• Kida began to worry about Fenrir; he had become increasingly quiet and isolated himself frequently. After two days she walked into his room to check on him and was shocked at the sight before her, Chaos and the Angelus were both in the room and Fenrir was chained to the wall. She ran into the room and started hitting the Angelus as she screamed, “What are you doing? Let Fenrir go, and how did both of you get here!!!!” Tears welled up in her eyes, she weakly pounded on the Angelus as he turned around, and she stopped completely and buried her head in his chest, crying uncontrollably. The Angelus her head up as he said, “This must be done, the Harbinger is taking control and he did not want to hurt you, and Fenrir released us so we could restrain him, he’s still in there but I doubt he’ll hear you if you speak to him.” Kida dried her eyes and turned towards Chaos, she coldly said, “Why did you attack me?” Chaos laughed a deep laugh that sounded like metal striking metal, he then said, “I’m sorry, I haven’t fed in over twelve thousand years so when I was released I immediately looked for the nearest human. I’m surprised you are not afraid.” This time Kida laughed, “Fenrir told me everything, I understand why he is like this and I am not afraid,” she said in between laughs. The three of them stood there in silence for a few minutes until the Angelus said, “I’m sorry, we haven’t been introduced, I’m Raze the Angelus of vengeance.” Kida replied, “I’m Kida, it’s a pleasure to me-,” she stopped in mid sentence and then said, “I feel funn-,” she suddenly was jerked back through the doorway by an invisible force and through the opposite wall. Chaos chased after her and took flight as Kida was taken to Shlelok’s castle. Raze rushed over to Fenrir and said, “Fenrir, if you can hear me Kida has been taken to your sister’s castle, me and Chaos will get her back, I swear.”