• Chapter one: The beginning of the end...

    I'm Amy. A teenage girl who has yet to figure out what I want out of life. That goes to say I don't have much of a life to begin with. I have one life; at school, and another at home. My school life's alright I guess. I sit in the back of the class with my best friend Kora. Though she doesn't talk much, she's still cool to hang around.

    Her and I are both A rank students in our school, but no one seems to notice or care. We get shunned by the popular girls in our school. Taylor and Katlynn. But that goes to show, everyone things they're the best because they are both cheerleaders and both have close-knit families with loads of money.

    Mine and Kora's families on the other hand aren't such families anyone would want to get stuck with. Kora has a mom but her dad walked out on them several years ago. It's not something she would want to remember. She also has one brother, Travis.

    My family is not something to get exited about either. Not in the least. Mom and dad are always fighting about something. Taxes, jobs, education, you name it and they most likely argue about it... They get into some fights though, that are really dangerous to try and stop. Dad has gotten so violent with her too, that she ends up going to the hospital and telling her doctor that she tripped and fell or something or other. She lied to keep dad safe. She never knew what he would do if she told on him.

    I have two siblings, one older and one younger. Derick is my older brother and Kate is my younger sister. Their names are sometimes brought into our parents arguments too. And arguments with their childrens names in it normally means dad walks out of the house and is fed up with everything mom had to say...

    "Amy...Amy!! You're zoning out again, Amy." Kora whispered, snaping me back into actuality.

    "Huh? Yeah, what is it Kora?" I asked, covering my face with my hands, then letting my hands slide off my face and onto the desk.

    "You zoned out again. Are you thinking about your mom and dad? They got into another fight? What about this time?" She asked, looking down at her un-opened notebook.

    "I...don't really know. They just started going at it again. Yelling at each other. Dad got rough with her again too. Mom has bruises all over her arms and her stomach. She even had a few cuts on her face."

    "Oh my god, what caused him to do that?! He had a knife on him?" Kora asked more questions. Even though she sounded as if she was concerned for my mother, it also sounded like she was excited to hear what I had to say. Like I was describing what was happening in a scene from a horror film. It was suspenseful yes, but it was also my life, and it was something to take seriously.

    "Yeah, he had a knife on him. He always does. And I have no clue what caused him to do that. Must a been something mom said that put him over the edge... Ya know, he left again. He walked right out." I fiddled around with my pencil. Weaving it through my fingers.

    "Oh, I see. I'm sorry to hear that...Your dad has been starting a lot of fights lately, i've noticed. It's been what four times in one week so far?" Kora sought to know.

    "Yeah, I think so...I try not to keep count though." I said, watching Kora open her notebook and copy down what was written on the board. I decided to do the same thing.

    "You don't know where your dad is now?" She asked just above a whisper, not even lifting her eyes from the paper.

    "Nope...I have no clue. Nor does mom." I answered.

    "Oh..." Koras voice faded, while she finished writing and set her pencil down atop the paper she wrote on. Shortly after her I followed. Kora looked at me and grinned. Her grin was assuring me things were going to turn out for the better. We just had to get past all the crap of the present. I'll see how long that takes...probably forever. I bet you mom and dad will still be fighting like that after death. Haha, they shall never part. Just you watch...

    'Ding...Ding...Ding...Ding...-' The bell had rung for the next class. I watched Kora pick up her belongings and walk out the door. I followed. Chatter filled the hall way. That was something I hated. Everything was so loud, it sent un-needed ringing in my ears.

    I walked in the door to my next class, sitting in the back as always, and set my stuff down on the desk. Kora sat next to me. She looked up at me after setting her things down.

    "Hey wanna go get something to eat? We still have another ten minutes till class starts." She asked, pulling out her white and red skull decorated wallet out of her back pocket. She opened it to see how much money she had. " I have two tens and a five. Sweet! Haha, Okay c`mon lets go." Kora said, taking a ten out of her wallet and into her front pocket for easy access at the counter. Then she stuck the wallet in her bag.

    "Alright." I said, making sure before I left I had money in my pocket. Sure enough, I did. So I was fine, and Kora didn't need to offer me anything. I felt so awkward when people offered me anything. Then I feel obligated to get them something back.

    Kora began walking and I followed her into the crowded, noisy hall way once more. Both of us were weaving through people trying to get through. You wouldn't believe the people that form small circles and start conversations right in the middle of where everyone walks. If you dropped something you were pretty much screwed, someone was bound to step or trip over you or whatever it was that you dropped.

