occupation or curse rather in her opinion. Aurora now wanders from place to place, meeting new people and hoping to better understand the very reasons why she was given such gifts.
Sarah Sabotage
Alright I wrote this as a backstory to one of my roleplay characters, hopefully you like it.
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