• It was a dark night in Vatican city. The city was dark. The night was cold. But suddenly, movement came to the quiet city. Things moved, without any warning, but silently. No-one expected anything- they were fast asleep. All but a small girl, hardly a teen. She lay on the hard, gritty floor, unable to afford a bed for the night. The darkness was closing in on her- and she felt it.
    A cloudy night, a dark-filled mind. A etheral, unearthly scream. The small, defenseless girl felt the pain that the creature had afflicted on so many others. Who wouldn't hate it? Who could not stay asleep with so much torture in their minds?
    A sudden storm approched. Thunder cut though the tension-filled silence. The child could see every now and then; lightning, cutting across the sky, was lighting the city up below. What was that thing that she could see? A shodowy creature, so far away she could only make out a vague outline, but It was coming closer.
    "Is a-anyone th-there?" The defenseless child stuttered. With every lightning flash, It came closer... and closer... As sudden as the lightning bolt showing the creature, a ragged, dirty, female figure appeared right in front of her.
    "Ahhh!" She screamed backing away. The female was just inches away from her. And she had a knife. " What do you want?! Leave me alone, please!" At this moment the girl sobbed, backing into a wall. The strange, unnatural woman started to bleed. Everywhere, like she had been cut in various places. As the girl looked into her black eyes; filled with something like ink, her own eyes turned black and inky too.
    The woman smiled. She got her. The last night person. They looked like demons, and awoke at night; like vampires. They were the only ones that could kill her, the last of her kind, the demonic ghosts. They worked for the evil forces, and if they killed the last night person, then nothing could stop them bringing pain and tortue to the world.Something started to happen. But what?
    The girl's eye's started to be drained of the black ink. It was filling with red. This meant the girl was winning. The legend of demons crying blood was true; with night people. The girl had changed into a true night person, who could fight any evil. The female, the ghostly demon, started to burn. Flaves devoured her body, leaving a trail of ash.
    Some people from Vatican city say they see a dark, demon-like figure, and it is believed that the figure leaves a trail of ash wherever she goes. But who knows what is true? The world is full of suprises... and mysteries...