• "It's just same old same old every single day" George thought out loud. "I mean it's just wake up, get ready, eat breakfast, go to school, eat dinner, watch t.v., then go to sleep." "Are you thinking out loud again?" George's mother asked. "Yes mom." "I mean it's just that I wish i could do something new, some adventure maybe." Of course he was still thinking out loud.

    "Your wish has been granted," a dark deep voice said from the distance. George looked around to see were it came from. After a while he figured he was just imagining.

    "Dinner honey," George's mother said. "coming," George said. "same old same old, here we go again George thought out loud." When he got to the dinner table, he sat down in his chair and started picking at his food. "What's wrong dear," George's mother asked. "I guess I'm just not hungry." After dinner was over he went over to the t.v..

    He turned it on and started looking for a channel. There was nothing he wanted on. He was about to turn the t.v. off when it went black. Then it started to turn on again making alarm noises. It was an earthquake warning. "Mom, dad, there's going to be an earthquake!" George yelled. "What!" his dad started. "We have to get out of hear!"

    George's whole family rushed to the car. The car started shaking. Windows started breaking. George's seat belt broke and he went flying straight out of the back window. It seemed he was going in a direction of what looked like a portal. Once he was only a few feet from the "portal", he got sucked in it. He was twirling and twirling in circles.

    He was starting to enter a new place. It was complete forest. He fell on the ground. He started looked around at this place. It was amazing. He got up and started walking. Well this is new he thought. From this point on he would never say anything was same old same old.

    He stopped to look around every few seconds. He noticed that there were lots of pink specks flying around. Then he looked up and saw a bird carrying a big red gem with it's talons.

    He kept on walking through the forest. He came upon a man in a cloak. "Who are you?" George asked. "Oh, hello I'm Furvery a wizard, but you can call me Fur for short." "May I ask who you are."

    "Wow a real wizard, oh I'm george, a normal human being." "Ah a person from the human world. You are just what I'm here for. You see someone stole my gem. The gem was the only thing separating the magic world from the human world. Because the gem has been stolen the two worlds from different dimensions will be destroyed. They have already started forming together as you can see, that portal that took you here is a sign. If I don't return my gem to it's rightful place the both worlds will be destroyed!" Fur said.

    "Wait a minute, you return the gem: no I think it's we return the gem. Also there's something I have to tell you," "Yes," "Is your gem red," "why how'd you now?" "Well I think i saw it then. There was a bird carrying a big red gem,"

    "Semore, I new it," Fur said. "Huh who's Semore?" "He's an evil wizard. He has a giant bird that carries the stuff he steals. The bird puts the stuff in a giant nest," Fur answered.

    "Well then, what are we waiting for." George said eagerly. George was very impatient at times but people got used to it over time. "Hold on, not so fast. I don't even know where this nest is. First, we have to get the map. It's in a secret tower heavily guarded by Semore's guards. Where going to have to sneak in," Fur said. "Sweet we'll be like secret agents," "Yep pretty much,"

    Chapter 2
    So there quest began.

    Furvery whistled. A dragon started swooping in. It landed right in front of Furvery. "Sweet, you have a dragon," Furvery hovered on the dragon. He pated the back of the dragon. "Hop on,"

    Obviously George had never ridden a dragon before so this was a new opportunity for George. He struggled to get on the dragon. Once he was on the dragon Furvery put his hand up against the dragon. Were he put his hand on the dragon was turning blue. Then he let go and it started to turn green again.

    The dragon started flying in the air. George felt a nice breeze that he had never felt before in his life. This was defiantly not same old same old.

    As the four suns went down, it started to get dark and cold and george curled up and slept on the dragon.

    In the morning Furvery got up, George still sleeping. Fervery was hungry. So he led the dragon to a sea below them. George started to wake up. When the dragon landed Furvery and George got off the dragon.

    There was a market right next to them. Fervery and George went in to the market and came out with breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Eggs and bacon for breakfast, pasta for lunch, and lasagna for dinner.

    They eat breakfast on the dragon. Furvery feed the dragon a dragon tablet. Which is basically dragon food. When everyone was done with there meals, they started flying again.

    The tower was still very far away. Night passed then day passed. At night both Furvery and George went to sleep on the dragon. When the four suns went up, George got up before Furvery.

    George looked down. They were no longer above sea. There seemed to be a forest. Furvery woke up. He yawned and stretched. He looked down to.

    "Whoa, were already at the forest of the calm. I think we can walk from here." Then he led his dragon down to the forest. Once they landed, both George and Furvery got off.

    "Cool what is this place?" George asked. "The forest of the calm. It is well known among wizards. But if anyone knows this place well, Semore does."

    "He is sure to have this place filled with traps. For info do not let creatures fool you!" Fervery said. They were walking along as a pink speck like the ones George had seen early was flying. Then it started swooping down at them.

    "Watch out for the pixie!" With quick response George ducked and the pixie had just missed him. The pixie wasn't giving up that easy. He went in for another swoop. Again George ducked but this time holding his hand up. The pixie hit George's hand and George swatted it down.

    "Your reflexes are quick," Fur said admiringly.

    Chapter 3
    "let's go," Furvery said. Furvery first, George second, and the dragon third, they all ran across the forest as fast as they could. On there way there was another wizard. They came to a stop.

    "Who are you?" George asked. "Hi I'm Wever, a wizard." "Wever, old buddy, what are you doing here?" Furvery asked. "Well I saw lots of portals opening, so i decided to go to the nest of Semore, but I don't now were it is. So I'm going to the tower to find the map."

    "Actually we are doing the same. The reason for the crossing worlds is because my gem was stolen." "Your gem, one of the four power gem's, was stolen!"

    "Yes by Semore. So do you want to join us on our quest?" "Yes, whatever it takes to keep both worlds alive. Okay for the sake of the universe let's go!"

    All four of them kept running. Furvery could see the tower up ahead. "We need a battle strategy, anyone?" Wever said. "Why don't we just sneak in there?" George said. "Perfect, we can sneak trough the back entrance." said Fur.

    "One problem. There are four guards guarding at the door and they only go away at night. We'll have to make camp till night." Wever said

    They made camp. Everyone worked as hard as they could. When camp was up they started to plan there way. "You need a weapon, George," Fur said. George thought... A weapon huh how about a spear.

    He went into the forest of the calm. He broke branches off of several tree and brought them back to campsite. He set them in a pile. He noticed an oasis nearby. He ran to the oasis and snapped off palms off of many palm trees. He brought those back to campsite to. Then he took two of the sticks and one of the palms. He used the palm to tie the two sticks together. Then he took another stick and used it to sharpen one of the ends.

    He had more sticks and palms in the pile. He thought what else he could make. Finally he got the perfect idea. He could make a bow and arrows. First he took one stick from the pile. Then he looked around. "Hey can I use that sack?" he said pointing to a sac that Furvery was wearing. "Sure," Fur said. George took the sack and ripped off a band that was holding the sack. Then he took a stick and poked two holes through both ends of the band. Then attached the band to the stick and tested it. Next he used another stick to make a slot in the band to allow it to fire arrows.

    Next he made the arrows. He took lots of stick and used them to sharpen each other. Then he carved the other end with four triangles sticking out. They were the perfect arrows. Then he took a palm from the pile. He tied the palm to the sack were the band would normally go and used the sack to hold the arrows.

    "Okay these are my weapons," George said. "Were did you learn to make the weapons?" Fur asked.

    "I used to make pretend weapons at recess," George replied. "Recess?" Fur sounded puzzled.

    "It's something people do in the human world," George said. "Oh,"