• A tall golden haired, blue-eyed man walked into a small cell. His name was Mark Peters, a psychologist by trade and specialized in the ‘inner workings’ of a child’s mind. Mark had helped the depressed, confused, abused, and even a few of the insane. He was the best and after four years in the “business” nothing daunted him, no case was too gruesome, too morbid, or so he thought until he was handed Sam’s file.
    Mark had been seeing Sam in his small dark and dank cell for a little over two months now, but he had gotten nowhere with him. Today would be different, however. Today Mark would not ask about Sam’s old school, his friends or even his mother. No, today Mark would ask one simple question of Sam, and it was the ‘big one.’
    As Mark walked in, Sam looked up lazily from his chair with dark haunted grey eyes. The sat in silence, for hours it seemed but it was only a minute or two. Then Mark asked it, he asked the question of “Why?”
    Sam said nothing. He simply reached across the table slowly and grasped the older man’s hand. Scenes of a younger Sam dashed through his head. One showed a man beating Sam’s mother. Another showed the man beating Sam. Yet another showed Sam’s mother lying in a dead heap on the floor. The images kept repeating, flashing at a terrifying speed through Mark’s head, like they wished to forever embed themselves in his head and then they stopped. When Sam realized that his haunting life was done showing itself to the psychologist, he said in a cold voice, “That’s why . . . Dad.”
    The man then saw one last image as the boy in front of him faded away. This one showed the man from the previous images being beaten with a bat as blood clotted in his golden hair. Then as the man from the images looked up with pale blue eyes into Sam’s cold grey ones, Sam took a knife and slit the man’s throat. When the disturbing and frightening image stopped Sam was gone, and a thin red line began to appear on Mark’s throat.