First Day of School
The football team? I’ve never played football like that. Maybe when I was younger but that was just for fun, I was young and willing to do any sport. But now my dad wants me to put it under consideration. Why? He won’t say. But I think I just might go for it. “Derrick!” I heard a yell come from the kitchen. “What is it!?” “Breakfast is ready.” My mom has a knack for doing that. After breakfast I got ready to go to school. Wow, first day of school. I know I will see many new and old faces. Benjamin Senior High School, never changed, and never will change. But I’m still a sophomore so what would I know about Benjamin. All I do know is that it’s my school now (and their varsity team is 2nd ranked in the state of Minnesota).
When I got to the school there were so many people trying to get in all at once. It was kinda’ scary. I was really looking for my friend Alyssa. She’s the best friend anyone could never have. I knew her since 1st grade, and she still has the same attitude as back then. “Hey, Derrick!” I knew someone was happy to see me but the voice seemed unfamiliar though. As I turned around there she was standing right in front of me. Wow I can’t believe how much she changed. “You’re not gonna’ say hi?” “Uh, oh yeah hey, ha-ha, I’m sorry it’s just that…you’ve changed…a lot.” I still looked confused the expression on my face never changed. “Well, I’ll be attending Benjamin Senior High School until I graduate.” She was very happy and so was I. Her mom wouldn’t let her come back because there was a better school accepting her for her amazing grades. But I guess she talked it out of her.
As I came inside the building I noticed some major changes inside the school. New teachers for one. As I stepped into the cafeteria to get my schedule with Alyssa. There was a long line, to me it seemed like it stretch through the Great Wall of China. But maybe I was just being over-dramatic. Because the line seemed to be moving very fast. “Derrick Forman.” I heard a man call my name out so I knew I was next. “Here is your schedule. You will be in Wing B of the Panda Building for most of your classes. Then last period you will report to the Gymnasium. Understand?” “Yes, thank you.” Of course I didn’t understand. But this is how it was last year. As Alyssa came by I seen she seem confused to. “Where are your classes?” “I really don’t know. All he told me was I’m in Wing B of the Panda building. And that last period I had report to the Gym.” Of course I was happy I had no reason not to be. My best friend is going to have all the classes with me. It was better for me because I wouldn’t have to sit in every class bored out of my mind. I knew I had a great year ahead of me and I didn’t want anything bad to happen in this year. Even though this year might be the hardest.
As I headed up stairs I noticed football papers being put up. “Your gonna’ play football dude?” Said a voice I clearly recognized as Freddy Combs. “Yeah, you should try out to. My dad wants me to play to get in college through a scholarship so I can be a “Student Athlete”. And he says this can be my ticket to glory. Why don’t you play?” “Oh, me, no, football isn’t my thing. Now I roll with basketball.” I began to suspect that he was fibbing. “You don’t even know a thing about basketball. Besides, football is fun. Remember the old days how we played when we were young? That was all fun but now we can really make something out of this. So are you trying out?” He looked at me confused, but then a crackled smile appeared. “Yeah I’ll play.” Alyssa then came and dragged me to class with a smile on her face as well. “See ya later.”
We came into class, the first thing I seen that changed was a new teacher. Mr. Baldwin. “Um, Mr. Derrick Forman? You sit right there.” I sat not looking at who was around me. And as soon as I did I didn’t like it. Alyssa was sitting next to Alex Clarabelle. The head cheerleader of the Benjamin Broncos Cheerleading Squad. Alyssa despised Cheerleaders. She told me they were the reason why teams lost most of the time, because they have stupid girls that don’t know a pencil from a plane cheering like little 2nd graders on the sideline. Alyssa gave Alex the dirtiest look of the school year. All Alex did was give a little ha-ha. And the worst part of it all was that I was in the middle of it all. Rumors had it that in 4th grade Alex had a huge crush on me. But I didn’t want to think about it though. The only thing that was on my mind was “bell please ring.” As the bell rang I gathered all of my sheets of knowledge and put them in my back pack carefully. I wanted this year to be perfect even though it was not gonna’ be since the Alyssa-Alex feud. It has said to have been the longest “beef” in Benjamin school history.
