Part 7
'Cursed are we
us creatures full of bloodlust,
hiding from the light, curled in a corner.
Sorrow greets us every hour, every day
we are waiting for the time when
people don't shy away
a day when they laugh with us,
cry with us,
sing with us,
understand us.
The day when humans start to love us,
so hopefully that day will come
but so many days have gone away,
now that day is so far away.
We created nightmares, not comforting things
No one will love us
No one will like us
They just judge us
Our lives filled with hate, sorrow, and grief
we take out our anger on the theif
who stole our lives
who stole our dreams
stole our Souls
Our Cursed Bloodline
changing us mean
ravenous things.
Our wretched venom
making them scream
We Have No Happy Endings'
I wrote this in my journal. Sorrow does visit us. Our lives cursed us. We bring fear.
It was Saturday morning, and my parents and I went to meet my two friends, Garth and Chase. They were both vampires, true vampires, not like me, a half-breed or whatever. Ynlike them, I was half-human. My body was cold, but had some warmth in it, in my blood that rushed under my skin.
Garth's black hair was punk style and shaggy. But Chase's was a light brown with copper highlights. Their oh-so-beautiful hair came down shaggy and jagged in front of their eyes. Kinda like the emo lookin' hair style. It was actually pretty neat.
Chase had coal black eyes with the smallest of brown touching the iris.. Today he had a grey shirt with black seagulls stitched onto it and black tripp jeans. His clothing was either dull or slightly bright.
Garth had golden green eyes that seemed to glow at night. Every time I happened to gaze upon them I was set into a trance, even when I was angry I would always be mystified by them. He wore jeans with holes and a dark blue hollister shirt on.
We all met in an alley, hanging out, waiting for the evening. That was when we were to hunt.
Why come in the morning you ask? So that we can get out of our houses and hang with each other in the shade, smelling the scents of morning drift in the atmosphere. Well, actually the only people who met each other this morning were me, Garth, and Chase. My parents walked with me there, said their quick 'hellos', then rand off somewhere, like the gym or mall.
"So how you been QuorraV.?" Chase called me QuorraV. instead of Quorra, it does sound kinda cool.
"Good you?" He nodded, smiling his flashy smile that showed off his fangs.
"Tenth hunt huh? Don't you just have tolaugh when they scream and pathetically fight back?" Garth pretended to fight like a girl, slapping at air. Chase's smile faded into a downcast 'O', then he rolled his eyes and sighed.
I had nodded my head at tenth, but began to stare at the dusty floor after. Sighing, I kicked the ground, spewing dust everywhere.
"Garth, she just became a vampire. Its gonna take her a while to actually, enjoy what you-" he coughed, "- enjoy."
"What? You don't like it when they do?" Garth asked raising an eyebrow at Chase. Chase just shook his head.
Both Chase and Garth were 16, I was 14. Chase was turned into a vampire when he was 10, not from bloodline. Garth has been a vampire since he was born. Some vampires age as they grow older, like humans, but some age until they are sixteen, like Chase and Garth. But they are still my friends, no matter their age. They have been my friends since my first hunt.
Before the hunt my parents had reviewed with me the factors of how we, 'took care of buisness', as they worded it, and then they eft my in the alley to silently wait while they hunted out in the open. They told me to at least try to get one victim while I hid in the shadows, but their faces didn't make me feel like I could do it. Plus I was afraid,..
Well, after they left me there to wait I leaned against the wall and watched as people and couples walked down the street, arm in arm, laughing and carrying on conversations. Then it started. Everyone began to scream, streetlight flickered, hissing could be heard when someone flashed a flashlight. I walked to the left side of the dumpster and waited, cradling myself next to the dumpster, hidden.
My body ached for blood, yet I refused to get up and jump out at some innocent person.
Then, there was some rustling inside my alley. A trashcan fell and I heard someone's, no I heard two people hissing. Shadows on the wall showed the figures on males, bent over, looking around the alley, fangs exposed. I heard blood fall. My senses flickered, and I stumbled from behind the dumpster, gawking at them.
Blood was trickling down their jaws, their teeth bare. Oh how I wanted to run up to them, lick off the blood from their claws. Some skin hung from one of their claws.
As my eyes moved over them, trying to see what their faces looked like, I froze. His eyes were like gold, but with green. They shone in the darkness like a cat's. He started to chuckle, while the other casually leaned against the wall in amusement perhaps.
