• Entree#2 Cuts, bruises, and burns.

    Day two, I'm wandering in what used to be Tasha's land. Word got out that Tasha has been murdered by a mystery killer. And that mystery killer would be me. The detectives say she managed to escape strangulation, but then had been bludgened to death with a brick, and the killer struck so hard and clean that the brick had been crushed in half, thay suspect it was a man. Those words sounded like praise to me."Ha! How pittiful." I said to myself. "Tasha had been hopeless from the beginning.". "Haven't you heard, Tasha the Great had been stricken dead!" A passer-byer said. "I know! Who would have such a cold heart! Who ever killed her would have to face my wrath!". The other pedestrian said. Those words upset me and so I shouted "Let's try that theory out!" as I was apearing in front of them. "Y-Y-You k-killed T-ta-Ta-t-Tash-a?" The pedastrian stuttered trying to get his wits together "Who are you!" The pedestrin screamed in fear as the other one ran away. "Who am I!... Who am I!!!." I said with anger stuck in my throat "Sophie the 3rd is who I am!" And the person took a fighting stance to try and be a hero. "Big mistake." I said and scratched the personto try and scare them. Still no running. Then I decided to kill him I Threw rocks at him and even threw him into a fire then he got up and out of the fire. I found a large junk pipe and started whacking him in the head eventualyhe was hurt so badly he was begging for death and so i took his head and twisted it all of that way arround. CRACK! went his neck, and then he was dead. But unfortuneatly I didn't know his plan and so he has risen up as a blind ghoast because he didn't let his eyes adjust and I gave him torture. Without him knowing I ripped his arms off like they were legs of a roasted turkey and slapped his face with his own bloody hands. I finaly peeled the meat off of his hands and implanted his bones into the eye sockets and one bone went so far it went straight through his head and then he turned into dust and drifted away.

    An hour later I went into a cave. "Who's there?" I said. "Who's there?" another voice mimicked. "Sophie the 3rd." I repleid. "You are dead aren't you..." The voice said. "How did you know! Who told you!" I said getting defensive. "No need to stay defensive... I'm the same as you." Then a girl with a bloody and at the same time muddy white gown, white hair and all black eyes came out of the shadows. "I have drown here." Then she pointed at a deep well overflowing with water. "And my name is Claire." She said as her long white hair dripped and dripped and dripped. "I assume you know how I died." I said "Yes i know how you deied and who caused you to. A pretty trajic story actually." Claire repleid. "Oh, do you mind if I sleep here for the night?" I asked "No, I don't mind." Claire said. Then I found myself a flat, dry surface and slept for the night.