• Full Summary: 4 years later, Daniel and Hitome are still in the throes of blissful love. With the arrival of their next litter imminent, Muzi decides to visit a strange petshop where she meets a strange, yet beautiful man who sells her a pair of panther kittens( human form, dun forget that). With all that is going on, the twins learn the meaning of love, family, and what a newborn can do to a T-shirt if you dun wear a towel. But in all this organized chaos, lurks a Demon that has slept for a thousand years. His attention is caught by Yuri, the quietest of the Evergreen twins. With all that is going on, he is able to spirit her away. Who is this Demon that pines for Yuri? Will she ever see her baby siblings grow up and fall in love? Well you must read to find out!!! (wow this is pretty long).

    “BLAH”- Talking

    ‘BLAH’- Thinking/ being telepathic to each other



    ‘It has been four years for our two lovebirds, and they love every minute of it. Muzi and Yuri, now 3 ½ years old, start their first day of school.' (A/N: I forgot to mention that since demon children develop at a faster rate than normal children, they have a special school they go to to learn customs of their people and how to react when in public with the Ningen and the half demons who can’t go because of their violent tendencies. Until they are old enough to go to regular school, or if they wish, they can stay at their original school.)

    “Muzi, Yuri hurry up! You’re gonna be late for school!” Hitome yelled from the couch. 6 months prior, Hitome and I decided to have more children.
    “Daniel! Do you want to feel them kick?!” he asked excitedly, sitting up slightly to ease the pain on his back. Walking over to him, I leaned over to feel the little joys kicking like little soccer players. “Later, after Muzi and Yuri leave. I wanna give you something special.” Smiling gently, I made sure he had enough pillows to keep his back from cramping.

    “Mum! Muzi stole my ribbon!” Yuri Yelled, Making Hitome and I flinch slightly. “Which one did she steal?” Hitome asked, trying to sit up a little more. “The one with Pandas on it. You know the one that Finn-Oba-san gave me.” She said, almost falling down the stairs in the process.

    ‘She’s definitely from your family Daniel.’ He thought sarcastically, a smile on his face. Huffing like a little kid I thought back just as quickly ‘Shut up Hitome I wasn’t THAT clumsy. Geez.’ “Hey Mum. Are you feeling ok?” Muzi asked, smiling softly.

    “Okay girls. Auntie Finn is gonna get you two to school. Do you remember what I said about fighting?” I said, packing vegetarian lunches for the both of them. “Only fight ‘em if they make fun our ears and tails.” They recited to me, smiling happily.'Kami-sama I'm proud of them. I hope their siblings are the same.'

    (Across town in an androgynous beauties shop)

    “'CHOO!” came a sound, scaring several creatures. “D-sama, Daijyobou ka?”, said a young boy whose only abnormality were the horns that grew like that of a ram. “I'm fine Tetsu-chan. Someone must be talking highly of me.” Count D said, giving the strange boy his signature mysterious smile.

    “Ya know D, you might be allergic to something.” Came the voice of his mate, Leon Orcot. D Loved his Lion more than anything, but he was kind of an idiot. He was the basic definition of 'blonde's have more fun.'

    “Then I must be allergic to an idiot.” he stated bluntly, fixing some Monte Blanc and Jasmine tea for tea time (A/N: mmmm... Monte blanc...). “Hey!”, Cried the Lion, Almost Falling off the plush Egyptian style couch. “Dear Detective, please be careful! You almost hurt Pon-chan!”

    Even after the 100 years they've been together, those two still act like when they fist met. Count D, aloof and mysterious( not to mention hot); And Leon, hot headed and still understand the female mind (A/N: thank the gods). After all, they go together like Yin and and, the sun and the moon... I can't think of anymore euphemisms at the moment to describe them.

    When people first enter D's shop, they always assume that Leon was the butler, and D was the beautiful girl that owned the shop. Though it is not known why, they always assume, it. Maybe it's because he dresses in those pretty outfits. Who knows, all I know is that he is the coolest guy in the world.

    As they began living together, cause Leon got kicked out of his apartment a few weeks prior to becoming D's mate, Leon learned that a Horny Count was not something to laugh at, yea that last time he did that, well let's just say that he has no more hair down there. Now, Leon can't help but flinch whenever he hears anything that sounds like a whip. I bet that Tetsu-chan gets a kick out of scaring him.

    “But D, you know how I feel about that.” Leon cried, backing up slowly, afraid of the look he was getting. “But my dear detective, you have scared Testu-chan.” D said, looking for the whip that he knew that his Lion had hid. “My dear Lion, where have you hidden it? You're just making it harder for yourself.”

