Death Note:The new kira
chapter 1 : New kira 新しいキラ
Five years ago...a 17 year old japan student named light yaga-
mi found a mysterious black note book laying outside on the grass
called the ''death note''.............he use this supernatural notebook
to free this world for th3 evil of corruption and crime in the
streets of japan so he can become the new god of this new world
that he planed to create.along hes journey he was followed by a shinigami named
''ryuk'' who misplaced he's death note that had dropped here on earth &
has to stayed intil the notebook was finished....
or intil he's dies whatever came first.....it's 2013 and it's been a year since kira died and things have'nt been the same
since.some say he deserved it and others said it was a shame
a...damn...damn shame! there's been an large increase of crimes in the past year
and each news report seems to get worse every single day.
and as far as im concern...ever since he died this
...the whole world's gone to hell!
kira is my idol.my god
and i would do anything
to bring him back
---[chapter i]---
setting:downtown of japan
Alex: (thinking)-hmm i wonder was time is it? it seem like it getting late
7:15? hmm...maybe i should go to shina's house for a while and see what she's
up to.
[something hits his head]
Alex: oww!! gonk what was that?!...huh what the...
[alex sees something on the ground & picks it up]
Alex:what's this? hmm...must be some kinda notebook
[peeks inside of it then slams the notebook closed]
Alex: (laughs)finally i have something to write with for
[alexs walks away and ryuk appears in a pitch black alley way
looking at him with glowing red eyes] burning_eyes
Ryuk:it looks like i have another human with my notebook...this
should be interesting.
[fifteen minutes later.....]
[alex arrives at shina's house]
alex: (thinking) im here.
finally! i would've gotten here sooner if it was'nt for that damn bus.
[a black cat come by and starts growling and hiss at him then bites its hand
then he hits the cat and it shrieks and runs away]
alex:ahh!! scream f--king cat!!
[walks up the stairs and rings the bell then the door slowly
alEx: hello! mrs. Miyagi.
shIna's mom: oh hello alex.
alex:is shina home?
shina's mom: sure she upstairs in her room...(shouts)hey shina company for you!
shina: coming mom.
shina's mom: she'll be down in a sec.
shina: thinking stressed mad who is it now?! it better not be
sirr trying to get my number again i turned him down so many time
he still wouldnt take a hint...what's up with this guy?)
shina:if it's sirr dont let him in!
shina mom:it not is one of your friend from school it's alex
Shina: (thinking)alex?!
shina:let him in.
[shina's mom lets alex in]
[shina runs down the stairs to the front door]
shIna:hey alex!
Shina:your here for the pages we had to do
for homework?
alex:yeah page 32 right?
shina:yeah and also pages 33 and 34
Shina mom:hey alex,would you like anything to drink...some
tea,a soda or a glass of water?
alex:no thanks mrs.Miyagi.
alex:hey shina.
alex:can i ask u something?
alex:why are people saying that u and sirr
are going out?
shIna:what?! eek me and sirr are not going out who told u that?
aleX:some people from school and on myroom.com
shIna:what people?
alex:i dont know exactly what there names were but...i did overhear
them saying that some
anonymous person sent them a message online saying u guys when out.
shIna:what?! i bet it was him..it had to be him!
alex:well...you better confont him and see if it was him for sure
alex:well...i better head home
shina:yeah it kinda late i wish you stay longer
Shina: oh alex
shina:if it is him...im going to make is life hell
alex:good luck with with that
alex:well bye
[alex walks to the door]
[8:00 pm alex arrive home]
alex: (sighs)im home...at last
alex mom's:alex why are you here so late?!
alex:sorry mom i had to go over shina's house to as her for the pages
we had to do for homework.
alex's mom:well you should have at called instead i dont want you out this late.
alex:i couldnt her phone wasnt working so i ask if i can
come over
alex's mom:well next time when her phone does work call okay?
alex's mom:Alex!
alex: ok ok.
[Alex runs up to his bedroom]
Alex's mom:...and hurry up and finish dinner will be ready in
in 30 minutes
[alex sits on his bed then goes into's backpack and grabs his notebook and hes textbook]
[alex gets his notebook an walks to his deck]
alEx surprised nly thing i need to is this homework...
im so tired
[alex put is hand on his cheek]
alex:wait a minute... stare
[alex just notice something written on the front cover of his notebook]
aleX sad thinking)death note?!
alex:what the hell... confused
alex sad thinking)what kind of person has a notebook called ''deathnote''
it must be some kind of hitbook for mass murders or hitmen or something.
[opens the notebook]
"''how to use it''"
1. the human whose name is written in the notebook shall die?
What?! what the hell is this?
2.the note will not take effect unless the writer has the person's face in their mind when writing his/her name.
therefore, people sharing the same name will not be affected.
3. if the cause of death is written within 40 seconds of writing the person's name, it will happen.
4.if the cause of death is not specified, the person will simply die of a heart attack.
5.after writing the cause of death, details of the death should be written in the next 6 minutes and 40 seconds.hmm?
alex:so if i write someone name within 40 seconds...they'll die?!
yeah right.
(voice in the background): oh but its true...
alEx sad gasps)what?!who said that???[alex looks around]
[alex see a body in the shadows]
(voice in the background):interesting huh...how such a notebook can kill a person
just by writing there name.
alEx sad studdering)who are you???
[a head come out of the shadow]
(voice in the background):allow me to introduce myself
...my name is ryuk...and i am you shinigami.
[alex is in shock]
alex:shinigami?! what the the hell are you
talking about?
ryuk:whenever a shinigami loses there deathnote it always ends up here
in the human world. if a human picks up the death note that human
will possess a shinigami a god of death of you will that shinigami will stay with that human intil the end that human's lifespan or intil the
note is finished whatever comes first
alex:what?! so that mean you'll have stay with me for
the rest of my life intil i die or intil the death note is finished...no way screw this!(alex slaps that book off his deck) i mean..im i really suspose to believe in this
that i can kill a person within 40 second of writing that person name i mean that crazy and the only person who is capable of doing that is...is...
aleX sad gasps)(thinking):could it be...is this kira power?! that must explains how...all those criminal's died of heart attacks kira must have used a death note to kill
this is genius(alex look at the notebook on the ground and grins evily twisted ) with that kind of power i can change the world maybe i should think this about this
aleX:is there anything else you want to tell me ryuk
To be continue......

- Title: Death Note:The new kira
- Artist: Myouchi
This it my sequal to the anime death note this stories take place one year after light yagami's
death and is about a 16 year old occultist/kira supporter named alex miyaimee finds a notebook called the death note and uses it to kill criminals and hes enemies so that he can avenge kira and those who killed him and also he plans to bring him back to life so that he can earn his trust.
- Date: 04/06/2009
- Tags: deathnotetnk kira lightyagami alexmiyaimee
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Comments (3 Comments)
- Sylvia Gear - 01/13/2012
- has alot of typos but I enjoyed the series and this looks like it could be a good follow up as long as you differ from the story line of the series itself.
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- Myouchi - 10/19/2009
- I dont know i was focusing on what the characters where says so i written it in script form but i havent been writing the story in a while but im going to change it
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- Kiba Unari - 05/14/2009
- it was pretty good nice job! but why in script format?
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