• What if you were told you only had one week to live? One week to stay on Earth. One week to see the ones you loved. One week to breathe the air around you.

    My name is Alicia Thorton. I am fourteen years old. I have leukemia. I was told that i only had one week to live. My mom told me to keep this journal of how i spent my last days of life. When she handed me this journal, a tear rolled down her face. I understood.

    This journal wasn't just a notebook to jot things down in. No. Once i would... leave, this journal would be the only thing she would have that tells my feelings. My inner thoughts. Because we wouldn't have those talks where she would come and sit on the edge of my bed and have a conversation.

    I will start off by saying I love my parents. I love them so much. I will miss them. I'll miss all of my friends at school. I'll miss waking up to the glorious sun and that beautiful sky.

    Today is the 20th of December. The doctor said i would die on the 27th. Right after Christmas. Lovely. At least i'll be able to get a present before the horrid day arrives.

    It's 9:00 so i will lay down my pencil and get some rest. For the first time in my life, i am afraid to close my eyes.