• The Yeon Chief
    By: Selena L. Rodriguez

    Chapter 1
    The Attack
    Location: Caradorme, The Capital Country

    “Red here. I’m in position.” Red shifted himself to become more comfortable. The man on the radio sighed in frustration, of course, to Red it sounded like a muffle of static.
    “What?” Red asked, “Are you anxious?” The man on the radio mumbled a prayer to himself, then spoke, “No. I am wondering if this is right or wrong.” Red moaned, “Black told you. If you want balance or whatever you’ll let Black rule.” There was another sigh from the radio, “Yes, but…” Red shook his head in disgust,
    “Moreover, can Bara soldiers hold up against the Caradorme security?” Red wanted to change the subject. If Blue got into his whole balance, right and wrong speech, they’d never attack the Capital.
    “I am certain.” Blue said quickly, as if offended, “Shall we go over our orders so you will not forget?”
    Red snorted, “Your obnoxious, y’know?”
    Blue ignored Red and began his explanation anyway,
    “If your in position, then your going to attack the castle guards and open the doors. As for me I will clear way for the Colder soldiers.” Blue paused as if waiting for Red to reply. He didn‘t, so he continued, “Am I clear, Red? No more than attacking the guards and opening the doors.”
    Red snorted again,
    “This sucks. I am so much better than this.”
    Red jumped from his position and attacked the guards. They never knew what hit them. Red jumped on the chest of one knight and beat him to a bloody pulp. Red stood and licked the blood off his finger then smiled in delight. He motioned his soldiers to open the door. On cue the soldiers ran to the door and pulled the latches for it to open.
    “Red’s on the move, Black.” breathed Blue. He wasn’t sure if Black’s way of gaining power by violence and killing was justice. Still he had no choice. Bara would be destroyed if he resisted or betrayed Black.
    Black sighed, “I told him to wait for my signal.” Black rubbed his temples. “Whatever. Blue, commence operation, Caradorme.”

    Chapter 2
    The Yeon Chief
    Location: Caradorme, Capital Country

    “Red, aggression. Blue, peace. Yellow, happiness. Purple, illusion. Orange, intelligence. Green, greed. Black, sorrow. White, purity.” The man chuckled, “They’ve all turned against me?” he swiveled in his chair and laughed, “I’ll take care of this.” The man stood up and grabbed the hilt of his with his left hand. “Black has gone too far.” He walked out the door and was accompanied by his 17 year old son, Sydney. “Father, where are you going?” Sydney’s father never shifted his gaze, “I have business in town.” Sydney stopped walking. “Um, all right. When should I expect you back?”
    That made the tall man stop. He thought for a moment, then spoke, “Shush. Go back to your room.”
    Sydney trotted down the hallway as his father instructed of him. His father sighed,
    “I hope I raised him well.”
    Sydney sat in his room and twiddled his thumbs. Was his father angry? Or was he just frustrated? They had a trip coming, to where, he didn’t know. So, his father had a right to be nervous. To be honest, Sydney thought to himself, his father never yelled or even raised his voice or gave any hint that he was ever angry or upset. It was that he was never angry, he just didn’t show it. What was different now?
    “Black. This is Red. I’ve infiltrated the building and the colder soldiers have made there way through.” Red cracked a grin at the thought of the slaughter. “Good. You know, I expected you more patient.” breathed the armored man. The castle of Caradorme was an all white, gold trimmed building. It had tall towers and ramps for the Zooldian race the bird people, Lizaro. Black paused, waiting for Red to reply. He didn’t. Black didn’t care. He continued his mission with machine-like disinterest. “Black.” mumbled Sydney’s father as he was approached by the black armored man. Black was a tall man roughly 7 feet tall. He had jet black hair and dark blue eyes, in fact, his eyes were so blue that they looked black as well. His stance was alert and serious. He drew his sword and did not spare precious time for words, he lunged and attacked.
    Sydney kicked his legs and wondered if his father would still be mad at him because he’d asked to many questions. Sydney wanted to apologize. He got up and made his way to the entrance of the castle….
    And came face to face with a dead body.
    His first reaction was to wonder if it was really dead. The smell had clarified that. How long was it here? No one came to clean it? His father should have came through here hours ago. Did he do this? He wouldn’t do this. Would he? Just then, something broke his train of thought. He heard a vase of some sort shatter, and whirled around to find his father being dragged down the hall by knights in purple armor. “Colder soldiers?” questioned Sydney to no one. His father caught glance of the frightened boy, “Run, Sydney!” he wailed. In Sydney’s shock his feet were frozen. Just then, something hit Sydney in the back of the head. Red snickered at his victory. Red was an average height, with red hair and piercing yellow eyes. Being second youngest in the group, he’s brash and overconfident. “The boy is dead.” he snickered and stepped over Sydney. Black jumped over the balcony of the second floor and stared the body down. He looked at Red improvingly then shook his head. Red winked. Black understood. Black put away his sword and spoke in a cold and uncaring manner, “Your son is dead. Come with us. You have no heir.” Sydney’s father stared in disbelief. However, he spoke, trying not to let his voice crack he said one word, “Fine.”

