• There laying in the shadows,with her eyes closed laid Rayne.Her chest moving up and down with each breath that she took.Her hand laid across her stomach,and her legs just stretched out.She was laying under the stars tonight.Thoughts just rolling into her head one after another.The memories...what memories,she wanted to suppress them all,but she could't quiet manage.That day,that day her brother had been there,she'd fallen back to earth,and her sister...there she was crying.Rayne tried to close her eyes even more as it came back,she was remembering what she had told Talli.She heaved a sigh,and let the darkness take her.
    Where was she at...she was running,but from what.She dared not turn to look,she just kept on going down this same dark passage,not daring to turn left or right.They were getting closer and closer...she panicked...She bolted for the door up ahead,but it kept getting farther and farther away,and at last she accepted her fate,and whispered "You were my forever."
    She woke up with a gasp,her hands at her hand,and tears falling from her eyes.Why...Why couldn't they just leave her alone.She had always felt alone,she had always been alone.Those eyes always looking at her,they were always full of hatred,because she was different.She threw back her head and screamed "I didn't choose this life."
    She looked down at the ground,and her fingers started to scrunch up grass,and then it burned.She sighed,and got up.The hang down skirt on the left side of her leg swayed with her movements.This time her top didn't cover her whole torso,it was like a sports bra.On her stomach were markings...flames..And right above her belly button there was a snake going all the way around her back.She was still trying to forget these memories,when something pushed her down.She turned around and said "So you return,after I killed Sevan,now you show up to."
    Raiya gave a smirk,and said in a voice full of venom "what have you been doing,seems you've been up to alot...I mean there is Tigr..."
    "Shutup,you dont know what I've been doing."
    He grinned at her and walked towards her.He stopped infront of her and reached his hand out and touched her stomach.She looked up at him,her brown eyes blurred with tears.He smiled,that one smile she hated.His eyes were black,they were so cold,and so mean,she tried to step away,but he grabbed her wrist.He said "When that child is born dear sister,what will you tell her.That you didn't really want her." He laughed at this,but she smacked him with the other hand.Her eyes were saying I do want her.He noticed that look right away,and said "They'll kill her,just like they did your son.They think your children hold more power than you,they think that they will give you power,but there wrong." He turned to look at her,he grabbed both her wrists,and he pulled her closer to him,and he growled "What will you do?"
    She looked at him and said "Tigress will be just fine."
    "Tigress is it,it's unusualy."
    "I don't get to name her,the Ancients did it,if it was my choice,it wouldn't be that."
    Raiya laughed "Of course."
    He let her go,and said "They miss you,ever since you aquired the Black fire,ever since that first child of yours.Your fifteen,your young."
    She looked away her brown her covering her face,and she said "It's not like I jumped in bed with a guy,this only happened because this child was unwanted by her parents,they were going to kill her,so I took her,and now she can be reborn again,she'll be different she'll be mine."
    He leaned into her and said "I thought Talli was your forever,is she not anymore,I wonder how she will react when she finds out."
    Rayne turned to look at him,and said "Tigress is my haire delune,in the ancients language that meant my white sunset."
    He laughed "Yes yes."
    She turned to walk away,and said "I never turned my back on them,they turned there backs on me.I gave my life for them,I gave everything up for them.I chose death to save them,and death rejected.They cannot say I never did anything for them,I did everything for them.Yes the Black flame is strong and dark,but it doesn't control me,I control it.Talli is my forever,but if she had to choose between saving me,and saving her,she'd pick herself.If there is danger,and her death might happen in it,she'll always pick herself,just as the others will do."
    Raiya looked at her and said "What if you changed your mind."
    Rayne turned back and said "I wouldn't...I wouldn't give it a second thought,In a split second I'd lay my life on the line for them,In a split second I'd take a bullet.I love them all,but they cannot say that they love me,for I am forever alone,but my life is not for what I do,it's for what I can do.I realized that this power in me is not me.I have never been able to turn away from someone,I have never turned them down,or away it has been them to do that to me.What makes me who I am,is my ability to love."
    "But anyone can love." Her brother said.
    "yes they can,but my love goes far.It's like watching the sunset,and seeing all it's beauty,or watching the stars at night,it's like the finding the best thing you've ever wanted.I can't explain it,but I have never stopped loving,and I can't.For anyone even a stranger I will die for them,and I will protect the ones around me,until my last breath,whether they hate me or not,whether they want to kill me or not,because there will always be a bond,and it will go far." Rayne answered that to him.
    He looked at her and said "So your leaving,walking away from them,from everything you have lived up to,from the moment you were born,this has been your place,has been where you've grown up,where everything has been done,it's your life this place,you can't just leave it,you can't forget it."
    She closed her fist,as fire began to swirl around it and it made it's way to her brother.It was like a night with fire,more flames appeared and they were dancing.She said "That's why I give you my will of fire.It will always be filled with me,and brother I never walked away,they walked away from me."
    She turned and started to walk away,and as she did,the fire said something to her brother.Rayne made the fire tell him,she let the fire whisper it's words to him,and as she quoted something she loved to hear,something she loved to say.It rolled around him,and silenced him.
    "Life is not measured by the breaths we take,but by the moments that take our breath away."......."Home is where someone is thinking of you,that will be the place where you can always return to."
    He stared after her,and all at once he realized what she meant.She would never leave them,because she would always be there.She never hated them even with they tried to kill her,she could only love,she only wanted to love,and now she was going.Her child would be born,and then her life would be taken away from her again.Her child would be used as she would,and this was all to save the ones near her,for if not they would all die.She would never have a peaceful life,she would never once know the love of another.No one could love her,no one even tried to love her,yet people seemed to be drawn to her.She was indeed a mysterious one,she was indeed love it's self,but she would never know the feeling to be loved,and if she did,it would be only by her child.