• The scream sounded again. To my ears it was as clear as the night's sky, to the guard's it was no more than a muted whisper. I tilted my head towards the sound and listened carefully. Why did the voice seem so familiar? Then, as once again that scream of painful pride erupted through my ears, I knew exactly what had happened. Susie was caught. Not only was she being tortured but that idiot wasn't opening her mouth. What was I thinking? The guards are the same hellfire species I am. They couldn't hear her because she was in my head! At that realization, Sustantivo really was in my head. I could feel her pain, could see what she was seeing. I cried out as she did and pulled hard against my manacles. We both knew that she wasn't going to survive this, we both knew thatt I probably wouldn't either. We'd failed but at least we'd die with our cause burning in our throats. The pain increased drastically and it kept increasing until neither of us could take it anymore. We collapsed as one. The next thing that I was aware of was the image of my limp body hanging lifelessly from the manacles. Soon I would meet up for Susie and then we could rest in peace after such a journey. Together, in the sky. How wonderful.