• One evening after closing the restaurant, I was standing outside waiting for my cab to come when a man who looked to be around 20 walked up to me. I was alone and I was cornered so I couldn't run anywhere. I looked at him and frowned. He smiled and I relaxed a little. After about a minute I asked him what he wanted and who he was. He smiled wider and I saw that he had fangs. I backed up into the corner and gasped. He started laughing and told me his name was Anthony. I opened my mouth to scream but he put his hand there and leaned close to me. He told me that if I wanted to stay alive I would follow him. I followed him to a car. When I got into the car he locked the door. I unlocked it and as he was getting in I jumped out and started running. I work in a restaurant called Chandra's. It was next to a coffee shop. I ran into the coffee shop and ran up to the counter. The lady behind the counter looked up and when she saw my face she frowned and asked what was wrong. As if on cue Anthony ran into into the coffee shop. When he saw me he smiled an evil smile. He looked at the girl behind the counter and she smiled at him. She said “ hello master is this girl one you are going to be turning tonight?” “ No Mabel she is my next meal.” Mabel reached over the counter and grabbed me by the hair. I screamed and tried to get free. Mabel pulled my head back so that I couldn't get free and so Anthony had easier access to my throat. I moved and clawed at Mabel. I ended up clawing her face. She let go but by that time Anthony was in front of me. He grabbed me by the arm and led me outside. He took me behind the restaurant and pushed me up against the wall. I started crying and he told me to shut up. I looked for an escape route but couldn't find one. He told me that he was going to drink from me but that he would leave just enough blood for me to live. I screamed before he could clamp a hand over my mouth. He slapped me and I knocked my head on the wall. I passed out in his arms and he laid me on the ground. He waited until I regained consciousness and while I was still disoriented he bit my neck. I gasped when I felt his teeth pierce my skin. I struggled while he drained the life from me. When he was finished he left me on the ground in the back of the restaurant. As he had said he left enough blood in me that I was alive but I was unconscious. The next morning I was supposed to work but I was so weak I couldn't even move enough to get into the restaurant. My manager Michael came out back to throw out the trash and when he saw me he gasped. He called the ambulance and they came in 5 minutes. I was in the hospital for 3 days. Every day Michael would come to check up on me. What I didn't realize was that Anthony was also coming every night when I was asleep. He was watching me to make sure I didn't remember what happened, which I didn't. On the third day the doctor sent me home and told me to take a week off of work. I told the doctor that I had bills to pay and that I couldn't stay home for a week. The doctor told me I either stay home or stay in the hospital, I chose home. A week later I went back to work. Michael was overjoyed that I was back and he piled me with work. That night during my break I went outside to get some fresh air. I saw Anthony again but I didn't recognize him. He smiled and I smiled back. He walked into the restaurant and walked up to Michael. Michael looked at him and I heard him exchange words but I couldn't make out any of the words except my name and the word mansion. Michael grew pale and he looked my way. I figured that the exchange wasn't very nice and I walked up to Michael. Michael told me that Anthony said I had to go with him to his mansion or he would be killed. I didn't want Michael dead because he was very nice and I was in love with him. I told Andre that I would go but only if he came. Michael looked at Anthony and Anthony shook his head. Michael looked back at me and told me he couldn't come but he would be here when I got back. Anthony told Michael that I wouldn't be coming back ever. Michael started to protest but Anthony held up his hand. He said “ I know you are going to need another worker so I have someone who can work for you. In the mean time I am taking Maria with me to my mansion and if you try to stop me I will kill you.” Michael said “ I don't care about another worker I have enough workers. The only reason I am arguing is because I love Maria and I don't want her to get hurt.” Anthony laughed and told Michael that I would be fine he was just going to make me his lover. When I heard that I snarled. I didn't want to be his lover. The only person I wanted as a lover was Michael. Michael sighed and told Anthony to leave and to take me with him. I ran over to Michael and kissed him. Michael was stunned but after a minute he kissed me back. Anthony got angry and pulled us apart. I looked at Anthony and sneered. He pulled me out the door and when we got outside I pulled away and started running. Anthony was faster