The one chuckling spit blood on the ground. His eyes wer wild at the same time they glowed. Licking his lips, he back up.
My body began trembling, my eyes glued to the spot where the blood sat. "Go on, take it." His voice sly, dark, and sort of raspy. Hesitantly I glanced up at him, he wasn't looking. He was wiping of his my and his claws, his eyes now less wild than they were before.
Slowly, I crept forward in a crouch.
They other guy sat down and watched this little vampire hesitantly creepy forward. He hadn't ever seen anyone so hesitant to get blood. Shaking his head he looked away for a few seconds.
I kept glancing at the two, then bent my head down and licked the bloodspot. My body gave a little shiver. It was warm and salty. When I finished it, I looked infront of me to see a puddle of blood. My eyes grew wide as I rushed forward to greet it.
Someone groaned. I heard a thumping noise.
A few minutes went by as I drank from the puddle. My energy started to come back. Finishing up, I wiped off my chin, licked my lips, and daintly walked to the entrance of the alley for a person. But as I walked pass them, I nodded. Hopefully they would take that as a thanks.
A hand roughly grabbed my arm and yanked me back, making me stumble as they did so. Falling, I hit the ground hard. I grimaced and sat up, glaring at whoever did that.
Both of them smiled at me and sat down on each side of the alley, leaving me in the middle.
We waited until dawn, when the hunting had stopped and my parents returned. The whole time we waited no one had spoken, which surprised me alot. I would at least think one of them would tell me their names.
My parents were surprised that they'd helped me and were grateful. They said it was no big deal. We all became friends, and I learned their names during the next hunt.
To me, they were like best friends, and some pretty strong body guards.
Well, it was about noonish, and we hadn't seen my parents yet. We'd only talked once or twice, Chase and Garth spoke most of the time, well, basically the Whole time about their victims over the years. I had been re-living the time I'd first met them. But I overheard some of their conversation while I visualizing the memory. It had put me into thought. They actually enjoyed killing their victims and hearing them scream. I mean, I did kind of find it enjoyable, but every time I would go through a fit of agony over the person. They didn't mean a Thing to me, yet I cared for every single one of them. Their lives are so easliy taken away everyday. To me, people mattered, yet to Garth and Chase, they were like a sport. Animals to hunt once or twice a month.
"Hey! You alright?" I blinked a few times as I snapped out of my thoughts. Garth's head was cocked to the side and his brow was furrowed.
"Yea, you do look kinda, confused er something." Chase looked confused. Both of them had concerned looks on their faces. Did I really look so bad that they were concerned?
I nodded, "Yea, I'm,... Fine." My eyes strayed away to watch the passing person carrying a few shopping bags, bustling around the block trying to get home. I chuckled, yet I still felt kind of, let down. My thoughts always make me feel gloomy, and it sucked!
Garth came sauntered over to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. Hey smiled and bent his head so that his lips were touching my throat. I had an anime sweatdrop. No just kidding! But I was blankly staring at Chase, who was turned around snickering. I tried to shove Garth off me, but he wouldn't budge. Gah! Stupid strength! I'm not strong enough!
Chase turned around and leapt on the dumpster, creating a loud boom!
Garth nibbled on my neck, poking me with his fangs and giving a low, humored growl. I stuttered and waved my hands around like a maniac. "Hey! Hey stop it! Geez, that's so, Ugh!" I squirmed.
Chase jumped over me, landing with a thud. I shook my head and glared at him. He smiled and slowly walked towards me. "No!" I screamed. I was now being tickled to death by Chase!
Garth busted out laughing and joined in with Chase at tickling me. I was writhing against the wall, trying not to fall over.
Whenever I get down in the dumps they always do that. Garth knows that it totally wiggs me out whenever he nibbles on my neck, giving the impression that he'll drink my blood. Oh yea, and they were stronger than me even though I was a vampire, I think it's just because they are older and are males. Figures,.. But oh well!
"Ok! Ok, I'm fine guys, really. Stop it!!" It was almost impossible to stop me from laughing if you ticlked me. They both keeled over from laughing so hard.
Chase pulled my feet from under my and guess what? I fell on Garth. What joy.
I glared at Chase and he just shrugged. "Oops."
Garth looked up at me. "Why hello there." He flashed me a smile that made me flush. His chest was muscualr, so I was about and extra two inches or so away from his face. Getting up, I giggled. Then I stopped myself. 'Don't giggle!' I scolded myself. I don't want to sound girly with those stupid girlish giggles. Though, it was kinda funny.
