• Chapter 1: The first sight
    It was a beautiful Monday morning in the suburbs in Texas. All that meant to Micheal: first day of High School. Great, he thought, It's the first day of my four years of doom. The Silk- haired Micheal finally managed to get his lazy butt over to his dresser. All that was left in the heap of dirty clothes was his Orchestra shirt from the 6th grade and some slacks. "Not a very good way to start off my doomed life," Micheal groaned. So Micheal decided to get one of his dirty jackets out of his dirty clothes and put it over his shirt. After he got dressed and went downstairs, he remembered that his failure of a sister, Dianna, got kicked out of her boarding college moved back in. When he got to the table, he saw his sister with a digital camera. Snap! the camera went off. " This will be great to show your girlfriend," whispered Dianna as their mom approached. Just then, the doorbell rang. "I got it!" Micheal yelled. When he opened the door, his girlfriend, Heather, was standing there with her beautiful hair and golden eyes. "Hi Micheal," she spoke with her beautiful voice. " Are you ready to go to school?" "Sure," Micheal replied. As they took their walk to school, Heather finally caught a glimpse of Micheal's shirt. "what's with your shirt????" She asked. " Well, um,I, sort of....." Micheal mumbled. "hey look! it's school!" When they took their first step into the building, they witnessed the horror of High School.....
    TO BE CONTINUED biggrin biggrin biggrin