• "I don't believe it. Of course there's some logical explanation for this. The most notorious pirates in all of M-space don't just commit mass suicide; especially when they've just plundered one of the wealthiest pleasure yachts in existence. No, there has to be a reason..." fumed General Wallace of the Moon-Space Security Force. His unique English accent shed a small amount of humor on this otherwise serious account. "I've got it! Mutiny. That's what this was. A band of the pirates got over greedy and murdered everyone else on board to take the treasure for themselves." He wiggled his thick, blonde, bushy mustache with pride at his cunning mind.

    The young and soft-spoken captian, Captain Jake, took a half step forward and interjected, "General, if I might point out the flaws with that theory: First, the pirate's ship Ubiquitous Plague only had 300 sleeping quarters with a single bed to each, and there were 284 men found dead. That means that 16 men would've had to kill nearly 18 times their number. Second, all the valuables reported stolen from the pleasure yacht were still onboard the pirate ship. And finally, all the pirates were killed with their own personal weapons. And not a scrap of DNA was found anywhere on the ship that didn't belong to one of the dead pirates."

    "Dash-it-all..." muttered the general.

    "Sir," said Jake again, "I'm afraid we must look at this as a serious threat. This could just be the tip of the meteor."

    "No... We must look at it as it truly is. Pirates who either finally felt guilty about all the atrocities they've committed and decided they'd rather do away with themselves than let the authorites do it, or they all went completely and utterly insane!" the general exclaimed with conviction.

    "Very well."

    "I beg your pardon? Very well, WHAT?" queried the general.

    "Very well, SIR..." replied the young captain.

    "That's right," said General Wallace sternly as Jake strode off. "And don't you ever forget it!"