They both got up and walked over to some boxes to sit on.
Chase slapped his knee, and I walked over and sat in his lap, leaning my head against his shoulder.
"So what were you so distressed about?" He eyed me, waiting for my response. My smile faded.
"Well, you guys like to kill your prey, I don't. They don't get to fight back, we are too strong for them. And I was once one and I can't stand killing them, no matter how, Fun it can be sometimes. But then again, I thirst for so mch blood that I have to.
Sitting up, I sighed as I walked over to my parents who'd just walked in the alley.
"Are you guys ready?" My mother asked, she was so hyped up. The air was cool and the sun was setting. Shades of pink, grey, and yellow filled the sky where the clouds were not. Crickets began chirping, and moths fluttered towards early lit streetlamps.
Now smiling, halfway, I followed everyone out of the alley to begin our hunt.
more detailed part 7 (about the hunt)
"But mom! Why can't I just go with you and dad?" I didn't want to be left alone for basically the whole night.
My father wiped of his pants as he got up. "It's almost time." The sun was setting, and it was getting darker by the moment. Someone shook my shoulders. I looked over to my mom, her eyes searching mine, frantic.
"Listen to me QuorraVenitia, you have to stay here. Someone can take advantage of your being weak, they could kill you."
My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. What or how could anyone kill me? I scoffed, "And how would they do that?" She reluctantly took her hands off my shoulders, and turned to look up at the sky. It was now a dark blue, I could see the Big Dipper, my favorite constellation.
She sighed, "Alright, but stay hidden."
"Unless you want food of course." My dad smiled. Then he and my mom pranced out of the alley together, and split into separate directions.
I stood there dumfounded for a while. Why had she said those thing? I mean, c'mon! I'm a vampire for Pete's Sake!
But the I remembered that one time when I was doing homework a couple weeks ago. My parents had been quarreling about something. I didn't want to eavesdrop, but a word caught my ear: Hunted. For some reason, that one word gives me the chills. If I even try and say it I start stuttering like I've been in an Ice Age for a hundred years. By now I was pressed against the door, trying to gear what else they were saying, but they stopped.
Shrill screaming rang in my ears, awakening me from my thoughts. I heard the faint sound of running, hissing, and the laughter of some cunning vampire who'd mercilessly trapped an innocent human. Trapped them from escape, from ever seeing their friends, family.
This was the Present, and Death was their Future. Either they die today, or are hunted down each night.
Glass shattered, a light flickered. I started to panick. This was too much for me! Then all of a sudden , my senses tingled. I smelled Blood. My eyes grew wide. It smelled Sooo good! This taste entered my mouth from scent. It tasted of something I've never tasted, yet, it was addicting, like chocolate! Like, you know when you smell something and it's like you can taste it? Well, that was how I was feeling right now.
Fear soon gripped me though, I didn't want to feel this way, I didn't want to have this, this thirst! It must be torturous for all the vampires regretting thir lifestyle. But then again, most vampires love it.
Frowning, I ignored my senses and huddled to the left of the dumpster.
I heard more hissing, more screaming. I winced when I heard the bloodcurdling scream of a little girl. She kept screaming, and screaming. I vcovered my ears. Then the screaming ceased, just like that. No more silent screaming or whimpering, none.
Peering around the dumpster, I thought it was over. But I was wrong. A woman rished past the alley. More people ran in opposite directions. They snarled and hissed, a light beamed in their path. None ran in my alley, but stumbled backwards. A lone teen like me was laughing, trying to hide the fear in his voice.
He had a black baseball cap on and a red Yankees jersey, and blue jeans.
His flashlight flickered.
"No! C'mon!" The boy slapped the flashlight against his thigh, letting out an aggrevated breath.
The vampires chuckled and murmured amongst themselves, sly grins on their pale faces, especially the young males eager for action. A ring of vampires circled around the boy. He was looking back anf forth, paranoid.
"No! No-wait! I-" Vampires leapt onto him. Blood squirted, he screamed. I winced and fought for control over my hunger, yet again.
I was getting weaker. 'It sounds like a riot.' I said to myself. Vampires were jeering at the corpse. They all left the spot, the blood drained human.
Breating heavily now, I eased my back against the wall and closed my eyes.
But did I fall asleep? No. Then, there was some rustling inside my alley. A trashcan fell and I heard someone's, no I heard two people hissing. Shadows on the wall showed the figures on males, bent over, looking around the alley, fangs exposed. I heard blood fall. My senses flickered, and I stumbled from behind the dumpster, gawking at them.
