<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<chapter 4: rogue>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Grazeor then headed off back to the trail, it was as usual a cool and calm night. The grass would evenly move back and forth through the breeze, it reminded Litch of life before all the crazy things happened to him.
They found a village and stayed at an inn. After sleep won Litch over a sly man slipped through the door and crept on the wall, he took one step at a time, creeping up the stairs to Litch's room. This, was the third man.
He had to get the job finished, but as he went into the room, he felt a deep, even deeper than an abyss he felt deep sypathy for Litch. He was the last of his family left to fend for himself only to be accompanyed by Grazeor and a stuffed giraffe that Litch called "jerry".
Litch had held jerry as he crept down the stairs, the animal was all that was left from that day, and jerry now gave Litch some hope and streangth. Litch's only other feelings were hate, the deepest hate he knew oneday he would find the man and kill him.
The man in black crept up he grabbed Litch, who was out cold and holding jerry. He brought him into the "rogue" troll village and exchanged him to a man wearing a black bandanna that only let people see his eyes.
The man handed the man dressed in black a heavy bag, it was filled with a killing poison and gold pieces. The bandannad man put a camera on litch and threw him into the wilderness. Then Litch awoke and tryed to scream, nothing came out.
He grabbed jeffery and squeezed on him there was nothing he could do. Or atleast thats what he thought. But he now noticed a small village, he ran. He kept running. Civilization! he thought! as he went furthertwo trolls with axes confronted him. They were dressed in black wearing bandannas.
It reminded him of the incedent three years ago. No! He thought, its not time to think about then this is now. They werent normal trolls, they were and had to be, as the word cluttered out of Litches mouth "Rogue."

- Title: Below zero: chapter four
- Artist: afliction
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i suggest u read chapters 1,2, and 3 first - Date: 05/24/2009
- Tags: below zero chapter four
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