• The show starts off with a big sign slowly coming down from the ceiling, it says:
    JEOPARDY! HOSTED BY ALEX!co-stared by Matthew
    The sign usddenly falls over with Matthew and me behind it

    Matthew: Why is my name so f---ing small? confused

    Alex: Matthew Matthew Matthew... You just don't see why people really come here. ME! blaugh

    *everyone in the audience laughs*

    Alex: Shut it! gonk


    Matthew: Um Alex? I know your having one of your moments, but I think we should introduce the guests... sweatdrop

    Alex: Fine fine... I'll give'em their one chance with my spot light...
    Ladies and Gentlemen, meet our first guest. Batman! whee

    *everyone screams and claps as the spot light appears over Batman and he said nothing and just looks around with a face like 'WTF' and Matthew takes my microphone*

    Matthew: And let's say hi to the Joker! biggrin

    *Some clowns in the front row clap like hell*

    Joker: Heheh, thanks for the love!*blows kisses* 4laugh

    *Alex grabs the microphone from Matthew*

    Alex: And Harvey. stare

    *No one claps but Rachel holds up a sign that says:
    "Go Harvey Baby!"
    Alex glares at her with a 'You-stupid-b***h' look*

    Harvey: Why doesn't anyone one else love me!? gonk

    Matthew: 'cause you fail as a villain... talk2hand

    Alex: ...Let's sho-

    Batman: I will take down superman!

    Joker:*starts to giggle madly* You*giggle* you have no idea where you are *giggle*don't you? whee

    Alex:*Takes off shoe and throws it at Batman* As I was saying... Out topics are. The. Joker. Is. The. and Best.... neutral

    Matthew: Hey! scream

    *Joker falls off with podium and rolls on the ground laughing
    Batman hits his buzzer*

    Batman: I will take justice for 500.

    Alex:... There is no justice.

    Batman: Yes there is!*jumps down on Joker and starts to beat him up*

    Rachel: Get in there Harvey!

    Harvey: YAY I GET AN ACTION SEQUENCE! whee *jumps in but get tossed out by Batman and he lands into the crowd*

    Matthew: Aw, our audience was contaminated with cheap evil... stare

    Alex: Looks like we got to clear out the trash... stare

    *A long rope falls from the ceiling and Alex grabs onto to, waves at the people, and pulles it. A trap door appears underneath everyone and they fall..
    Harvey didn't though*

    Alex: Damn, I knew I should of got the extra large door. stare

    Matthew: I told you but nooo. 'it was to expensive'! stare

    Harey: RACHEL!! gonk

    Joker: *laughing still as Batman beats him up* HAHAHAHAHAHA!! xd

    Matthew: Without an audience... our show is done.... cry

    Alex: After all that work of capturing and tying up Alex Trebek... and our show is a disaster... WE WILL HAVE ANOTHER SHOW TOMARROW!

    Matthew: With a sign with my name in big red letters! blaugh

    Alex: MAYBE! blaugh

    *Screen goes black but you can still hear Batman beating up Joker and Joker laughing like a madman*