• I didn't want to go to school that day I didn't ever want to go I always felt so wrong being there it wasn't my place to be it was not my life. Everyday I would wake up not because I wanted to but to go to school and follow my parents dream. I didn't have a choice if I tried to speak up I would get yelled at for having an attitude or being to loud. In my dreams I was traveling away from my home and going to LA to be an actress. I would be a lead in a television show and everyone would love me, I would go to signings and everyone would love me. Alas, I am here and I'm off to school again.
    "Hey Ella your late again," Mary yelled across the yard walking to the other side of the school to class.
    "Yeah well I was running behind this morning I took to long to eat," I lied I was daydreaming all morning wishing to be anywhere else.
    "I got to go to class bye."
    "Bye," I said even though she was listening anymore she had caught up with some other people. At my locker I got so mad because it never opened it was one of the small difficulties that made me want to run away. My first class was choir it was the best class I had because I loved singing and it felt like the only place I belonged.
    "Ok class we are going to do the auditions for the solo today," said my choir teacher Ms.LeMines"Any one trying out please raise your hand." Of course I don't raise my hand I am to afraid to try anything even though I know the part so well and I have been practicing I always chicken out. As the auditions went on I zoned out and yawned many times because I had some bad singers in my class.
    The rest of the day was a long period of blur I could take my mind off of getting away from it no wonder my grades have dropped since last year. I did my work but I never seemed to get A's it could be bad teachers this yea, bad classmates or I just never was great and had easy teachers. I wish something anything would happen in life that made it seem worth living.
    No! I'm awake I hate weekends nothing happens I have nowhere to go nothing to do and no life to live. Maybe if I just lay here and pretend to sleep people won't bug me.
    "ELLA!" Dad yelled "ARE YOU AWAKE YET?"
    "I wasn't," I said to him even though he couldn't hear probably. Well I guess I have to get up now. Rolling out of bed I landed on the floor and literally crawled to the kitchen to get breakfast. Using the counter to stand up I got a bowl milk and cereal out of the cabinets and
    ate slowly. Looking at the calender to see if there was anything for the rest fo my family to day I saw the date which made my mood so much better.
    "Great today is the day of that concert I begged to but can't go to because my parents hate my music even though my dad is like best friends with the drummers dad. I don't even understand that they always talk about me so basically my personal life is more like gossip for old people. Come on please by some miracle can I go please please please," I was talking to my self that just awesome I am losing my mind. The hours dragged on and the endless answer of no from anything I wanted especially the concert which isn't even that big because they are super famous yet. They could just drop me off and pick me up afterwards, if they were late I could hang with the band I bet I could make easy friends with them.
    Starring blankly out the window at the street which seemed extra empty today I've seen no movement for the past hour or so. Finally a van some movement at least I know someone is out there, why are they stopping in front of our house now their getting out who is that guy he looks so familiar but I can't put my finger on it. Whatever I'll go see who it is. Walking quickly I still didn't make it to the door before my dad got there he answered it and was talking low but casually strange the guy must be at least 20 years younger than my dad.
    Slowly I crept out from the corner and saw him its its its him it the drummer whats his face why was I so bad with names especially people who are drummers.
    "Trever no Ryan no Patrick no thats the lead singer oh yeah KALVIN!" oops I didn't mean to say it that loud now they are looking. "Hey uhhhhhhhhh whats going on????"

    TO BE CONTINUED...(my parents forcing me off computer)