• The year is 1200 B.C. and the last remaining witches of the world are about to be exterminated by God’s chosen people the Hebrews. The last of the witches, about 500 in number, are in a castle on a mountaintop in the area of Afghanistan that they have strongly barricaded. An army of about 50,000 Hebrews are coming to slay the last of them as they believe that God has commanded them to do so. The witches using their black magic see the army coming and also see themselves being eradicated, but despite this they will have their revenge by cursing three things that they have stored in the castle vault.

    About three weeks later, the Hebrews are finally victorious in winning the battle and ridding the world of all the witches. Afterward they raid the castle vault and take all the treasure within. The first of the cursed treasure are the castle’s gold coins. Whoever takes any of the gold coins out loses ten times that amount back home. The second cursed treasure in the castle vault is a beautiful winter coat. Whoever puts the winter coat on cannot take it off, and it gets colder and colder from the inside until the person wearing it freezes to death. The third cursed treasure and also by far the worst of the treasures is a beautiful mirror, possibly the most beautiful mirror in the world. Whoever looks into the mirror either commits suicide or is severely traumatized for life, and as part of the curse the mirror cannot be broken.

    The next day messengers arrive from Israel to report back the outcome of the battle to the king. They see that most of the soldiers are dead because they looked in the mirror and those that aren’t dead are just laying or sitting around rocking back and forth and stuff and being non-responsive. There are only a few soldiers left that were smart and hadn’t looked in the mirror because they saw what it did to their comrades. They warn the messengers to not look into the mirror either because of this so they don’t.

    *** 3,200 YEARS LATER, PRESENT DAY ***

    There is an excavation in progress in Afghanistan on the same site of the witches’s castle and the ruins of what is left of the castle. After a lot of digging an archaeologist finally unearths the cursed mirror. As part of the deal with some rich people that funded the excavation, whatever there is of value that is found is sent back to the United States and the mirror is then put up for auction and sold to someone rich and famous like Oprah Winfrey, Puff Daddy, Bill Clinton, or whoever. Of course they look into it and commit suicide and all their stuff is auctioned off including the cursed mirror like Princess Diana’s things were put on auction after she died, or is inherited by someone that is in the rich person’s will so later the heir either puts it in auction or keeps it and if the heir keeps it they eventually commit suicide as well after looking in the mirror and the mirror then goes to someone else on that person’s will but eventually the mirror is put in auction again. After being in auction the mirror is again bought by someone rich and they commit suicide as well after they look into it and the mirror keeps going in that pattern. In time this starts to become devastating to the United States (or would be) because the celebrities, leaders, and big business owners are dying. Less celebrities and big business owners are able to contribute their wealth to charities and such because they are dead, less politicians are able to lead the country because they are dead, less big business owners are able to direct their companies because they are dead so people in the company lose their jobs, stuff stops being delivered, assignments aren’t being completed, and the company comes to a standstill, etc. Nobody knows what is making the important people of the United States commit suicide or what is killing them and even if they did they wouldn’t believe that it is a cursed mirror which is just a material object.

    Eventually the mirror is sold to Bill Gates. Bill Gates looks into the mirror, but he doesn’t commit suicide and he isn’t traumatized for life either. What the mirror shows is the past of whoever looks into it. The part of their past they least want to remember, the part of their past they spent years trying to forget until they finally did (i.e., if the person was molested as a child the cursed mirror may show them this). But Bill Gates has autism, part of autism for many people that have it is being incapable of getting passed the past, and some people that have autism even relive the past everyday in their own minds in a way, particularly the bad stuff. So instead of committing suicide or being traumatized for life, Bill Gates just gets very mad. He tries to break the mirror but the mirror is unbreakable, he tries a dozen ways to break it by stomping it, throwing bricks at it, but the witches cursed it to be unbreakable as part of their revenge. So he takes it outside and buries it very deep, probably like someone did to it 3,200 years ago.