• tab Class was almost over and I couldn't wait for lunch. The morning had drug on and on. After third period, Marco and I had different classes. It made me impatient for lunch. I looked at the clock again. Two minutes 'til I could see Marco's face. His strong, square jaw. The golden color of his skin. His ice blue eyes. I didn't realize I was daydreaming until my teacher, Ms. Mason, called my name.
    tab "Danni? Are you all right?" Ms. Mason looked cooly concerned, like a receptionist.
    tab "Yes Ma'am. I'm thinking of a new story I'm going to write." I hated lying but there was no way I was going to own up to my Marco fantasy.
    tab "Alright." Ms. Mason smiled at me.
    tab I looked at the clock again. Ten seconds until lunch. Ten...nine...eight...seven...six...five...four...three...two...one...the nasal buzzing of the bell was background noise. I grabbed my books and hurried to my locker. Marco was leaning against the lockers with a bored expression on his face. I felt my face brighten and he smiled at me. The dark mark on his brow added to his perfection.
    tab "Hi Marco." I smiled at him while I opened my locker. I shoved my books in and closed it.
    tab He pulled me into his arms and gave me a kiss. Fire scorched my lips and I wrapped my arms around his neck. We broke the kiss gasping for air. His blue eyes burned into mine.
    tab "Hey Danni. Let's go eat." He grabbed my hand and we headed off to the lunch line.

    tab I was at Marco's house. My parents were fighting, so Nate and I couldn't go home. Nate was at Derek's and I was at Marco's. His mom was out and his dad was at the bar, so we were alone in his house. We'd gone up to his bedroom and he'd ducked out to go to the bathroom.
    tab I looked around his room again. It was really big and he'd painted his walls black with red splatters. He had a few Metallica and Queen posters on his walls. What really caught my attention was his bookcase. There were tons of books, most of them by Stephen King. I grinned as he walked in.
    tab "You ok?" He asked me.
    tab "Huh? Oh. Yeah. I like your room."
    tab It was silent for a few minutes. I grabbed my backpack and took out my homework. May as well get it done now. Marco got out his homework too. Soon the only sound was the scratch of our pencils on paper.