• A long time ago there was a famous ninja. He gave up his life to save my life and remove the evil king of Oreo and that ninja was Dusties. It all started when I was fifth-teen years old and training to become an archer. One day my village was attacked by the Kings evil knights. I ran and hid in my room like my mom and dad told me to. I forgot to close the door all the way and i saw my dad and mom get killed by the knights threw the crack then i passed out. When i woke up i saw this guy he was talk and look big and buff until my eye cleared up. It was Dusties a rebellious leader of the Fox ninja's. He had brown hair wore black baggy clothing and his tail and ears where red and turned black at the ends he had deep blue eyes and cute face. Dusties was like a kid really he was seven-teen and yet he seemed like an adult. He took my heart away from me and i fell in love with me. He asked me a bunch of questions about the knights and i told him everything i knew. Then i asked him where his crew was and he told me that they are at camp. He asked me if i wanted to come with him to the camp. I said yes because i couldn't live here alone even though the real reason was because i loved him. Well he told us that the King's Knights are not that far and to been on your guard. We threw a party for a short time and then we all fell asleep.

    Then next day we packed up and started to head after the knights. Dusties went ahead of everyone and he found them before anyone. He stalled them until his crew got here to help. Then he started to take them out one at a time knocking them to the ground so that they couldn't get back up. Once he was done he took one of them and asked where the castle was. He threaten the knight and the knight told them everything. Dusties took him to the castle. To make sure he wasn't telling a lie. By the time i got there i gotten better as an archer but i can't kill someone. Once we enter the castle Dusties crew started to get cut down as they gotten deeper in the castle. Dusties lost many friends in that castle. once we got to the kind it was just 3 people left me, Dusties, and Jeff. Jeff ran up and attack the kind the king stopped Jeff and killed him. He threw his body right in front of Dusties. Dusties always had problems with his emotions. Dusties pulled out his sword and charged at the king. they were in a stand still for most of the fight. Dusties said some thing that i will never forget "I will not let you rule this world anymore you have done enough your chance of king is over its Sakura time to take over the throne." The king pulled out a knife and stabbed Dusties in the side where his liver was and threw Dusties across the room. I ran to Dusties side crying don't die please don't. Once i got there Dusties told me that he loved me and that i am to kill the king due to his failed attempt and then he died. I stood up and aimed and arrow at the king's head. My arrow started to glow bright red and i let it go. The arrow went in between the kings eyes and killed him. The king tried to stop it but fail. I took the King's crown and put it on my head making me queen. I held a special ceremony for Dusties and his noble crew and i put Dusties in the tomb of heros for his bravery and will power to save the world from evil