• The Maxwell House Part 10
    The Trial

    (Chase, Sam)

    Sam sat in a cold pitch black sell chained to Chase. The Cell didn't bother him, he was used to places like this...It was Chase he was worried about. Even though he could clearly see her he couldn't tell if she was crying because she wouldn't look at him. Rage boiled in the bit of Sam's stomach.

    If they hurt her I will fight until they are all dead... He thought

    Finally Chase's small voice cut through the silence like a knife. "I'm...so sorry...Sam...It's all my selfish fault that you are here...I'm so so sorry..."

    Sam took Chase's hand in his and shook his head. "I chose to follow you.. I was scared you where going to get hurt...because I care about you...Please don't blame yourself..."

    The loud sound of metal against metal could be heard and the two large figures swooped in and pulled Chase and Sam out of their cell. Both where soon blindfolded and taken to a unknown location. When the blindfolds where removed the first thing to say was The Elders...there where thirteen of them the next one in line looking more like paper then the one before. Sam spotted Kara sitting in a chair at the end of the line of Elders. She wore the smug expression she usually had.

    Kara stood up an turned to address the Elders. "The girl's name is Sam Maxwell, she is the last Centuri vampire of my family..." Low murmurs could barley be heard from the Elders as Kara mentioned Centuri vampires. Kara coughed slightly then continued. "She is charged with breaking the Sunlight Law that was set in place by your graces 100 years ago... "

    Kara paused for a moment to let the Elders discuss. Then, another little cough and she began to speak. "the boy's name is Sam... he does not share the blood of my family, but he was welcome into the home of the Last as an outsider. He is also accused of breaking the Sunlight Law."

    Kara sat down and went silent. The Elders spoke in hushed tones for many minutes, and then the oldest looking of them, who sat in the middle stood up. "The charges against the Centuri vampire, Chase Maxwell, have been cleared, she is free to go. As for Sam the outsider, he is charged with 3 centuries of solitary confinement, without feeding." said the Elder in a broken old mans voice that some how still carried a sense of importance.

    Chase stood up in one haste movement that yanked hard on Sam's chained wrist. "You can't do that to him! It's not fair! I won't let you do that to Sam!"

    A woman Elder stood up as well. "You should be thankful we don't cut his head off along with yours! Why do you protest!?"

    "How can you release me and order Sam to rot in a prison cell!? I....I love him! And I won't let you do this to him!" Chase said her voice breaking into sobs.

    The only other woman Elder stood up, out of the group she appeared to be the youngest, her hair still had tinges of brown in it and her skin was simply pale but not paper white. "Perhaps...the Centuri is correct...maybe we are being slightly rash...? Perhaps we can sentence them both to a confined perimeter around their home and a warning."

    the Elder broke out into argument. Chase and Sam where sent back to their cell to await sentencing. When the large figure left after locking the cell door Sam looked at Chase.

    "Did you mean it....Chase....do you love me?" Sam said in a soft voice.