• Boss Battle and Conflict

    NiGHTS stared at the demon dogs, seeing their bloodthirsty look on their faces. He could tell they were just waiting for another meal. He dealt with them before, but that was before he lost his persona masks, and now can’t turn into his rocket form anymore. Before NiGHTS could even think of what to do, the red and blue dogs lunged at him, nearly biting his head off.

    “Hey! Give me some time to think!” NiGHTS shouted at the beasts as he barely escaped becoming lunch.

    The only response he got from the dogs is a loud barking or a growl. NiGHTS couldn’t think at this point, he had to improvise. He started flying around to avoid their attacks, trying to see if it was possible at all to sneak up on the chain. When he got close, he finds that the gold dog doesn’t go into hiding anymore, and remains visible at all times. NiGHTS sweat dropped at this point, finding that to be a nuisance. To avoid getting bit again, he flew away from Cerberus again, and hid behind one of the pillars to try and come up with some kind of idea.

    Hiding was the worst possible thing to do, as Cerberus as able to find NiGHTS by following his scent. Within seconds, the red and blue dogs jumped from both sides of the pillar at NiGHTS and leapt at him. All he had time to do was duck, and that’s all it took. A loud crash was heard, followed by the howling of both dogs as they staggered back. NiGHTS looked and saw that they had ended up damaging each other.

    Meanwhile, in another area of the mansion, Laura wanders the halls, trying to find some way out.

    “I hope NiGHTS is alright…I don’t think I should have left him behind” she said to herself.

    “I don’t believe NiGHTS is the one you should be worried about” a dark voice said, as the owner of said voice floated down behind Laura.

    “Who sa-“ she was cut off as the mystery being grabbed her from behind, covering her mouth. All Laura could see were blue hands with black claws.

    “Now then, you’re going to be a good little girl and do exactly as I say, understood?”

    Laura nodded slightly, afraid of what her captor might do if she refused.

    “Good. If my suspicions are correct, then NiGHTS should dispatch of the Nightmaren he is currently battling rather soon”

    Meanwhile, NiGHTS was flying around Cerberus, avoiding getting bitten and clawed to death. Cerberus was more ferocious than the last time they did battle. Even the third head was attacking, not giving NiGHTS the break he needed to get an edge over this battle. Remembering what happened a moment ago, NiGHTS tries to land on one of the dogs’ heads, but finds it difficult due to their constant moving. His first attempt ended up with his hand being nearly bit clean off. Second attempt almost ended up with his decapitation via claws. So after two failed attempts, NiGHTS decided to go behind one of the pillars again, hoping the dogs would do what they did before, or at least to give himself some time to come up with a plan.

    “They’re smarter than last time…this isn’t good” NiGHTS thought to himself.

    At that point, Cerberus caught onto NiGHTS’ scent again and leapt at him, this time from one side, not what he was expecting. He was hit by their claws and sent back a distance, the hit drawing blood from his face. After he regained his composure, NiGHTS wiped the blood off his face, and turned to Cerberus. Focusing his power, he dashed right at the dogs and climbed onto the red dog’s head. In its confusion, it started to run rampant, but NiGHTS pulled on its ears to steer it in a sense, causing it to collide with the blue dog. Running at full speed, and with hard bodies, the collision caused major damage to Cerberus, resulting in its defeat.

    NiGHTS sat on the ground, leaning against a wall to catch his breath. The battle had taken a toll on him. He felt the blood from his wound drip down his face. Using his magic, he healed the wound and looked around, when he hears a voice calling out to him. It was Laura’s voice.

    “NiGHTS! Help me!” she shouted from where Reala was holding her. Her calls, however, were part of Reala’s plan.

    NiGHTS heard the calls and immediately flew in her direction, mentally slapping himself for forgetting about her. Laura’s call to NiGHTS gets louder as he gets closer. As he enters the room, Reala’s trap springs and NiGHTS is teleported to another world, which appears to be similar to their previous battle outside the Clock tower. Reala holds Laura in his arms, with one hand covering her mouth, and he looks at NiGHTS with an evil grin.

    “It’s been quite some time, hasn’t it NiGHTS?” Reala said, greeting NiGHTS.

    “Reala, you did this last time. Let her go and I won’t have to hurt you” NiGHTS replied.

    “You? Hurt me? Don’t make me laugh. You wouldn’t want to risk hurting this Visitor, now would you?”

    NiGHTS was left speechless in anger.

    “Now, all you have to do is get rid of this visitor and return, simple as that” Reala told him, striking fear in Laura.

    All she could think of is how to escape and whether or not NiGHTS really would kill her. All of these thoughts raced through her mind while Reala kept his evil smirk. NiGHTS stood there, looking at Reala in disgust and hate. He knew Reala would do anything to try and bring him back to Wizeman, but even this was a new low. NiGHTS felt his hatred for Reala rise, and with this hatred came a rise in his power as well.

    “What will the choice be, NiGHTS? Either way, this visitor dies here and now.”

    There was silence from NiGHTS’ end, but there was also movement. NiGHTS raised his hands high and his power just burst straight out, flying up into the mansion and coming out of the roof, it swirled in the sky, then broke into several smaller blasts that rained down, all aimed at Reala. Reala himself became distracted by the attack, and with the drop in his guard, nights swooped in and grabbed Laura just before the blasts all hit Reala. They flew out of the mansion and went back to the dream door, out into the Dream Gate. Reala survived the attack, but noticed the two were gone.

    “WHAAAAT!?” Wizeman shouted in disbelief as Reala and Luminix reported about NiGHTS’ latest victory.

    “I expected better from both of you, especially you, Reala. And you, Luminix, you were-“

    “Master Wizeman, if I may?” Luminix interrupted, “I was fully aware of NiGHTS’ power to defeat Cerberus. I simply wanted to see his power for myself so I could formulate a plan to bring him down myself. I have taken full note of his abilities and have come up with a viable plan.” He said

    “Very well. I do not expect another failure from you again, Luminix. Should you fail me again, I will see to it that you will be destroyed.” Wizeman warned.

    “I understand completely, Master Wizeman. Now if you’ll excuse me.” Luminix replied as he left.

    Back in the Dream Gate, NiGHTS and Laura caught their breath as NiGHTS held up the blue Ideya he got from Cerberus.

    “Just 3 more and we can stop Wizeman and protect your dreams” NiGHTS told her, getting a smile and a hug in return.

    The two went to the next door and entered.