    Chapter 3
    The Terror of Shawbac
    Location: Shawbac, the Black country

    Sydney’s whole body ached. His head hurt and his stomach growled. He cracked an eye open, but then realized that it was too much work, so he closed them again. “The nurses will wake me.” he thought. Then he remembered his father being dragged away. He sat up. At this point, he didn’t care how much it hurt, he wanted to save his father. But he sat up to find..he wasn’t in the beautiful city of Caradorme. He was in a rundown shack full of ripped cloth, spider webs and other useless junk, laying on a slab of cold sheets.
    “Your awake.” said a voice from behind him. Sydney spun around to see a young man who looked just as bad as the room. His dark green hair ruffled, his shirt torn and tattered and his eyes a soft blue.
    “I’d thought I’d lost you.” he cracked a grin. Sydney spoke groggily, “Where am I?” It hurt to move and his head hurt, but Sydney stood. The man walked to him and looked him up and down, “Shawbac. The Black Country.” Sydney’s eyes widened, was Shawbac actually this bad? He’d heard they were poor, but this was, depressing. Sydney looked around quizzically, “This is Shawbac? Is everywhere like this? Or is it just this little shack?” The man gave him a glare, “I’m sorry it’s not to your liking princy. And this isn’t a ‘shack’ it’s an inn.” Sydney covered his mouth. Whoops, he thought. “I-I’m sorry.” he said quickly. His features softened, “I haven’t introduced myself. I’m Saku. I’m going to protect you from now on.” Saku looked out the window and scowled, expecting Sydney to speak. Sydney finally spoke, “Protect me from what?” Saku winced, “Who do you think?” Sydney looked away, “I don’t know.” Saku looked to Sydney in disbelief. Rather than looking angry, Saku took on a fatherly look instead, he put his hand on Sydney’s shoulder and spoke so soft Sydney could barely hear, “I know you don’t know what’s happening with your father. I’m sorry.” Sydney pushed Saku’s hand away and sat on the bed in a fetal position. He wanted to cry. He wanted to scream. There were so many things that confused him. He had no idea he knew this little about his father. Hopefully, he thought, Saku would answer some of the questions that had been chewing the back of his mind for some time now. “Saku,” he said, “Tell me what you know about what’s going on.”
    Sydney’s father awoke from unconsciousness in a pitch black room with the only light shining from a skylight above. “Black!” he yelled, “I know your here.” Black walked from the shadows into the light from the skylight and showed his intimidating demeanor of 7 feet tall and a long black robe with the Shawbacian royal symbol on the chest area. His dark eyes were locked on Sydney’s father’s eyes, “Zelednar, I must say. I’m disappointed. I thought you would be more of a challenge to fight.” Zelednar ignored Black’s arrogance and demanded answers, “You didn’t really kill my son did you?” The king glared at the tall man. Black snickered, baring his impossibly white teeth, “Of course not. Not yet, at least.” The demon gave an evil grin. Zelednar spoke through clenched teeth, “Stop this while you can, Black.” he said this although knowing it was futile to speak in reason with the demon. The tall man simply laughed. His laugh was just as cold as a blizzard and echoed through the giant lightless room, “Oh, you are funny. Why would I stop here? When everything’s going just as planned?” Zelednar grinned, “Now it is. Just you wait.” Sydney’s father looked to the floor and hoped that Saku had found Sydney already and was telling him about his destiny. It would not be long until Black met his death at the hands of the boy. Black seeming read his mind, “You think that boy is going to come and save you?” he said in a mocking tone, “And how do you expect a weakling like that to beat me in a battle?” He chuckled at the thought. Zelednar refuse to lose hope, “He’s a weakling now. But just wait.” he lifted his head to show stern eyes, “He will kill you.”
