• As i walked to school i had a craveing for blood.Most normal people wouldnt want blood for their breakfeast,but the truth is is that im not a normal person.Im not even human.Im a full blood vampire.I know that your prabally thinking that since im a vampire i should be burning in the sun but those are all myths.As long as you have clothes on and you arent directely in the sun then youll be fine. Normal people would be burning up if they were wearing what i was waering but i dont even sweat.I could run 5 miles and not drip a single drop of sweat.When i got to school i noticed that i was late.I had to go to the office and get a tardy slip.After first hour everything went by so fast. I deciced to walk home again.Who wouldnt blame me.It was such a beatiful day that i jusat had to be outside.