As I headed to my second class I ran into the coach of the football team. Coach Reid. Came to me. He looked very glad to. “Hey Derrick, someone told me you weren’t coming here this year.” “What? Me not come back to this school? I love this place” “Well that’s a good thing. Say, are you playing football this year? You know we could use a talented guy like you on the team.” “Yeah I’ll play. I know I can make something of the team, even if it’s not a big part. I can do something to help the team.” “All right then. Practice is after and before school. It’s not gonna be easy. I want to let you know that now. But with a mind and physique like yours. You can do it.” “Thanks coach And I’ll be there.” I can tell the coach was happy. I was to. I didn’t know I had that much talent in me. Yeah I played Junior Varsity last year. We did have a good season (8-0). But I didn’t think JV mattered because all the light always shined on Varsity even on their recovering season (4- cool . Now that I know that I can do it. I’m gonna’ take this chance and make something of it.
3rd period was the time where football would have to sit out my mind, because Mr. Taylor was faster than a speeding bullet. My led pencil broke 7 times before I had to put more led into it. But I felt good just to know that I was trying. Alyssa was too busy writing and laughing. Writing because it was the same for her. And laughing because I kept breaking my pencil led. As soon as 5th period finished I looked forward to gym because all we were doing today was getting our gym lockers and getting organized for class.
Right after gym I went to the car to go drop Alyssa home and get all this homework done. But then I remembered football practice. “Oh, shoot.” “What is it?” Alyssa said wondering why I haven’t started the car. “I have football practice.” She looked at me more confused than Alex in 2nd period. “You’re playing football?” “Yeah, it was a last minute decision.” “Why didn’t you tell me?” She was sad. In my mind I really didn’t know why but I didn’t have time to figure out. “It wasn’t that serious it’s just football.” “Well football leads to many things dude.” “Are you gonna’ yell at me or support me. Because if you’re not then the best friend I thought I had maybe isn’t her anymore. Or are you too busy to think I might go to Alex?” “Of course that’s what I’m thinking!” I was a little shocked. Alyssa and jealousy were two things I’ve never seen together before. “Alex is dumber than a rock, and if not a rock then a stick. I’m not gonna’ go running off to her. All I want to do is get a good scholarship to a good college. You already can do that on your own. And that’s exactly what I’m trying to do. I’ve been there for you since 1st grade. And now I need you to be there for me. Okay?” she was a little mad. “Okay, okay. But you’d better get your butt in there before they kick it.” I was happy, she was recovering, and football was the only thing on my mind now. As I headed into the Boy’s locker room all I seen was shoulder pads and helmets and tall people walking out into the football field. I really was looking for coach. “Derrick?” “Hey coach.” “Let’s get you geared up.”
Football practice was how I thought it would be. Tiring. But the part I was waiting for was when we tried for the position we wanted. Coach said I had a good arm and that he wanted me to try for QB, but that’s where my skills were. I tried out the running back. The best possible position for me where I knew I could probably start on. And I was good. In the scrimmage we had against Cherry Coast High School I ran 154 yards for 5 TD’s and 5 receptions. Not to mention the block I had. It was good, and if everything went well I could end up in the fields of a great college. After the scrimmage I met up with Alyssa which I didn’t even know was there until she yelled my name out on the bleachers. I knew once I was on the football team things were gonna’ be a lot different than before, but I wanted to level the way it is now with how it’s gonna be later on in the year. Even though it might not be how I expected I still wanted to have time for Alyssa. I had to—for me.
Chapter 02 Starting Position
Training Camp was finally over. Now we got to the bigger deal—who’s starting. I had to practice hard if I wanted to start at RB. Freddy wanted to go for QB and I knew he could do it to. He had great Acc. And a arm and he could run with the ball too. But for me it was a gamble. Mike Twain wanted to go for running back to. He had good speed it’s just his agility was a little off, but it look like he could work on it. So I was in a tough spot.
The next day I had to wake up early morning to get to practice. It was new for me but I’d get use to it. Since I had to take Alyssa to school. She had to wake up early too. Which she didn’t feel like. That was a score for me. As I drove up to her house. It kinda’ reminded me of when I use to walk her to James Wood Elementary. As I honked for her to come out, she had a toast in her hand and she looked like she didn’t even have time to take a shower—that’s how I knew she didn’t like it. “Morning.” I said sarcastically with a quiet grin on my face. “Shut up” She said, but it wasn’t one of those cruel mean shut ups, it was one of those ha-ha very funny shut ups. I knew because as long as I spent knowing Alyssa I had to pick that up sooner or later. “Why do you have to wake early every morning again?” “Because I have football practice. Didn’t I tell you?” I answered her question with an answer and a question to bounce the conversation/argument on her. “Yeah, but I thought you were seriously lying.”