than me and he cut me off at the end of the parking lot. I bumped into him and started running the other way. He chased me for about 5 minutes and finally I ran out of breath and had to stop. He grabbed me and dragged me to his car. I decided to try to escape one last time and jumped out of the car. This time I got as far as the hospital before he caught me. When he caught up with me he was furious. He gabbed me again but this time he didn't let me go until he had me buckled up and locked in. he hurried to the other side of the car and got in. I gave up when he got in. throughout the whole ride I was looking to see where we were headed. What I didn't know was that Anthony wasn't taking me to his place he was taking me to a deserted house on the outskirts of the town he lived in. when we got there he pulled me out of the car and blindfolded me. Then he dragged me to his mansion. When we got there he brought me to a room and locked me inside. That was his first mistake. He didn't check to see if I had a cellphone or not. I called Michael and told him to trace my phone's location and have the police come. Michael traced my phone and told the police that I had been kidnapped and that I was at a mansion in Stattsburg. The police came to the mansion and knocked down the door. They filed in and spread out around the house. His second mistake was that he didn't tie me up so I started banging on the door when the police came in. His third mistake was that he lied to the police and told them nobody was in the mansion besides him. The police searched the mansion and when they got close to where I was being held Anthony took them out one by one. Finally only one officer was left and he fled the mansion. I screamed in anger and frustration. Anthony came in and grabbed me. He grinned evilly pushed my head to the side then bit down on my neck. I screamed in pain and terror. As he was draining the life from me I tried to fight him off. Finally he took one last gulp then he let me go. I collapsed. I was sure I was going to die but again he hadn't drained me completely. This time though he whispered in my ear that if he ever had a problem with me again he would send someone to kill Michael. I lay there in a crumpled heap gasping and moaning. Anthony left the room and locked the door. For a week I was confined to the room without food. Occasionally Anthony would come in to check up on me. On the seventh day he came in with a dress and told me to put it on. I hate dresses but since he brought it I had to put it on. When I was dressed Anthony brought me downstairs and sat me in the dining room. He had someone bring out food for me to eat. He watched me eat and when I was finished he brought me to his room. I gasped when he put his hand on my chest. I tried to pull back but he put his other hand behind me. He leaned down and kissed me. I struggled but couldn't go anywhere. I finally gave up and just let him kiss me. When he stopped and looked up I was crying. He sighed and told me to stop. When he looked at me again I was trying to compose myself. I wasn't sure why I was listening to him but I was and I didn't like it. He told me to put my hands up over my head. When I didn't he said “do it or Michael dies.” I quickly put my hands over my head and he pulled the dress over my head. I shuddered as he looked at me. I still had on my underclothes but it felt like he was looking right through them. I looked at him and said “ok you can stop staring now. If you're going to do something do it now and get it over with.” Anthony snapped his head up and looked me in the face. He smiled and said: “Oh so now you're eager for me to have my way with you?” I laughed and said: “No I just want to get it over with.” Anthony walked back over to me and led me to his bed. I had never done anything like this before so I didn't know what to expect. I also was scared to have my first time be with him. He was gentle at first and he really tried to stay gentle but the heat of the passion made him want me more and he couldn't seem to get enough of me. I cried out every time he took me. One of his maids came in and when she saw him with me she got furious. He looked at her and he could see the fury on her face. He told her to come over and he discreetly grabbed a stake. When she walked over he got up and stabbed her with the stake. He said that was for interrupting and when she was only ash he climbed back on the bed and resumed like he had never stopped. This went on for the whole night. At dawn he rolled over and fell asleep. I got up put my clothes on and tried to open the door. The door was locked and the lock was higher than I could reach. I looked around and found a chair. I didn't notice him get up out of bed until he had his arms around me. He asked me where I thought I was going and I said I was leaving. He got what he wanted so there was no reason for me to stay. He said fine and let me go. Before I left he told me that I would be his and he had enjoyed last night very much. Hearing me