    There was so much commotion going on in that hallway you wouldn't know what to do yourself. It got so confusing and so packed together that it had my head spinning. I felt my body seem to fall from under my feet, but to be surprised by a pair of arms that kept my head far from contact with the hard tiled floor. I blinked and within seconds I was up on my feet again.

    "uh...Sorry about that. Didn't mean to make a scene. Its just so crowded in here-" I stopped talking to see who had caught me. I knew this kid. Not very well, but I knew him. He was good at almost everything that was created by man, all wrapped up into one klutz that somehow managed to become popular.
    "Hey it's fine, no problem. But you should really go get yourself checked out. You're getting really pale. Didn't I see you walking with your friend? I guess she didn't notice your little moment over here. I'll take you to the cafeteria if you'd like."

    What was this? He talked like hes known me. Well... at least I didn't really know him. It was quite awkward. What could have brought this to happen? Now I was going to have people staring at me. I also hate it when people stare. It makes me feel insecure like I'm doing something wrong.

    "Come on, lets go before the break ends. " I watched him walk, gently grabbing my arm and pulling me through the crowd. It seemed different. People moved for him. They got right out of his way.

    "O-okay." Was all I could say. My eyes followed down my arm and made contact with his hand gripped to me. "Uh...You don't need to hold my arm. I can walk. Heh-...its not like I'm going to black out again." I joked. I heard him chuckle as well. Also, watching him let his hand fall to his side. I caught up to him so I was beside him. It was nothing but silence between us until we got to the cafeteria.

    "Hey! Amy, there you are. I lost you back in that crowd and..." Her eyes widened seeing who accompanied me. "Uh...H-hey Dustin..." Kora looked back at me and whispered in my ear. "What are you doing with him? Okay Amy...you GOTTA spill now...or at least after he leaves." She chuckled.

    "Uh, hey Amy. I gotta get back to Trish and Cathie and them. I guess... I'll see you around?" He gave a slight wave and walked back to his groupies. Out of sight.
    Kora didn't bring that up until we had gotten our food and went back to class. I sat down at my table and she at hers. We still had two minutes before the bell would ring.

    "Okay! So...tell me everything. What happened?" She sounded up-beat and happy.

    "Uh...well...When I lost you in that big crowd. I started feeling light headed and then I sorta blacked out. He caught me. I swore I was gonna fall on my face too. Everyone was staring at me, and looking at me funny. It was different."

    "Oh wow. Yeah I bet it would have been weird. I would have started acting funny if people were staring at me." She chuckled.

    I laughed a little too. Yeah, I bet she would. That'd be something Kora would do, just because it's her and that's how she reacts. I sat back in my chair, kicking my feet back, resting them on the desk. My hands crossed behind my head. I sighed, looking around the room at all the other kids that had nothing else to do with their time, so they sit and wait for class to start, same as me. I was looking at the different fashion styles. Some wore pink, some wore blue and white, and some just didn't care, but it looked pretty well put together. Says someone who doesn't know crap about fashion herself. I chuckled at myself. It was true though. I knew absolutely nothing about color. With me it was black, black and more black. Occasionally I wore red, gray or white. But the majority of my variety was black.
    Kora poked my shoulder, telling me that class was starting and that I should probably get my feet off the desk. So I did, also picking up my bag and setting it where my feet had been at rest. I opened it, and found my Ipod touch. It was one of the rare expensive things I ever got from my parents... I stuck the two ear plugs in my ears and began scrolling through what I wanted to listen too. I found Behind these hazel eyes by Kelly Clarkson. Yeah I know, I can listen to that kind of music if I want to right? And besides, I'm in that kinda mood. I chuckled at myself again. I had a habit of arguing with myself apparently.

    I started humming to the melody, not noticing anyone else around me. Not even the teacher. Which Ms. Stewart didn't seem to notice me either. I was always good in her class. She didn't really mind if I didn't pay attention or not. I always seemed to know what she had for homework and I got everything right. And anyways, I never got in her way, I just sat there and stayed quiet. And I stayed that way till class was over.

    < < < < > > > >

    Class was over and I was already in my next class. Kora wasn't with me this time though. She had another class to go to. So, like normal, I set my stuff down under the desk and I sat down. Also, just like I did in the other class, I kicked my feet up onto the desk, crossed my arms behind my head and closed my eyes. I sighed. A few minutes later I felt a tap on my shoulder. It made me jump a little. I opened my eyes quickly and looked up to see Dustin. He was chuckling.

    "Falling asleep in class? Why does that seem like something you'd do?" Dustin said while chuckling a little more.

