• I woke up early morning, thought I heard a noise? I took a look out the woods and didn’t see anything, must have been my imagination.
    When I asked Haiti what today’s training would be, he smirked. Its never good when a master smirks.
    “Today your going into the woods”, proclaimed my master.
    “That doesn’t sound so hard?” I must have said something wrong.
    Day 1 in the woods: I was easy and lazy. I knew I had time to kill a demon, and maybe search for that thing stalking me. The first day was easy and simple.
    Day 2 in the woods: Found some berries, I didn’t bother to see the color. I thought since I was half demon the poison wouldn’t effect me anyway. Boy was I FREAKING wrong! The second day was a sick day.
    Day 3 in the woods: I swore I saw something this time, I know I did! It had big teeth, big black eyes, and it smelled of blood. I knew my training with my master would not fail me…but what if I wasn’t trained hard enough? What if this things to strong for me? Would I be killed without avenging my family? NO! I can’t lose my head here, if I need to kill one demon then I will. So I will organize a plan and I will have a demon head.
    Day 4: in the woods, I found foot steps. They were huge, look like a wolf foot though? I decided to follow them. I was going to sneak on the demon and snap its neck, clean and easy. I stopped at the end of the foot steps, were did he go? I examined the foot steps a little closer. Then, I heard breathing. Not the easy one either, its breath reeked of corpses; I could hear his drool hitting the floor. All this time I was focused on how I would kill him, and I didn’t even bother to think, does it know I’m following? I felt its giant claws about to grab my throat! This was it! Do or Die! If that’s the way it’s got to be, then so be it…
    I looked behind me, that’s were my master yelled from, nothing was there.
    I started walking home when I stepped in something slimy, it was blood…

    Master told me it was a fake quest to see my sanity; apparently there are no demons in those woods. That still doesn’t explain the blood. So that day I stayed awake, looking out my window, I know it’s out there…just…where?

    I went downstairs after I woke up, something was burning. Apparently Tec tried to make me eggs. I guess he knew I was a little hungry, he’s a good guy. So I ate the eggs without him needing to tell me. I gladly ate the burnt eggs, though how nasty they were. When I got up to thank him he walked away. It didn’t even come to mind the eggs were his…oops. I went to catch up to him, but Haiti grabbed my arm and told me I still must train. My next exercise is to run on water, I know crazy huh?!
    He took me out to the lake where I would learn 2 things from this, speed, and focus. There are 2 ways of water walking, running really fast and calmly focusing. Fast I can understand, but focusing? When I started to run on the water I made it about 5 steps before falling in. I’m guessing I have to focus while running too. So in order to perform the water walk, I need to focus. I wasn’t sure how so I asked my master. He made me walk with him in the woods. We were talking about life, and how demanding it was, I guess his life seemed almost as sad as mine. He lost his wife after the birth of Tec, and so Tec was never shown sympathy from his dad. I stared at the ground to ease my thoughts…when was the ground blue? Amazing! I was walking on water? I asked my master how this worked; he answered “In order to focus on water walking, you must not focus on it at all.” Believe me, I was just as confused as anyone else who heard that. I decided not to question his methods.
    "We walk on the ground without thinking, so walk on the water without thinking and it will treat you like it was ground." Haiti smiled and went off.
    While I was making toast, Tec came by. He said his father couldn’t teach anyone but me the water walk; actually it took Haiti 6 years to master. I was shocked, It took me 3 minutes of thinking, I guess I’m pretty special. I went to grab my toast…it was gone?

    On Christmas day I didn’t get any gifts, I felt alone. When my master gave Tec a master kit, it contained 120 different science items. When I went to my room to sleep off this special holiday, I was followed by Tec. At first he pointed his pistol at me...then he gave dual pistols he made from his science kit. He must have made it in 10 seconds! I thanked him for such a great weapon. He said he was glad I was his friend then walked away. I got to admit, he is my first and best friend I got right now.