scream in pain excited him. I shuddered and left. I realized that I was still wearing the dress he gave me and I had no shoes on. I didn't care as long as I got out of there. Half way down the road a police car drove up to me. When the officer saw my face he realized that I was the girl that had been kidnapped. He told me that he would take me back to my house and that I would have 24 hour surveillance. I thanked him and got in the car. What I didn't know was that Michael had found another person to work for him and it happened to be his ex girlfriend Dina. When I walked into the restaurant the next day to tell him I was back I saw her hanging all over him. He looked upset about something. I walked up to him and cleared my throat. He looked at me and it took him a minute to realize that it was me. When he registered that I was standing there he gasped. He pulled Dina off of him and ran over to me. Dina was stunned that he would actually let her go when another girl walked in. she thought he still loved her. He fired her on the spot and gave me my job back. I looked at her and saw the fury rolling off of her. She walked over to me and grinned. I saw the fangs and gasped. I looked at Michael than at her. She nodded and pulled me to the side. She told me that if I didn't leave him alone she would kill me. I told her to go to hell and walked back over to Michael. She was furious. When Michael walked out of the main part of the restaurant Dina Grabbed me and brought me out back. I fought with her until I couldn't fight anymore. When that happened she pushed me to the ground and straddled me. I tried to push her off but I was too tired to move. As she was getting ready to bite me Anthony came to the back and pushed her off of me. I looked at Anthony and snarled. He turned his back on me and stabbed Dina with a stake. Dina screamed and Michael came outside thinking it was me. When he saw Anthony he backed up against a wall. Anthony turned at the sound of Michael coming outside. When he saw Michael he growled. He walked over to me and picked me up. I punched him in the jaw and he let go. I asked him why he had saved me and he said he saved me because I could be carrying his child and until he found out whether or not I was, nobody could kill me. I turned my back on him which was a big mistake. As soon as I turned my back he grabbed me. Michael flipped when he saw my face. He grabbed Anthony's hands and pried them off of me. Anthony had been waiting for this to happen. He pushed me out of the way and him and Michael fought. When the fight was over Anthony was on his back and Michael was holding a stake above him. Anthony cursed and said “go ahead kill me. Then nobody can save Maria from vampire attacks.” Michael looked at me and then at Anthony. He told Anthony that if he ever laid a hand on me again he would kill him. Anthony smirked and told me that I should let this be a lesson against fighting him. He flipped Michael over and while Michael was gasping for breath Anthony took the stake from him and threw it. Michael finally got his breath back and he looked up at Anthony. Anthony smirked and said “So... now I'm the one in control. You are not coming out of this alive you know.” he leaned down and bit Michael's neck. Michael gasped and started flailing his arms and legs. I took a rock and bashed Anthony over the head with it. Anthony looked around at me and laughed. Michael stopped flailing and punched Anthony in the stomach. The punch didn't do anything but anger Anthony even more. Anthony turned his attention back to Michael and leaned down to bite him again. I saw this and threw a rock at him again. He started to get angry at me and got up. It gave Michael the chance to escape. Michael ran back out to the road and called the police. The police came and when they saw Anthony they gasped. They called for backup. When backup got there Anthony was holding me in a position where he could snap my neck if he wanted to. I told the police to go away and to let me handle this situation by myself. The police went back to the front and Anthony let go of my neck. He told me that I was to come with him if he found out that I was pregnant. I told him no and he pushed me up against the wall. He said if I didn't he wouldn't hesitate to kill Michael. I sneered at him and told him to go to hell. He laughed at that statement and let me go. I ran to the front of the building and told the police that I wanted double protection. I knew it wouldn't help but I told them anyway. They had three police officers guarding me all day every day. After a week went by and Anthony didn't show up I told them to cut it down to 2 officers that were guarding me. They did and as soon as they did that Anthony showed up. He knocked on my apartment door and I looked out the peep hole to see who it was. When I saw him I growled. He told me that he was only here to talk. I told him he could talk to me through the door. He asked me to let him in and he kept asking until I finally gave in and told