Blood was trickling down their jaws, their teeth bare. Oh how I wanted to run up to them, lick off the blood from their claws. Some skin hung from one of their claws.
As my eyes moved over them, trying to see what their faces looked like, I froze. His eyes were like gold, but with green. They shone in the darkness like a cat's. He started to chuckle, while the other casually leaned against the wall in amusement perhaps.
The one chuckling spit blood on the ground. His eyes wer wild at the same time they glowed. But their glow was bright yellow. Licking his lips, he back up.
My body began trembling, my eyes glued to the spot where the blood sat. "Go on, take it." His voice sly, dark, and sort of raspy. Hesitantly I glanced up at him, he wasn't looking. He was wiping of his my and his claws, his eyes now less wild than they were before.
Slowly, I crept forward in a crouch.
They other guy sat down and watched this little vampire hesitantly creepy forward. He hadn't ever seen anyone so hesitant to get blood. Shaking his head he looked away for a few seconds.
I kept glancing at the two, then bent my head down and licked the bloodspot. My body gave a little shiver. It was warm and salty. When I finished it, I looked infront of me to see a puddle of blood. My eyes grew wide as I rushed forward to greet it.
Someone groaned. I heard a thumping noise.
A few minutes went by as I drank from the puddle. My energy started to come back. Finishing up, I wiped off my chin, licked my lips, and daintly walked to the entrance of the alley for a person. But as I walked pass them, I nodded. Hopefully they would take that as a thanks.
A hand roughly grabbed my arm and yanked me back, making me stumble as they did so. Falling, I hit the ground hard. I grimaced and sat up, glaring at whoever did that.
Both of them smiled at me and sat down on each side of the alley, leaving me in the middle.
We waited until dawn, when the hunting had stopped and my parents returned. The whole time we waited no one had spoken, which surprised me alot. I would at least think one of them would tell me their names.
Well, my parents came.
"Thank you so much for protecting our Quorra!"My mother was gleaming. She was thrilled to know that two strangers had 'spared me' and given me some blood. I rolled my eyes.
"It was nothing, she was just so pitiful that I had to help her." The glowing eyed one said. His friends slapped his forehead, probably think that his answer was an insult. My parents laughed.
In the end we went our separate paths and met up during other hunts, but ever since then, we all have been best friends.
Part 8
As we all walked down the street pairs and pairs of vampires strolled about in different directions, hiding in alleys, hiding behind a random tree or bush. We then parted yet again to stalk different prey. But I stayed with both Garth and Chase just in case,...
Its was about 7:00 now, pretty dark, but still dimly lit by the surrounding streetlamps and cars, which we all hid from. All of a sudden screams were heard. The feast had begun.
We ran ran and hit behind a trashcan. I know, weird place to hide, but it works! Anyways, Chase found someone and bounded off for her, not to long after, he began slirping juices from the ground.
Flinching, I looking around the area for some young person. I sighed as Garth found an old person and leapt onto him. making the old man wail and groan as he hit the ground. The cane he'd been using was cracked, from the impact..
'If only he could've left that por man alone.', I told myself. That man didn't deserve his last day to end like This.
My eyes scattered around, searching for the right person. Finally, I found a a girl, I'm estimating about twenty. She had wavey strawberry-blonde hair. And she just stood there, frozen while watching us feast among the Humans. She was clutching onto her purse for dear life, like it would help her. But that is what most women do when they are scared.
She gasped, wide-eyed with shock as I appeared right in front of her, a sneer appearing on my face. I stuck my nose in the air and took a big whiff. "Mmm, doesn't that smell goood." I half squinted my eyes and and pursed my lips. "Now let's see,.." I began circling her, watching her quake as I did so. Her head flickered back and forth everytime I passed her on her left, then right. " You look, antsy and not too sure that you are going to make it. Hhmph. And you probably won't. But I wish you best of Luck!" Winking, I punched her, making her stumble backwards. When she hit the ground, her eyes began to flutter as I towered over her weak body, then, she fainted.
Normally we play with our, food, but I kinda decided not to. Even though in a way I did. Because this is like, my tenth time. I need to get used to killing people.
Stooping down, I turned her head to the side and pierced her neck. Blood started trickling donw like there was no tomorrow, filling the air with a scent of honey and, and something else that I can't describe. I think a victims blood gets its taste depending on what the person eats. Interesting, I know. Smirking, I began to drink.
