• The first moments of consciousness are disorienting. It's as if he's still submerged underwater and all the sound and his senses have been muffled by water and all the faces peering down at him was just a shadowy blur. Wet, cold and shivering as the frosty winds blew, Charles felt like he was dipped in ice and his muscles taut as he tried to flex them to wakefulness. Nausea hit him as he stirred coughing out salt water again clearing his lungs with its taste still lingered in his mouth. He can't remember what exactly happened to him or how he came to sit there in dry land as his head spun when he tried to get up.

    "You almost drowned," a voice said that sounds feminine but he can't make out much what she looked like. Thanking her weakly as she helped him into sitting position. "I think you slipped and fell. Are you feeling alright?"

    "You shouldn't venture off alone along these coasts you know. The water currents are pretty strong along these parts. If Lindsy haven't seen you your sure to be a goner," a strong grip steadied him as he cradled his aching head with the palm of his hand.

    Looking around him as his vision started to clear he saw that he was surrounded by a group of teenagers that was about his age. "Allow me to make the introductions. I'm Peter, you can call me Pete. This is Grey, Mike, James, Melody and Lindsy," each responded to the mention of their names with a nod. "Lindsy was the one that saved you awhile ago."

    "What's your name?" Lindsy smiled as she asked looking into his eyes, he slightly blushed as he gazed down in his lap. At that moment he felt stupid for falling into the water in the first place.

    "Charles," was the almost inaudible reply. It was uncomfortable for him to be stared at especially in a midst of an unknown crowd where he practically felt he didn't belong. "I should go," he started to get up unsteadily to his feet.

    "We should walk you home you aren't strong enough," Melody insisted as she glanced at Grey questioningly.

    "No. No, I'm fine I live nearby so I'll be alright I guess," he brushed the sands off his jeans and tried to walk a few paces towards the general direction of his house. "Thanks for saving me," he said before he slightly glanced back and then run off.

    "He's weird," Melody said as Lindsy continued to look after Charles until he vanished just over the rocky coast. "Weird but cute don't you think."

    "Mel, stop that. I'm just worried he might get himself into trouble again," Lindsy said defensively as she shook her head.

    "He'll get be alright don't worry about him Lindsy. We should go home too, it's late. I'll drive you home," Peter said as he gently took Lindsy by the arm and started to walk her towards his car.

    "Yeah, you guys go ahead. We can take care of this and then go home ourselves," waved Grey as he helped Melody pack their stuff inside a black plastic bag.

    "Are you guys sure? Maybe I could stay a while to help," said Lindsy as she looked back to her friends. Although she was feeling cold and tired she didn’t want to leave her friends to do all the cleaning up. She shivered a little and rubbed her arms to ease the numbness in her arms.

    "Look at you you're shivering all over. You wouldn't want cold or something. We can take care of this. Goodnight to you both and see you tomorrow OK," Mike said as he shooed them and helped Melody and Grey to finish up.

    Peter took off his jacket and draped it around Lindsy's shoulders. "Come on I should take you home," he led her to the car and opened the door for her.