    "Yeah, I normally do okay in all of my classes anyway. Why...? Should I not sleep in class?" I asked, serious but at the same time confused.

    "Well, uh, it doesn't matter to me if you sleep in class. It'd be nice to have someone to talk to though." He smirked and set his books out on his desk. "And anyways, since you're so good, like you say you are. You could help me with school work?" He asked, sounding like a joke but being serious within his words.

    "Uh...I guess I could. But what about asking Katlynn or Taylor for help. I'm sure they could help you too." I suggested, looking around, watching everyone zoom in on us.

    "Are you kidding? They're stupid. I don't even know how they can get an eighty let alone a one-hundred." He said under his breath. Katlynn was sitting several desks in front of us. He didn't want her hearing; he wanted to keep it a secret.

    "Probably `cause her parents do it for her. I don't see how there can ever be such a close family relationship with her or Taylor. There has to be some issues with that family. Ya` know, underneath it all." I said just as quietly as Dustin has spoke.

    "Yeah...that's a good point." Dustin said. Both of us were silent, listening to the teacher ramble on about god knows what. I couldn't hear her. My Ipod switched to the next song on the list. Haunted by Kelly Clarkson. Then I stared at the letters on the screen for a while, moving my finger around the dial and turning up the volume. Even though I may have drifted off into my own world, my body would still move on its own. I grabbed my notebook and my pencil, and I began taking notes. If I wasn't mistaken, every time I looked over my shoulder, to see if Dustin was paying more attention to me than he was to the class. Sure enough I saw him glance at me once or twice. He was either looking at my notes or at me. Which confused me and bugged me a lot. And normally nothing like this effects me because none of this usually happens to someone like me.

    I finished writing my notes, the same thing that was written on the board. And just to be nice, I copied them again, and gave the second copy to Dustin. I didn't look at his face though, because I knew he would be looking at me. He chuckled and smiled at me. I hid my face even more. With my pale face, it was hard trying to hide me blushing.

    "Thanks Amy. I knew you'd help me out. " He stopped talking, hearing the bell ring. It was time to go home. "Oh...Well, I'll see you tomorrow?" I heard him sigh, sounding a little sad.

    "Uh...Yeah." I gave a grin. " See you tomorrow..." I said, picking up my bag, putting everything back were it should go and placing the strap around my shoulder. I was almost ready to walk out of the class door when I felt a little nudge on my book bag. Dustin had un-ziped the pocket on the top of it and put a piece of paper in it. Then he zipped it back up.

    "Well, I guess we should be on our way." He grabbed his things and walked out the door. I stood there, confused for a minute. But I let it slide until I got home. I didn't want to miss the bus.

    <<<<< >>>>>

    When I got home I ran into my room, shutting the door behind me. I threw my book bag right at the foot of my bed, unzipping the top pocket and grabbing the paper that was inside, opening it...

    Hey Amy...If you wanna talk to me about anything. Like homework and stuff, here's my number... His phone number was written on the back. I was shocked. He gave my his phone number. It was odd to my how I went from invisible and un-noticed to, seen by the whole world and noticed now by everyone who saw me hanging around Dustin. My life was changing so quickly It was giving me a headache. I had to lay down and think things through. Something wasn't right. I lied down on my bed and closed my eyes.

    I knew something wasn't right with this rapidly growing picture I saw. I went from being the outcast of the school, never being noticed by anything except my friend Kora. Always being put down and always the butt to every ones jokes, even if it had noting to do with me in the first place. All of a sudden I just happen to,--one day, out of all the days of my life-- I almost pass out and hit my head on the ground and Dustin-- one of the most popular, most liked boys in the school-- happens to catch me. And somehow him and I are friends? Also, he gave me his phone number. What kind of a message was he trying to send me? It was so confusing. I don't know what to-...

    "Hey. Amy!..Its time for dinner. Get out here before it gets cold." It was dads voice. So that meant he was home. Great.

    "Yeah...I'll be out on a minute dad." I sat up from my bed, feeling a little dizzy. I sat back down so I could catch my balance. When I was finally focused enough, I stood up again and walked out of my room, leaving the note on my bed. When I walked out into the living room I saw the TV blaring some new kids show I've never seen before. They make so many new little kids shows its hard to keep track. Kate was watching TV. Derick was sitting at the kitchen table eating his dinner quietly. My dinner was sitting next to Kate and her dinner. So I willingly decided to sit next to her and eat. I sat down and began eating, when I heard something in the background. The sound of breaking glass, and it came from moms and dads room. Oh great, mom's getting into another fight. I better go settle this before it gets brought into the living room in front of Kate. She'll get scared again. I thought to myself. So I got up and walked over to Derick quickly.