Her blood was warm and it filled my mouth so quick that I didn't have to drink at a faster pace than I was now. It tasted to good! I silently groaned with satisfaction. Licking her bite marks, I lifted my head or air. I could feel the blood drip down my chin and down my neck, staining my shirt. Looking around, I saw flailing figures and blurs moving here and there whom I knew were the other vampires.
"Having a good time Quorra?" I shut my eyes, already knowing who it was. Looking up warily, I saw Garth. "And you interrupt me why?"
He laughed and held up his hands. "Oh, My Bad." He turned around, smirking, and ran away. 'To watch me probably.'
Sighing again, I bent down to indulge myself again in the irrisistable liquid.
Blood was kinda like milk. Thick, and red, but not white. They both made you stronger and satisfied your thirst. I chuckled to myself.
"Oomph!" I grabbed at the air as someone picked me up, and carried me bridle style. Rolling my eyes, I put on my glare and looked at the person. Chase smiled, his cream colored skin giving off a small glow. Now smiling back, I whacked him on the head.
"Ow! What was that for?" This time I chuckled. "Silly Chase. For tripping me earlier! I didn't want to fall on top of Garth."
"Oh! That!" He started laughing and shaking his head, swishing his hair from side to side. His eyes sparkled as he tilted his head to look at me. I just rolled my eyes. "Ok, now put me dooowwwnnn!!!!" He twirled in a half-circle and threw me into the air. Now here I am yelling like a lunatic and flying through the air like some Rag Doll.
Then someone caught me and I turned to look at Garth, who was smiling a wide smile that showed off his pearly whites, and extremely large, Fangs.. "Well hey there! Fancy meetin' you here." He glanced at Chase and winked, then focused his eyes back on me. I sighed again,"Whatever. Just please, set me down." I tried to wiggle out of his grip but he just wouldn't let go.
"Aww, why?" He tried making a puppy dog face. "Nice try Garth. Now Set - ME - DOWN!" I screamed in his face. Setting me down, he backed away with his palms up. "Ok, ok." I pursed my lips and just noticed how heavy my eyes felt. I rubbed my eyes with my fingers, trying to wipe away the sleep. He raised an eyebrow and continued to stare at me. "Is someone sweepy?" I stopped rubbing my eyes and uncovered one. "What? Can't a girl rub her eyes in the dark?" Garth smirked and crossed his arms. Shaking my head I began walking.
As I passed him, I increased my pace and yawned. This staying-up-since-morning was getting to my brain. I Needed Sleep!
A hand slipped into mine, intertwining it's fingers with mine. The hands were cold and smooth, like a marble table. With my free hand I smacked myself on the forehead. "Garth.." My voice had an edge to it. He was pushing it. I growled and looked up at him blankly, then tried to jerk my hand out of his.
"Please!!" He pleaded, his eyes were searching mine and his face was serious, but I could tell that he was trying so hard not to crack a smile. "No." Why me?! Why does he have to pick me? "Well if I can't carry you then can't I just hold your hand?" He looked ahead of us and closed his eyes. Smiling, I began to admire how determined he was. Just at that moment he peeked at me, "Is that a Smile I see?" I quickly stopped smiling and looked away. "No.." We walked in silence for a few seconds with me yanking my hand away still trying to get out of his iron grip. I swiveled my head over to look at him. He pleaded once more, "Come on Quorra, for just a few minutes? Or at least until we reach the alley." The expression he had on was cute. His bottom lip was stuck out and he was trying so hard not to smile, Again. I gave out an aggravated sigh and started running, pulling him along with me. He was laughing and tripping over his own two feet. 'What an idiot. I bet Chase is watching us right now, laughing and laughing.'
- by JimmyTheYellowHighlighter |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 04/15/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: ACLFOB part 7&8
- Artist: JimmyTheYellowHighlighter
Ok, *sigh* this is extremely long unfortunately lol
The first part is a poem that Quorra was writing and then the second part of chapter seven is a more detailed piece of the hunt in her view, somewhat like a flashback(I should probably create it as a flashback when I write it over). Please give me some feedback so when I write the story over again, I will have better idea's in mind, thanks =D - Date: 04/15/2009
- Tags: aclfob part
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Comments (1 Comments)
- Etes-vous_pret - 04/22/2009
post it bit by bit so people actually read it.
I'm reading it now, but thought i'd post anyway smile - Report As Spam