• Darren heard a crash in the kitchen.
    "Damnit..."he said under his breath. He grabbed his shotgun from under his pillow. He didn't hear any footsteps, so he quickly headed down the steps as gingerly as ever. Darren loaded his gun in case someone snuck up behind him. Then as quick as daylight, a blow to the head was enough to make him pass out.
    "Ugh... Where... Where am I?" Darren managed to stutter. "I c-can't.... drifting.... off...." Dangit... He fainted again.

    "So, are you finally awake?" said a voice from nowhere-or that's what it seemed like. "Good! you are! ...... NOOO! Don't fall a-" the voice faded...... So, where was Darren anyway you may ask. He was in a dark, damp room. He tried to get up but he was tied up so tight you wouldn't believe it if you saw it!
    "Oh finally! You're awake again!" said a little girl running towards him. "I was beginning to think you were DEAD!!" she shrieked, then shivered. "Oh and by the way, I'm Hinari!!" she bowed. "And you are?"
    Darren looked skeptic for a moment, then spoke:"I'm Darren. What am I doing here?" he managed to say. Hinari paused before saying something stupid.(She does this a lot...)
    "You are here because I brought you here." she said sternly, then went on, "I need you to obtain the Dark Gem so i can get out of this death hole. So, now you are my sla-"
    "But then how did you get to my home?!" Darren cut her off. She didn't like this one bit so she took hold of his neck and said, clearly and precise, that if he didn't get the gem for her, she would rip him to shreds......
    So, when they were done threatening each other, he followed her to-
    You know, I think I'm going to stop there so you don't fall out of your chair. So the next part will be in another writing of mine.