him to come in. he came in and sat on my couch. As he had said he started talking. I looked at him like he was crazy and when he looked up to see why I was quiet he saw confusion. He sighed and said “let me get to the point. I am here to see if you are pregnant with my child.” I told him no and led him to the door. He didn't take my answer well and ended up knocking me to the floor. A neighbor came out of their apartment to see what the noise was and saw Anthony straddling me and kissing me. I was pushing at him trying to no avail to get him off. He kept kissing me until my neighbor said “Could you two please do that quietly and somewhere private?” Anthony told him he was sorry and dragged me into the apartment. When he got me inside he locked the door and dragged me to the bedroom. He ripped my clothes off and got on top of me. He took me and watched my face twist in pain. He laughed and kept taking me until he released inside of me. He pulled out and said “Now if you get pregnant and I know you will, come and tell me. Then we can get married and have the child together.” I slapped him weakly and he laughed. The next night I went to work. Michael saw the look of despair on my face and asked what was wrong. I told him what happened the night before and he got mad. He called his best friend Francis, who was the assistant manager and told him to come in to work. His friend arrived 20 minutes later and asked what was up. Michael told him that he had some business to take care of and that I was going with him. His friend sighed and said “This couldn't wait till after work?” Michael told him he had to take me to the doctors office to get checked and said it couldn't wait. His friend Francis said ok and went into the back. Michael took me to the doctors and I got checked. I came out with a grin on my face. I wasn't pregnant. I found Anthony sitting outside of my job when I got back. He looked at the grin on my face and knew automatically that I wasn't pregnant. He sighed and got up. The police who were guarding me ran to my side and pulled out their guns. Anthony put his hands up and told them he meant no harm. I told them to let him go and to put their guns away. They did and I walked past Anthony into the restaurant. Michael stopped in front of Anthony and told Anthony that he better leave me alone. Anthony sneered and said “No I will not leave her alone. Even if it takes me forever I will make her have my child.” Michael said “If she has my child you have to leave her alone got it?” Anthony told him that if that happened he would leave me alone but until that happened he would keep trying. I had walked quietly to the door way and heard everything. When they turned around and saw me Anthony smiled and Michael blushed. Anthony left and Michael walked with me to the back of the restaurant. When we got to the back of the restaurant we heard Francis yelling for someone to leave. Michael walked in ahead of me and when I walked in I saw Anthony standing in the office looking at some documents. He said “Hey Maria I didn't know that you were only 20 years old I thought you were at least 23.” I glared at him and told him to leave. He told me he wasn't going to leave unless I came with him. I told him that if he didn't leave now that I would get the police to take him out. He smirked and said “Ha you think I'm afraid of the police? Don't you remember what I did to the police last time they interfered?” I looked at him and said “Leave now or I will seriously kill you.” I picked up a knife and waved it at him. He sneered and told me that the knife would do nothing except piss him off. I sighed and pointed at the door. He looked and saw a man standing there holding a stake. I said “I would like you to meet my ex-boyfriend Johnathan. I thought he was crazy because he told me that he was a vampire hunter. I broke up with him because he was more interested in finding vampires than being my boyfriend. But if I ask him to kill you he won't hesitate.” Anthony looked warily at the stake then he looked at me. I guess he thought his life was more important because he left. Michael came over to me and put his arms around me. Johnathan looked at me when Anthony left and smiled. I smiled back but made no move to go over to him. I was content with being held by Michael. Johnathan told me he was glad to see that I was well. I thanked him and told him I was also glad that he was well. We had broken up over 2 months ago and I hadn't seen him since the day we broke up. Johnathan told me not to hesitate to call if Anthony bothered me again. I told him I would and he left. I turned around and kissed Michael. Francis cleared his throat. I looked around Michael and realized that Francis was still in the back with us. I blushed and Francis smiled. He told us to get a room just joking around and I blushed even more. That night after work Michael took me home in his car. When we got to my apartment I invited him in. Michael came in and I asked him if he wanted anything to drink. He said