    "Hey Derick...I'm going to go find out what mom and dad are arguing about. Can you watch Kate for me please?" I asked kindly, being nice in the process to make it easier for me and easier for him to say yes, I took his empty plate and put it in the sink.

    "Yeah...sure. Just be careful. You know how they fight. Try not to get banged up in the process. Got me?"

    "Yeah yeah, Derick. I got you." I said, walking into mom and dads room cautiously. The sound of yelling filled my ears, and made them ring. Just like before in the crowded hall way of my school. I hid behind the wall and peeked into their room. Mom was lying on the bed, she had bruise marks all over her body. Dad has a bottle of beer in his hand. I also noticed moms right hand was covered in blood. I moved in closer to see what else he was doing. In his other hand, he had his knife out again.

    "Oh man.." I managed to say under my breathe, without dad or mom hearing me. But then I had to go and jinx myself. I tripped over something and made a noice and just appeared in the door way. I was in for it now, I knew I better act quick or dad might try and come after me now. God knows how many beers he's had tonight, and how wasted he was. It was obvious that he was wasted enough to start some sort of blood causing riot.

    "You spying on us girl. Your mom and I are trying to have a little conversation over here, and we can't be left alone for five minutes without you kids always needing something. Well ya know what I need. Another freaking beer! But your mother over here says she's to tired to go out to the store and get some." He said, angrily. His words were a little groggy though. That was due to so much beer. Duh. He came closer to me, though his walking wasn't the best. He almost tripped three times.

    "Uh-uh...Oh...Well, um. Maybe I should go...I'll wait `till you two are done talking..." You get your grimy booze covered hands off of my mom! Is what I really wanted to say. But my head was telling me no. It wouldn't work out in the long run and I would end up getting hurt. Or that Knife in my face...

    "Yeah, I thought so girl. You stay the hell out of our room or I'll come after you too. Ya` hear?!" He yelled, loud enough so that Derick and Kate could hear it in the living room. I heard in the background, Derick was telling Kate that everything was going to be alright. And Kate began to cry. It wasn't loud, but I know Dad could hear it. I know I could too. "Oh look now girl, you got Kate crying. You better go fix that mess. Don't just stand there lookin` at me GO!"

    As soon as he said that I ran from his and moms room and out to the living room. I looked at Kate. She was still crying. Derick looked up at me; he was crouched down on the floor, sitting next to Kate and hugging her.

    "Kate you're going to be fine. Nothing's wrong.Shhhh.Shhhhh." I spoke quietly, patting her head. I sat next to Derick. "You should have seen mom. She looks horrible. Her hand's covered in blood. And... she has bruises all over her body. It's scary." I whispered to Derick, keeping what I had said a secret from Kate. She wouldn't want to know this anyway. All it would do is scare her even more.

    "Yeah..." He sighed. " You should go into your room. Just stay away from everyone. I'll take Kate to hers and keep her company." Derick said, standing up while picking up Kate. Holding her so that she was propped up; like back pack put on the wrong way.

    "Okay...Be careful with her okay?" I asked of him, standing up myself, about to walk into my room.

    "Yeah, yeah. I'm not gonna do anything dad would do. Trust me." He said, walking into Kates room in silence.

    When I got in my room, I closed the door behind me and locked it, just in case. I walked over to my bed and opened the not, sitting down. The phone number stood out to me alot. I had the sudden urge to call him. But then the questions, what would we talk abou?t and What would I say? came into play. I picked up my phone and slowly diled his number...

    Riiiiinnnnggggg......rrriiiiiiinnnnggg.......riiiinnnngggg.....It rang about three or four more times.

    "Hello?" It was Dustin who picked up the phone. Phew. I thought. It saved me the trouble of asking if he was there or in some twisted way, making a fool of myself.

    "Hey...Its Amy." I said, somewhat shy. He could still tell it was me though.

    "Ohh, hey Amy. How've you been? I see you read the note I put in your back pack, in the last class." He chuckled.

    "Yeah...Heh. I did. And I've been...uh...okay, I guess. My parents are fighting so, both my brother and sister and I are in our rooms, kinda keeping low if ya know what I mean." I chuckles weakly. " Other than that yeah I've been peachy. What about you?"

    "Uh...I've been fine....And I'm sorry to hear about your parents fighting. Is there anything I can do to help?" Dustin asked. He sounded serious, caring.

