• -Chapter 1- Behind Closed doors-

    I tried to ignore the the ringing bell that rang through one of my ears and out the other. I didn't want to get up, I had gotten no sleep last night, just like every night before that.
    But, somehow, I opened my relunctant eyes to the bright, and empty, classroom. Even the teacher left. Great.
    I shoveled all of my notebooks and pencils into my black and grey striped backpack and head out the classroom door.
    I massaged my forehead with my index finger as I walked over to my locker. I inlocked it with the small black heart key in my pocket and looked at myself in the small mirror that was on the inside of the locker door. I brushed down my purple and pink striped black hair and put back in my lip ring and nose ring (i wasnt allowed to wear them in history class, Mr. Cletz didnt like them and i could get detention, so i just took them out then put them back in).
    I stared at my face, my skin was smooth and deathly pale, with the exception of two dark circles under my Jade green eyes. I sighed and grabbed my math book in exchange of putting my history book back. I slammed the locker shut and locked it.
    I clutched the text book to my chest and sighed again. I spun around, right into someones chest.
    "Oh crap! Im so sor-" I began to say but then looked up to see a familar face smiling a crooked smile down at me. "Oh its you Travis."
    "Oh, no "OMG!! Im sooooooo soooorry!!" for me. I feel loved." He said sarcasticly, his smile showing in his voice.
    "Hell no!" I said smiling and hugging Travis tightly.
    "Haha Well im glad, cause that mushy s**t bothers me, especially when you say it." He said hugging me back.
    "Good cause you'll never hear me say it, at least it wont directed to you."
    He just stood there and smiled for a few moments.
    "Ok, your creeping me out." I said inching away.
    "Elure!" I heard my name being called from a few feet away.
    A fast, short blur ran over to me and hugged me tightly around the neck, choking me in just the slightest. I looked down at my new growth and saw it was my best friend Rose, who somehow had managed with her 4'11" self, to reck my 5'6" neck with ease.
    "OMG! I missed you! That last class was sooooo boreing!" She complained in quick sentences not seeming to take a breath.
    "Hi to you too." I said, her still dangling at my side.
    She looked over at Travis and her smile faded.
    "Oh, hi, travis." She said not at all as enthusiastic as she was few moments ago. Then she looked back at me and her smile returned. "Anyways, lets go to class!" She squealed.
    "Ok...Ok!" I said as she started pulling me down the hallway toward math class. "I'll talk to youlater Trav!" I yelled back at him. He just slightly waved me away and turned around and headed toward his class.
    I tried to keep up with Rose, who was pulling my arm at a swift pase, but i just ended up stumbling over my feet behind her. She finally let go once we hit the class room hallway.
    "Whats with all the pushying and pulling?" I asked as she just walked by my side.
    "I-I wanted to get away from Travis." She said her nicely tanned cheeks turning a slight pink.
    "Waaaaaaaait!! You-you!! O-M-G!! You like Trav!!" I squealed jumping up and down clapping my hands.
    "Ugh!! You dont have to announce it to the whole wide world!!" She said punching my arm.
    "Hah, oww, anyways...imma hook you two up!!" I smiled a big movie star smile. "Ill be Master Dr. Love maker El. Oh ya!"
    We stood in the hallway for a few moments giggling.
    "Ok fine, but if he says he doesnt like me then just drop it-" She was cut off by Travis walking down the hallway toward us. Roses cheeks got pinker than before. I grabbed Travis's shirt sleeve as he passed me by.
    "Travis! Do you think Rose is cute?!" I asked as I held onto his shirt.
    "Uh, why?"
    "Answer the damn question!"
    "Uh, sure, ya, she pretty damn hot."
    "Ooooooo! Better than cute!" I whispered to Rose who had a "What the hell are you doing!!" look on her face.
    "Why do you ask?" Travis asked, seeming very curious now.
    "Because....um...." I searched for words.
    "Because...I want to go out with you!" Rose blurted out then covered her mouth quickly with her hands.
    Travis had a surprised look on his face. "Uhhhh, sure I'll go out with you." He smiled his perfect white smile at her.
    She seemed to melt right in front of him. She ran into his waiting arms and stood there smiling.
    "Master Dr. Love maker El, has done it again!" I high fived myself.
    I turned around to walk into my math class but then saw the sub, Ms.Acre.
    "I know what class im skipping." I whispered to myself as I headed past the two love birds and to the two big green door that read "Exit" above them.
    I pushed past them and down the cement stairs.
    "Ok now the question is, where to go?" I mummbled to myself. "Eh, I could go to the Water front."
    I started down the sidewalk past all the fancy houses that made up the neighborhoods outside of the city limits. The breeze that smirled around me felt wonderful, so I took off my black zip-up hoodie and shoved it in my back-pack, reaveling my grey happy face shirt that I loved. I started to skip, my wrist bands flying around my wrists, and my keys hitting my leg every other skip. I smiled happily and hopped through a backyard, and with fates decision, a family was back there. I started running, happy I was wearing my black converse's instead of my boots, and hopped the other side of the fence.
    I landed on the cememnt pathway of the Waterfront. As I walked I ran my hand along the metal railing. When I came to and area where there were no fisherman around, I hopped up on the railing, sitting there for a while. I let my hair get whisped around my face, just enjoying the smell of the salty air.
    I finally looked at the tree across from me. Someone sat in the tree, just staring at me. I started figiting, hating when people stared at me blankly. I hopped down and started walking down the path, toward the bait shop. He followed me all the way down there. I hid behind the shop, which to my luck, was closed, so no one was around to hear me scream for help, if i came down to that.
    I looked around one side and I didnt see anyone. I turned around and there stood some creepy guy with a black hood on. I pressed myself up against the wall, trying to inch awa from him. He put his arms on either side of me so I couldnt get away. He stood over me, just staring at me.
    "Who are you?" I asked trying to keep my voice even.
    "Me, hah, thats an interesting question, really, who am i?" He replied with a deep, husky voice.
    "Whats your name?" I tried to refrase the question.
    "Heh, Jake." He smiled.
    He pulled back his hoodie with one hand and revealed himself. He hair was jet black like the sky with no stars, it was mid neck length but look liked it had been tryed to be spiked and styled but started laying flat again. He had large brown eyes that held no emotion, they were just like mirrors, nothing more. He had a lip ring, and as he talked I could see he had a tongue ring too.
    "What do you want with me?" I asked. I started to chew on my lip, a thing I did when I was stressed, But as I chewed harder I could taste blood in my mouth.
    "I want to protect you, and have you." He said as he looked at me through his hair.
    I gasped and let go of my lip, blood started trickling down my chin. He leaned in and whispered in my ear. "I will always be there, so dont worry."
    I closed my eyes then opened them again. He was gone. My heart thudded against my chest as I started to breathe heavy. I sank to the floor and pondered the last thing he said. "I will always be there for you, so dont worry." How the hell am i not suppose to worry when he's a stalker pedifile person!?
    I causously rounded the corner and back onto the pathway. No sign of freaky pedifile dude. Thank god.
    I looked at my watch, wich clung to my left wrist loosely. It was already 3:18, there was no point in going back to school. I made my way past the bait shop and down my street.