• "sigh" i yawned as i fell onto my bed, it was a long day and i was tired. i awoke to the sound of roaring flames and the screams of people. i jumped up to find myself not in my home but in washington D.C., but this was diffrent. i looked around and saw that what wasn't on fire was in ruins and what was on fire would soon meet the same faith. i ran through the city trying to see what was going on, all i could see was ruins, dead bodies, and flames. when i finally found a building with people who were alive i ran in. i asked "whats going on?" a man looked at me and said "boy, where have you been for the past 10 years?" i looked at him and asked "this has been going on for 10 years?" he replied "not here in D.C. it started with smaller cities here in the states, but as time went on and the government couldn't send troops to fight back; things like this happened to bigger cities until they reached here." he walked me towards a window and said "then he deystroyed the white house and put that in it's place." he pointed to a castle that stood in the place of the white house. i asked "so who did this?" he looked at me and said "a tyrant, he raised an army of angels of death. rumor has it that he's a hybrid between a demon and vampire and that his generals and elite troops are vampires as well." i said "i have to get to that castle." he shouted "ARE YOU INSANE?!?!?!" i replied "no, but i think i can get out of here if i goto that castle." as i walked out of the building i could hear him mumble "if by getting out of her you mean getting killed." as i walked through the city i saw the washington and licoln monuments in ruins, i saw government buildings nearly completly destroyed. as i started getting closer to the castle, what seemed like fallen angels hovered towards me and said "halt, state your buisness." i looked up and then they said "oh, you can go on ahead." i started walking without saying a thing but completly baffled at what was going on. when i reached the castle the guards let me through and i walked to the throne room. when i entered, their on the throne sat a man in a black cloak with a hood shadowing his face he looked up and then stood to say "well,well. i didn't think i would see this agian." "who are you?" i asked. he replied "oh just a man who only wishes to make others pay for what they put him through." i asked "why?" he looked at me and said "because no one was going to get me revenge so i took it myself. i have to say though i never thought that dream would come true." he removed his hood. the face that was under the hood made fear grip me tightly, it was me. he grabbed his sword and said "so now it's time to make your choice. join me and we'll rule the world or i kill you and live forever as king of the world." fear gripped me tight enough to where i couldn't move. i said "no" and as his blade was about to hit the skin of my neck, i woke up.