no and I sat next to him. He started to tell me that he loved me when a knock came at the door. I looked through the peep hole and saw Anthony standing there again. I told him to go away and he said he wouldn't leave until he saw me. I opened the door let him look in my apartment and closed the door on him again. I said “There you seen me so go away I'm busy.” Anthony said “I want to come in and talk to you.” Michael shook his head and told me not to let him in. I brought Michael with me to the bedroom and told him he could sit on my bed. Michael sat on my bed and I started to take my shirt off. Michael got up and put his arms around me. I turned slightly and looked up at him. He leaned down and kissed me. I kissed him back and when we broke the kiss I told him that I loved him. He told me that he loved me too and just couldn't bear to lose me. I told him that he would never lose me as long as I was alive. Michael leaned down and kissed me again. The kiss was passionate and sweet. I turned around fully and that made the kiss so much sweeter. Michael led me to the bed and laid me down. He got on top of me and started kissing me again. We kissed for awhile then I got in the shower. Michael crept into the bathroom while I was in the shower and got in with me. We made love in the shower and when we finished I got out. I put on my pajama's and got in bed. Michael got out of the shower and put his clothes back on. When he came out to say goodnight he saw Anthony kissing me. He sighed and grabbed a broken piece of wood. He walked over to Anthony and told him that he warned him to stay away. He stabbed Anthony but missed his heart. Anthony screamed in pain and anger. He turned around and swung at Michael but missed. Michael said “give up man. You can't have her.” Anthony growled and lunged at Michael but missed again. I got up and grabbed the piece of wood from Michael. I tapped Anthony on the shoulder. When he turned around I went to stab him. He dodged out of the way and grabbed me by the back of the neck .He threw me on the bed and got on top of me. Michael grabbed him and punched him. All that did was piss Anthony off more. Anthony grabbed Michael by the front of the neck and threw him into the wall. The police came into my apartment and came into my bedroom. They saw Anthony and grabbed him. The two officers they sent to guard me also happened to be vampires so Anthony couldn't fight them off. They dragged Anthony outside and threw him into the police car. They told him that he could cool his heels in jail for the next two nights. For the two nights that Anthony was in jail I had off from work and so did Michael. We spent the two nights together at my house. Michael told me that he was glad he had me in his life. I smiled and kissed him. I told him I was also glad that he was in my life. On the second night Michael and I went out to dinner and to a movie. At the movies we bumped into my best friend Tina. Tina was with her boyfriend Derek. Derek and Michael automatically hit it off. After the movie was over Derek and Michael met up in the lobby. Tina, Derek,Michael and I all went out to the coffee shop by Chandra's. When I walked in I glanced over at the counter. I saw Mabel looking at me with a sneer on her face. I told Michael to go get a table and sit for a minute. When he asked why I told him that this was the coffee shop where I was first grabbed by Anthony and the girl at the counter was the one who held me until Anthony got over to me. Michael asked me if he should have them wait outside, I told him no and walked over to the counter. I said “Hello Mabel it's so nice to see you again.” Mabel sneered and said “Likewise b***h.” I called Michael over and asked him what he wanted to drink. He said he wanted a medium decaf coffee with sugar and cream. A policeman walked into the store and grabbed me. I looked up at him and saw that the police officer was none other than Johnathan. I looked at Johnathan and asked him what he was doing here. He told me that he was one of the officers guarding me tonight. I smiled and told him that I was glad someone useful was guarding me tonight. He smiled back and ordered a coffee. Michael and I walked back over to the table and talked quietly while Tina and Derek got their drinks. When they came back we all chatted for about two hours. When the coffee shop closed we all went our separate ways. Michael drove me home and when we got there there was a package at my door. I picked it up and looked to see who it was from. It was from my grandmother who lives in Georgia. I shook the package and didn't hear anything so I decided to open it. Andre walked inside with me and watched as I opened the package. When I got the package open I was looking at a dress. It was the same dress Anthony made me wear while I was at his mansion. I called Johnathan and told him I needed him to stay upstairs with me. Before Johnathan even came upstairs Anthony walked in. he hit Michael over the head with a vase and when I saw Michael crumple to