• One day a little girl named KayCee was packing up for her grandmothers house. She loved her grandmother so much she haden't slept that night. KayCee was so happy it was like she was packing up and moving. "Ok KayCee have a good time." her mother said kissing her on the head. "Bye everyone, I'll see you in a month." little KayCee waved getting in the car. "I be treat her with extra care." the grandmother said. KayCee's mother waved good bye as they pulled out the drive way and already down the street. "So grandma do you get lonely up were you live?" "Well sometimes I do and sometimes I feel like someone is always there with me." the grandmother just smiled. KayCee turned her head out the window to see her friends at the park. "Grandma!" KayCee lightly yelled "What is it?" "Can we stop at the park so I can play with my friends before I leave?" KayCee kindly said "Ok well go for just an hour." the grandmother insisted. She pulled up to the curb and park, KayCee run up too all her friends. A half hour later her grandmother called her name. "KayCee, KayCee!" There was no answer. She stood to her feet and looked around. "KayCee!?" After looking for five minetes she panicked and called her mother. "KayCee is gone, I don't know where she is I looked for five minetes and still can't find her!" the grandmother said half crying half yelling.KayCee's mom came to the park and they looked and looked for hours no sign. Her mother called the police. KayCee had woke up covered in dirt and marks. She peeked out through the bushes and sat on the bench that was in front of her waiting for her mom or grandmother to come. KayCee was so scared and frighted, she sat there for days, and was trying to think, "Where is my grandmother? Why aren't I hungry?" Things ran though her head. KayCee looked up to hear foot steps, Her eyes had came wide openand she jumped to her feet. "MOM!" she yelled and mom didn't even look up. Her mother sat down flowers and a stone. Her mother walked away in sarrow. KayCee bent donw and read "My sweet KayCee lay in peace. We will love you forever and still keep your existance. We want you to be in Jesus's hands and rise up to be an angel looking down protecting us with our love. My Poor Angel."