• "So sad, that such a beauteous, powerful, untamed child of God threw her life away by sleeping with a disgusting lowly child of Lucifer," The angel laughed. His wings unfurled around him like massive scrolls set against a dark sky.
    His golden skin gleamed blindingly as he heaved me from the stone floor by my sky-colored robe and whispered in my ear," I am in... charge of your punishment, being the angel of punishment, this comes naturally to me. But did you already know, that?"
    He leaned his head back to look at me with judging, arrogant, silver eyes. I gazed deeply into them and saw my broken reflection in all its painful glory. He flipped his silver hair arrogantly and asked,"Well, did you?"
    I leaned my head back and looked skyward at the huge clouds that enveloped this kingdom, they were always there, even though His kingdom is not in the sky of earth, nor below on it. I was going to miss the clouds, and the grand architecture. There is no way I can escape now, in the clutches of Puriel, the angel of punishment and one of the three that decide weather or not a human's spirit deserves Heaven... or Hell. Seeing this is the end of life as I know it, what's the one thing I have always wanted to do?
    I hacked and spat in Puriel's face. I rasped, " Yes. I know you. The disgraceful angel Puriel, so called child of God. You know. You deserve to join Lucifer and all of the Fallen Angels gifted to him by The Almighty, you don't even deserve that," I glowered at his furious face and hissed with purpose,"DEMON."
    He recoiled and slapped me across the face and said," I know that I will enjoy this," as he pulled the brand out of the green fire and placed it to my skin and I had no doubt that the whole kingdom heard the brand his as it burned my skin and my screams of agony.
    Dark. Dank. Disgusting. The three words to describe my cell, that I might add fit perfectly... aurgh. My skin still burns from the brand, and my back feels... weightless. My wings... they're gone. More or less I have been reduced to my lowest level, I am nude, wingless, and branded with the mark of a fallen angel and my sin: lust. With all I can do is wait, and hope that my children escaped the clutches of those intolerant angelic b@$t*rds.
    I am not sure of anything, but there is one thing I am sure of, and that is throughout the ages of history angels will tell the humans of my demise, and each time they tell they will blow things out of proportion until I am made out to be a total monster. All this trouble, and because of a human emotion called "love". And because of my love of my demon lover, and our children, I will be banished to earth and be put in a body of a human, and no matter how many times I die, I will be reincarnated into another, and on earth I will stay until Judgement Day.