• My sight returned slowly, simple black and whites followed by shades of gray, then dull simple colors and finally detail returned. This was quickly followed by my sense of smell which I would have been better off without. I had drifted off leaning over the frog we had been dissecting. My head had been resting in my hands and was now mere inches from a repulsively stinking pile of guts. A putrid scent filled my nostrils driving me awake in a rush, and my senses being assaulted by something so foul I reacted in a instant reflex. It saved my from getting a face of frog innards, the way I jerked back but ended up tipping my chair back and falling flat on my back. Those students who had grouped around me yelped, jumping baback to avoid being smacked by me and my chair. It seemed that my separation from the real world hadn’t been as discreet as I’d suspected, no hoped, it had been. The entire class had gathered around our table waiting for me to wake up.
    It wasn’t exactly uncommon to drift off but being completely submerged like I had just been was rare. Since I couldn’t just tell the whole school that I was attracted to a bunch of freaky supernatural faeries. I’d be though of as even MORE weird than I already was. As it was my constant trips to Their world were explained by the fact that I had mental problems (I was what was referred to as special E.D).
    I blushed, acknowledging the fact that I had 30 plus students staring at me and I was lying on the floor. The only problem was that visits to the world of the Fey always left me slightly dizzy. So getting up along with my chair would be a hard and embarrassing task. But then again just sitting on the ground didn’t make my top 10 things to do list. I quickly analyzed my options, I could pretend to be paralyzed but that would probably only bring more embarrassment. Perhaps I could fake a fire, there were plenty who believed I was psychic (they also thought I was a witch and a vampire and a reincarnation of Satan). If I said there was a quickly spreading fire on the other side of campus more than half the class would run for their lives and wouldn’t find out I’d been lying till much, much later.
    I was just about to try my new tactic when the teacher, bless his soul, called them away to demonstrate something on the frog. When four of the witch theory believers turned to snicker at my clumsy efforts to stand and right my chair, Mr. Roberts gave them after school detention for not paying attention. I was really in dept with that man.
    I finally made it to my feet still swaying slightly. The after math had never been this strong and I was staggered by how strongly it had affected me. Most of the time I was simply drained but I felt exactly opposite. I was bursting with energy, so much that it felt as if I would faint but at the same time like I could run miles without getting the least bit tired. But there is also a dark presence, the menacing pressure and that disgusting coppery taste like holding a coin under your tongue that I get when They are near. It pressed down on me overwhelmingly strong. What had done this to me? Why was I like this? The answer was simple but I was afraid to acknowledge it. They liked to torment people, though that tormenting hadn’t ever escaped to this world to haunt me. But I had a felling this new faerie was going to shatter this little world of peace I’d created and in the process forever enslave me in the clutches of the Fey.