• In all great epics we read, all loved stories there is an event. Something that shakes the earth, a group of people, or a distant land. In these particular stories there is usually a single person, a hero. They persevere through all odds, rise above not matter what oppresses them. They are not tarnished their names a kept clean. In the eyes of others they are like to a god. A hero fights with skill and finess, whatever their weapon of choice, words, sword, gun, or whatever they can lay their hands on. Also there is the enemy, they are pure evil. Warped and black as night, no one questions how or why they are evil they just are, no one stops to think of the story from their point of view, delve to see what from their past caused them to act as they do. Why is it that we love these stories?
    In truth doo you know anyone who could raise an army with nothing but words, handle an array of weapons with skillful accuracy. Would you do it yourself, right now would you take a bullet for me who you do not know? Could you sacrifice yourself for all of humanity? And if not our whole race then how would you ever give yourself up for one person especially if you do not know them? Could you face the meanest person you know without showing fear? Can you face the devil himself, if not him than a demon of fire? Do you have the guts to lead, and be responsible for the mortality of others, can you leave the one closes to you to save others?