As we arrived to the school I could already feel the tension of the pre-season. Everyone was anxious to see if we could defeat the #1 David Rivers High School. In my head I thought we could. All that practice and hard work, not to mention that we have the ultimate playbook. But I guess that’s what I’m supposed to think. Right? When we came from the locker rooms after practice the coaches put up the Starting position. Of course people were jumping over others like hurdles to see the starting position. When I went to the paper my hopes were so high for no reason. No, I didn’t start, but that wasn’t gonna make me quit. Because I knew if I kept pushing myself then eventually I would be noticed. I didn’t want to ask the coach why I didn’t start; I knew that would blow my chances of even starting. Yeah I was a little down. But I did the same thing I did every practice. Work hard. I work so hard that one day I passed out. But that’s how it was when I was young. I just had a little too much energy in my head.
It was time for Pre-season games. We have four games, but the most important one was against David Rivers. Everyone one was at our practice. I hadn’t seen so many people come to one practice. After practice, coach handed out the schedule for our season. We had 14 games, and boy did we have a tough schedule.
08/27 vs. David Rivers High School (Jet Calvin Field)
09/4 @ BrookeView High School (Brookeview Field)
09/11 @ Garyn Falls High School (Garyn Falls Field)
09/18 vs. North Brookeview High School (Jet Calvin Field)
10/9 vs. Lake of Faith Academy (Jet Calvin Field)
10/16 vs. Lynnwood Academy (Jet Calvin Field)
10/23 @ Lynnwood High School (Lynnwood High. Field)
10/30 @ First Lake High School (First Lake Field)
11/13 vs. Deerfield High School (Jet Calvin Field)
11/20 @ Lake of Faith Academy (L.F.A Field)
11/27 @ North Brookeview (Brookview Dome)
12/4 @ David Rivers High School (David Rivers Field)
12/11 vs. First Lake High School (Jet Calvin Field)
12/18 vs. Garyn Falls High School (Jet Calvin Field)
12/25 vs. Brookview High School (Jet Calvin Field)
1/1 @ Lynnwood Academy (L.C.A Field)
That’s a pretty long schedule. I wanted to be ready for it. And I felt I was. By the time the last day of training camp came I was neck and neck with mike. So I was no longer 2nd string, but not 1st string either, it’s like we’re both starting.
The Season Starts Here
The day of the first pre-season game was so hyped. I had no choice but to be hype. And of course the teachers tried to level us out with work. But it didn’t really work. David Rivers was a good team, and a great school at that. Last year almost 14 people got scholarships to great football colleges. But as great as they are I believe we’re better. To me it wasn’t even about if I started or not. I just wanted to get the team to where it needs to be. State Championships. We’ve only been to and won state 5 times out of 10. But that didn’t mean we can’t get their again. Some say because the great high school legend Rick Martinez (QB) left to college. And Jimmy Henderson (WR) went to the AFL. But as many talented players that are leaving, are the same amount of talented players that are coming in every year. Just me thinking this let me know that football is what I can do. Not even for getting in to college, but to feel the glory of the team when we are united. Even though I’m brand new to the team, I feel like I’ve been a part of it for 10 years instead of 10 weeks.
All this football has gotten to my head. I soon forgot about Alyssa. She must be studying or something. I called but she didn’t answer.