    All of a sudden they could hear the distinctive sound of the wind chime door chimer. “Hello? I'm wanting to buy a pet for my mum.” in came a small girl who had spiky, fire red hair, and smallish animal ears. Smiling like a little kid, the girl ran over to Tetsu and began asking him questions. “Are those horns real? Do you have a tail? Where'd you get your clothes? Do you wanna be my friend?” reeling with the questions being asked, Tetsu replied, “Yes, no, a palace in Arabia, and maybe.” with the last question, D walked in, looking at the strange girl in curiosity. “Hello miss Muzi, how may I help you?” looking up at the strange man, Muzi asked, “Hi sir! I'm looking for a pet for my mum! Do you have anything he might like?” Shocked, Count D looked at the young girl. “D-did you say 'he'?” he choked, shocked at what she said. “Of course! Mum can have children like a female. What you thought the ears were fake?”, she said proudly, not noticing how Tetsu's eyes seem to brighten with each word. “Anyways, I wanna get a pet for mum, cause he can't move much, and I wanna surprise him, and my new brothers and sisters.”

    (A few minutes later)

    “Mister I can't take home children!”Muzi yelled, backing away from the wide eyed twins. “Oh, but you see Miss Muzi, these are Cats. Panthers to be precise. Notice their ears and tails.” D said, showing her their ears which were hidden in their wild hair. Smiling a little, Muzi moved to touch the boys ears. “But sir. Da won't be very happy if I bring home two more people!” Muzi said, turning to D after petting the purring boys head. “Then I shall accompany you to explain who they are.” He said, grabbing what resembled a womans cloak.

    (Yuri's P.O.V.)

    “Da! I'm home!” I called, Scaring several squirrels, including Ms. Peanut. Hearing nothing, I began to search the house for any signs of Da or Mum. Climbing the stairs, I heard a muffled moan coming from their room.

    “Yuri! Mum! Da! I have a surprise for you!” Muzi yelled causing me to fall down the stairs. Coming after me was a shirtless Da and Mum, who was flustered from something. “What the...”

    (Our awesome P.O.V.)

    “...HELL?!” all three of them said, looking at the boy and the girl being held by Muzi and the strange man. “Muzi who are they?!” Daniel almost yelled, watching as the boy hid behind Muzi.”Hello sir. My name is D. your daughter came to my petshop looking for a companion to keep you equal company. Luckily these two need to be adopted. Their parents died in a car crash a few months ago, and they need a new home. An anonymous company is willing to pay a monthly stipend of 10,000 dollars.” He said, pulling the money out of the briefcase hidden in his deep red cloak.

    “Mum let's keep them! They would love your cooking.” Muzi said, pulling the scared boy out from behind herself. “What are their names?” Hitome asked, smiling gently at the young boy. “That's the strange part. When they came to my shop, they both refused to talk to me. Since neither of them told me, you four can name them.” D said, smiling at the young girl he was holding. “Da please?” Muzi asked, giving him the puppy dog eyes of doom.

    “Alright Muzi. But, you and Yuri have to help take care of them.” Daniel said, moving to pick up the wide eyed girl. “Sir if you would please sign this Contract, I need to make sure my lion doesn't Destroy anything.” said the smirking D, Laughing a little when the little boy licked Muzi.

    “Mama!” he cried happily, clinging to Muzi like a fat kid to a cupcake. “I guess I need to name him, huh?” she asked, holding the giggling boy. The girl, watching her brother, started giggling when Daniel finally put her down.

    (Muzi's P.O.V.)

    “Mama!” the young boy I was holding cried out. Why he licked me, I'll never know. “I guess I need to name him, huh?” I said out loud, watching the squirmy, giggling boy. “Imma call you...ERI!” I said, tickling the boy and making him giggle even more. “C'mon stinky, it's time to take a bath.” I told him, picking Eri up so he couldn't escape. “You guys name her, I'm gonna get Eri here cleaner than ever.” I said making it sound like I was gonna torture him.

    “Eri be a good boy and take your bath!” I called, searching the house for Eri, who seemed to love running around in the nude. “Come out little kitty and I'll give you Ice cream when you're done.” I bargained watching as Eri, the projectile, flew out from behind the couch and hugged my leg like a lifeline. “Mama, Ithe Cweam!” He giggled, wiggling around me, wanting to be picked up. “Come on Mr. Wiggles, bath time.” I told him, plopping him in the Hot bath water. Standing up, but not leaving the side of the tub, I took off my shirt. Luckily I was wearing a tank top.

    “Mama bafh too?” he asked, slipping under the water every once in a while. Smiling like the little kid he was, Eri decided it would be funny to splash me. “You little monkey!” I yelled, tickling him like crazy.