    "Uh-no...heh...I...I don't think so. But if there is I'll ask okay?" I chuckled weakly again. It was kind of him to offer helping me and my family. But I don't think there's any way a boy, practically the same age as me,-- a little older -- could stop a drunken fourty-seven year old man from hitting my mother.

    "Okay... If you say so. Oh, a little while ago I was looking over your notes that you gave me. You wrote and explained them pretty well. I understood everything. Thanks." He thanked me. Obviously. It made my chuckle at myself a little. It was rare that I got thanked by anyone, except for those sarcastic "Thanks a lot" I get most of the time.

    "No problem. Anything for a friend right?" I said, sounding a little happier.

    "Yeah......" Whatever Dustin was saying was being drowned out by the sound of moms blood curdling scream. "Hey, what was that? I heard screaming..." Dustin asked, and I heard him that time.

    "Yeah...D-dad's probably hurt her again..." I couldn't hid the trembling in my voice. There was no hiding it. I was scared, and I wanted someone to hear me this way. It was a cry for help. I needed out. And what better way to show this than talking to Dustin.

    "Are you sure there's nothing I can do. Let me ask my mom real quick if we can come get you for the night, so you don't have to deal with that...Is that okay with you?" Dustin sounded sure of what his plan was. And hearing the fright curled in with my voice, I don't think he was going to take no for an answer.

    "Uh...Y-yeah...t-that would b-be great. T-thanks so much..." I sounded sad now.

    "Pack up somethings while I go ask mom. I'll be right back." He set down the phone and I could hear him walk into what I guessed was the kitchen and asking his mom if I could spend the night. I had the phone between my shoulder and my ear, hearing their conversation while packing some of my belongings into my backpack. Clothes, tooth brush and paste, night clothes. I had all my school things and things to hold me over until tomorrow. I also brought my Ipod and its charger just in case.

    I heard now what sounded like punching and kicking. Mom was screaming again as well. I heard it in faint little bits.

    "What did I do..." She coughed "I did nothing to you. I was just laying here. My...I hurt. I'm trying to get better..."

    "I told you an hour ago, to go out to the damn store and get me some beer! But all you wanna do is sit here. Well fine by me. I'll get it my damn self!" Dad yelled.
    I heard Kate begin to cry again in her room. Moms whimpering sunk in with it also.
    "I heard that...what just happened." Dustin said. I forgot I was still on the phone. Until I heard his voice just then.

    "Yeah..." I said just above a whisper. I knew how pissed dad was now. And if he found me on the phone. Sure enough he might explode at me again.

    "We're coming to get you. And yes I know where you are." He stopped to chuckle. " And no what you're thinking's wrong. I'm no stalker. " What Dustin said made me laugh a little, just under my breathe though. I still didn't want dad hearing me. "I'll see you in ten minutes tops. Wait outside. " He said, hanging up the phone. I did the same, setting the phone back down on the receiver. I looked back to see dad standing at my door. Though I was confused, didn't I lock the door. Then I saw dad with the key too my room. He must have found it when I was away at school.

    "You thought your little conversation with your little boyfriend wasn't being heard didn't you?" He threw my bedroom key at me. It scaled across the room, hitting the wall with a crack. It just barely missed my head. "Damn... I missed. Thought it was gonna hit. Oh well. Guess I'll try again later."

    "You really tried throwing that at me?" I said, accusingly; while picking up my book bag and wearing it around my shoulder. " I'm going out for the night." I tried to get out of my room, but dad wouldn't get out of the way. "Dad I'm going out. Can I get through, please?"

    "Where do you think you're going? Out with that boyfriend of yours eh?" His voice got lower and more groggy as he took another swig of his beer.

    "What if I am? And first of all dad, he's not my boyfriend." I protested.

    "Bull...I don't believe you. You're a lying little daughter of a devil I tell you." He
    began getting louder. And guess who that devil is dad..I wanted to say. but instead...

    "Whatever dad. Let me out of my damn room!" I picked up the courage to push him out of the way, and walk out the door. Luckily, a car was just pulling arounf the block. I could see in the passenger seat, Dustin. Thank god! I thought to myself. I looked back at my house to see my dad standing at the front door. He threw his knife at me, it just missed my head but scratched my cheek. It landed somewhere on one of our neighbors yards. I felt a warm liquid rush down my cheek. It was blood. Just as I noticed that. Dustin and his mother pulled up right in front of me. Dustin got out of the car quickly, opening the back door and letting me get in. He handed me my stuff, shut my door, walked around and got in from the other door and sat in the back with me. His mom drove off. I looked back at the house, I watched dad walk back in, throwing his beer at the grownd. He shut the door behind him.