Gamenight. All I could think of was. How am I going to do? I memorized the playbook to the back of my head. Every single play was in my brain. I could see the whole stadium was filled. The local radio stations were broadcasting our game on air. And CSS were recording it. To me I thought this was an important game and at the same time not so important at all, besides it’s only pre-season. As Kick off all I thought about was the game. I got the ball and I ran for my life. I made sure not to run so awkwardly to make it seem like I was scared. But it felt like how it felt when I was young, but now I knew it wasn’t for play. I got tackled for about 37 yards, not bad for a sophomore. Then I stepped out to let the offense do their thing. The first two plays were okay 2 runs for 7 yards. Then I stepped in 3rd down. Freddy pitched it to me and I made the first plus yards. We did a play action pass to McGruner the wide receiver for about 4 yards. Freddy got sacked by one of the David Rivers DE, but that didn’t stop us from getting the first. I ran for another 14 yards before I got stopped by another David Rivers player. 6:37 left in the 1st quarter and nearly 37 more yards to go before we hopefully get a TD. We had to change up the wide-outs because the defense was reading us hard. So we put the good wide-outs with great hands and decent agility out to get us near the TD so hopefully me or one of the other RB’s could make a TD. And it was good that we did that to. The defense was slow on the PA Pass. Tom Bunch, the other QB faked it to me and Evans and threw a sharp one to Kevin McGuire (Jr) for about a good 7 yards. Then the exact play after. I ran for about 18 yards. I wasn’t really thinking of stats but really the game. 2nd down and 12 to go. I hadn’t felt this confident since I got my exam grades last year. Fredrick pitches a ball to speedy FB Evans Anderson. Evans doesn’t really have hands but he can take the ball to where it needs to be. 4 yards gained. 3rd down and 8 to go. This is probably the last play of the drive. The defense has showered on us so it really isn’t smart to throw the ball up. All we can do now is get enough yards to try a FG. Mike ran a good 3 yards before the LBs came crashing on him. Now it’s time to send little Mikey in. Mikey was a super striker for the soccer team before he moved to football that’s why his leg is amazing. Of course with no effort he made the FG. 3-0 in the first 2:17 left in the clock. We kick-offed to their offense and I watched as they came like thunder towards our players. Then I came back in for my time on defense. Safety is a reliable position for me, because I’m quick on my feet, I have good awareness, and I have safety-like hands. I can see they have been training their offense more than their defense because they were as edgy as a rock. “Hut one!” screamed the QB for D.R. and all I seen was green and white jerseys crash against each other like waves. I looked straight into the QB’s eyes and followed him where ever they went while I quickly back-pedaled. The QB quickly moved his eyes to my area and threw a precise ball to one of his WR. It’s like I had super-human strength because I jumped nearly 4 feet off the ground even though I didn’t get to the WR, the CB still did and managed to tap it out of the way. 2nd down 1 back and 2 wide-outs, in my mind I thought it was a 50/50 chance they were gonna try again. But that 50 was least-likely I didn’t think the QB was agile enough at that point to try another pass like that without it being picked off our deflected. So they went for a run and got about 6 yards, before Evans came for the tackle. Since we had but 24 players on the team we had to make the most of it and put some offense on defense. We didn’t put QB’s on defense because they were like the heart of the team, once they go down that means the body is dead, and by body I mean team. David Rivers had backup like no other team I’ve seen. 5 QB’s, 7 RB’s 12, WR’s. But we beat them before and we can beat them again. David Rivers did quite the trick play on us they did a PA triple reverse. And got about 47 yards on us, but that didn’t stop us. 14 seconds left on the clock. And 12 yards left. The QB had enough agile to do another pass, but this one was a float and it synced right in to the TD. Then here comes the anti-mikey for the FG. 7-3 going into the 2nd quarter.
That first touchdown told me that their chances are really slim, and that they’re taking them. So i decided this drive to play smart. Coach asked for me at tail back and Dante at full back. Dante had the strength to be a full back, and a whole lot of it to. It’s just his speed was slow and topped him down to 2nd string. The play was to send Dante up the middle with a PA, and flare pass me the ball, so I can send it up to Larry Cameron the speedy WR. “Hut” said Freddie. So I was off, went straight into position with 2 blocks in front 3 were coming my way. So he flared to me just in time so I can throw it to Larry. But the blitz came hard, so I had to make a run for it. Cut left straight out of the defense for some great yards. While I was cutting through the defense thoroughly I heard the cheer of the stadium. As I started running I noticed why, I was in the touchdown. I was pretty happy, my first TD of the year, only in the first game. 47 yard run for a TD was pretty fantastic to me. 9-7, with mikey coming in for the field goal. So now it’s 10-7. With only 4:33 left on the clock, we needed another TD to get a gap between us, so we can win.
The book will be coming shortly
thank you for your time
- by Nerdy Hokage |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 08/10/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Friday Night Fantasy
- Artist: Nerdy Hokage
it's about a kid who begins football in high school and hopes to someday make it to college and play in the big league. I was inspired to write this story by my old coach. Coach Reid.
and by a close friend H.V. - Date: 08/10/2009
- Tags: friday night fantasy
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Comments (2 Comments)
- Nerdy Hokage - 08/13/2009
- lol oh you seen the description lol
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- Illess - 08/13/2009
- hahaha "shut up"...how nice lol i liked it and the game was kool nice job d-(o.o)z
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