• It was one of those nights that felt like something was wrong. Monique fell a sleep in her boyfriends arms. Her boyfriends name was Tim. Little did she know, this would be the last night that she would be alive, and in his arms.
    She woke up from her slumber in horror. Blood all over her body, and a knife in her side. Then she saw her boyfriend coming straight at her with an other knife. She tried to scream, but there was a piece of cloth in her mouth. Tim stabbed her in the stomach. Tears streaming down her eyes with a look of pain in her expression.
    To her disbelief, she saw Tim with an other knife. He came up to her with it, and said, "I am going to untie you. If you do such a thing as hurt me, or try and run away, I will end your time on earth. There is no point in screaming. You would just be wasting your time. Take one look around you. Tell me, what do you see? Concrete walls! No matter how loud you scream, nobody is going to be able to hear a thing!" then he said "But that is not as if that matters. I am going to kill you anyways!"
    He untied her, and took the piece of cloth out of her mouth. Then she asked, "W-w-what ha-have I do-done to deserve this? You are not the Tim I used to know. You are nothing but a monster!"
    He slapped her across the face, and said, "How dare you speak that way to me you useless piece of junk. You know what you did. I saw you! You do not love me any more. You were..."
    She interrupted him and spoke with what little energy she had. "I love you Tim! What has happened to you. I have no clue as to what you are talking about. I have done nothing."
    "You do not love me, and yes you have done something. Let me refresh your mind. It was about two days ago. You and an other guy were kissing each other, and you were kissing him the way you kiss me! Do you think that I am going to stab someone just for the hell of it? No, I would not!"
    "But, but, I, I did not do that! I love you Tim. I would never do a thing like..." Tim stabbed Monique in the heart, and she screamed a painful scream so loud, it was silent. Before she used up her last breath, she said "I love you. I would never cheat on you! Have you forgotten that I have an identical twin? You saw her. Not..." She stopped breathing and died.
    Tim started talking to himself, "How could have I been so stupid! I killed the one I loved because of mistaken identity. He sat next to her body crying. Wishing that he could fix what had been done. But he knew he could not fix a thing like that. He also new he could not just hit a reset button that said "reset life" She was gone, and he was sad.
    That morning, he turned himself into the police. He got sentenced to be in jail for life. The next year, he got into a fight with a fellow inmate. His injuries were fatal. He died the next day.