the floor I looked back. Anthony smiled and grabbed me by the throat. I struggled as he pushed me against the wall. Johnathan crashed into my apartment and saw Anthony strangling me. I was gasping and clawing at his hands. He turned and looked at Johnathan. He said “It's to late to save her she is going to die.” I went limp and he let go. I fell to the floor in a heap. Anthony laughed and walked out of the apartment. He knew I wasn't dead because I still had a pulse when he let go. Johnathan came over and checked to see if I had a pulse. When he was satisfied that I was still alive he let me go. He followed Anthony outside and grabbed him. Anthony turned around and said “what do you want now? I left her alive so you have no need to arrest me.” Johnathan said “You assaulted her therefore I can put you in jail.” Anthony smiled and walked away while saying “But you won't because your boss won't let you arrest me.” Johnathan cursed and walked back into the apartment. When he walked in he saw me sitting up holding my throat. He ran over and asked me if I was ok. I told him I would be fine but I wasn't aware that Anthony had smeared a potion on my throat while strangling me. The potion was a controlling potion meaning that anyone who the potion is used on is under the control of the person who used it on them. However it was only temporary. 10 minutes after the potion was smeared I was under Anthony's control. I made an excuse to leave the house and met Anthony outside. Anthony took me back to his mansion and brought me to his room he tore my clothes off and got on top of me. He waited until the potion wore off and I was completely aware before he took me. When Michael woke up and didn't see me he freaked out. Johnathan was already gone and Michael had no clue where he went. When Anthony was finished with me he locked me in his bedroom while he went to go hunt. 3 hours later he came back and saw me lying unconscious on the floor. By my side was a rock with a note tied to it. The note said “If you don't bring Maria out by sunrise I'm coming in there.” it was signed by Johnathan. Right before sunrise I was pushed out the front door of the mansion. Johnathan grabbed me and brought me home. When Michael saw me he started cursing and yelling at Johnathan. Johnathan waited until Michael was done before he told him what happened. Michael looked at me and said “You almost gave me a heart attack. Until you can kill Anthony I think it would be best if we didn't see each other.” I fell to my knees and started crying. Michael got up and walked out. When he was gone I got up and went into my bedroom. Johnathan followed and when he saw me grab a stake he had to hold me back. I was ready to kill Anthony. Johnathan told me to think before I left. I thought for a minute and it just caused me to get more angry. I pushed Johnathan out of my way and started out the door. Johnathan let me go. He knew it wasn't going to end well for me but he couldn't stop me. When I got to Anthony's mansion I knocked on the front door just to be polite. When nobody came to the door I walked in. Anthony had heard the door open and came downstairs. He saw me standing in the doorway holding a stake and laughed. He said “So I guess you are going to kill me now? Go ahead and try.” I ran at him with the stake and went to stab him but he grabbed my arm before I could. He laughed and twisted me around. He grabbed the stake from me and pocketed it. He then took me into his room and laid me on his bed. I was so angry that I got up and punched him as hard as I could. That was a bad idea because as soon as I did I broke my hand. Anthony flinched out of surprise and then laughed when I screamed in pain. He said “It would be best if you just stayed quiet and let me have my way with you. Then I may fix your broken hand if you do as I say.” I glared at him and said “I don't need your pity and I will not give in to you. I came to kill you and that is what I intend to do.” Anthony laughed and pushed me back on the bed. He took the stake and threw it. He got on top of me and started kissing me. When he threw the stake he threw it on the bed. I reached out and grabbed it. He didn't notice it until it was too late. I stabbed him with the stake and he turned to ash. Before he turned to ash however he said “Good job Maria.” I looked at his pile of ashes and throughout the whole mansion I could hear screams of pain. I walked out and ran into the arms of Johnathan. Johnathan asked me if I had killed Anthony. When I told him I had he hugged me. I told him that my hand was broken and that I wanted to speak to Michael. He took me to the hospital and they wrapped my hand up. Then Johnathan drove me to Chandra's and I walked into the back where Michael was and I sat next to him. He looked at me and saw my hand. He asked me what happened and I told him I killed Anthony. He said “So it's finally over? Now we can be together in peace?” I smiled and nodded. Michael leaned down and kissed me. I said “I'm Glad it's all over”