    Black was not used to being on a lower level. To prove his authority he punched Sydney’s father. Then he spoke in a threatening tone, “Don’t you dare threaten me!” Zelednar spat out blood and grinned, “What’s wrong? I thought you said he couldn’t beat you.” he kept himself stern and unbreakable. Black turned around and spoke, seemingly not affected by Zelednar’s steady glare, “You anticipated this didn’t you?” Black whirled around and hit him again, “You knew I was going to attack the capital!” Zelednar scowled, “I will not tell you anything.” Black scowled and turned away. “Where did you send him?” Zelednar didn’t say anything. Black chuckled, “Heh, of course you won’t tell me.” With that, Black left back into the shadows. He laughed as he left leaving a melancholy feeling in the air as it echoed and rung in Zelednar‘s aching head.
    “Very well.” said Saku. He began, “As you know there are the eight countries of Yorgini, not including the one you live in.” Sydney blinked. He had no idea that there were so many. He’d only heard of some but not all. Sydney felt dumb, “And what are they?” Saku gave a look that said, “Are you serious?” Sydney shrugged. Saku sighed, “There’s Phella, the Red Country, Bara, the Blue Country, Kima, the Yellow Country, Zoolda, the Green Country, Colder, the Purple Country , Feltok, the Orange Country, Clark, the White Country and the one your in now, Shawbac the Black Country.” Saku held up eight fingers. Sydney nodded and let him continue,
    “Now, the governors of these countries are called chiefs. Red Chief, Blue Chief and so on. You see they didn’t like your father’s rule of peace and such. The Black Chief, who hated your father in particular, is leading them and have devised a plan. Black wants to take rule of Yorgini and rule his way. Which is not good I might add.” Saku paused. He’d expected Sydney to reply to the overwhelming world he hadn’t known existed until now. He didn’t. So Saku continued, “They waned to kidnap your father, lure you, then kill you both.” Saku paused again, as if to let in sink in.
    “How do you know all this?” asked Sydney, “Who are you, really?”
    “I am Saku.” Saku frowned, “Didn’t I tell you?”
    “Yes, but…” Sydney voice trailed off. Saku gave Sydney a weird look and realized it was to much to understand the boy’s feelings. He looked out the window again. Then continued, “You wish to save your father, no doubt.” He mumbled. Sydney nodded slowly, then spoke quietly, “I don’t know if I stand a chance.” Saku tried once more to understand Sydney’s contradicting feelings. No doubt his head was in a turmoil. Saku gave the task up and walk to Sydney’s bed. He crouched and whispered in his ear, “We have to head back to Caradorme first thing in the morning, we don’t have anytime to lose.” he stood and walked towards the door. Sydney motioned to follow but laid back down after losing a battle with his internal and external pain. Saku sighed and walked back to comfort the confused prince, “Rest,” he said and carefully and fatherly laid Sydney back down on the stiff hard mattress and cold sheets of the inn of Shawbac, “I will com to get when the boat is ready.” he then spoke in a playful tone, “I hope your not seasick.” Then Sydney closed his eyes and the sounds and sights of the newly found world around him faded as he drifted into a deep, much needed, sleep.

    To Be Continued....