• I can feel soft grass crunching beneath my feet as I ran. The adrenaline, rushing through my small body as I ran into a clearing. I laughed, so exciting! My mother and my older cousin Willa were calling for me. It was my first time out in the woods..... I wanted to play hide and seek. My mom had told me no, the forest was a place where little girls got lost. Quickly hiding behind a tree, I covered my mouth. Though, giggles came out anyway. Then, everything went so wrong. With one hand over my mouth I played with the hem of my new red dress with the other. Their voices became clearer, louder, closer. I heard the grass and twigs crunch under their feet, not to far from me. But, then a weird noise emanated from the forest. I heard growls, screams, the gluttonous smacking of teeth on bone. I just sat there, behind the tree. Shaking, I never looked behind the tree. The police said that a bear had attacked them, I knew that was not true. Yet, I never corrected them. I never spoke to them, in fact, I never spoke to anyone. I still don't.
    These are things I should be telling my therapist. Nine years later, still have not told anyone. "Kathleen, I think your depressed... Now, I'm going to give you this medication", he said slowly to me. 'I am not depressed... and did you just say you 'think'??', I thought. How is a client supposed to trust the therapist if they can't make a solid decision? He gave me the 'I really care about you, though I think I'm better than you', look. "Your going into high school next week?", he asked. As though I would answer him. "How exactly do you think that you will communicate with other students or teachers?", I was about to pull out my cell phone when he took a whistle on a string necklace out. "Here!", he said happily. 'I could just text you know...', it was times like these I wished I could speak.
    Rolling my hoodie`s sleeves back down and taking a seat in my Granny`s car she asked "That man gave you a whistle?". I nodded, the reason why my sleeves had been up is because every time I go in there he asks me to roll them up. Probably because, sense I am 'depressed', I obviously cut myself. My Granny`s car rattled a bit, puffed out some more noxious smoke and we were out on the road. It was a small car, I honestly can't say what kind aside from "Death Trap". My dad had made it from scratch for her in 1989. It looked like the Frankenstein monster of all cars. Also, it had the permanent smell of Burger King and Good Will. I reached into my hoodie pocket. Pulling out the medication, I read the back. Carefully, so Granny would not see. "May cause: dizzyness, thoughts of suicide, depression, death and bloating". I don't think that I will ever understand why someone would give another person depression medication that can actually cause both depression and the outcome of depression.