• It is a quiet day in the town of Barton, all is still, peaceful, pristine. Demononic, a young man, at age 16, is walking home from a hard day of work when suddenly a large black figure appears to the front of him. Barton is peaceful no more, in fact it didn't even seem like Barton anymore, it was more like a hellish, flaming, dark boneyard. "This place... It seems familiar, but why? Show yourself, whoever is causing this!" The dark figure fades in, it's a vile ugly red creature. "What in the name of Goddess Gaia are you?!" asked Demononic with a rather startling tone. "I am the seer, the messenger, I am HIS eyes and ears." "Who is this 'HE' you're babbling on about? Some type of god?" "HE is a diety, but HE is the opposite of a god, he has sensed you and is convinced that YOU will be HIS end, laughable is it not?" "Not really, I can tell you one thing though, you better bring me back to Barton, or I'll be your end!" "Ugh! Such arrogance! know you're place, mortal, know that you stand no chance against such a powerful demon as I, Berthos controller of the flames of death!" "Wow... You really like to hear yourself talk don't you?" replied Demononic. "Thats it! Know despair, Demononic!" They demon lashes at Demononic, leaving a deep scar around his eye. "AHH! Y-You b*****d!" Demononic starts screaming in rage, eventually it becomes uncontrollable, Demononic rushes towards the demon and delivers one fatal kick to its face! "B-but how?! I-Is-Is he truly the one? Is he truly the Demon Slayer?!" After the demon is killed Demononic finds himself stuck in this landscape. "I'm definitely still in Gaia, I can still feel the glorious Goddess Gaia's presence with me, but how do I get home? Who is this all-powerful 'HE?' What did Berthos mean by 'Demon Slayer?' And what do I have to do with this?!" Will Demononic ever make it back to his home in Barton? Who is this "HE?" Whats in store for are so-called "Demon Slayer?" We'll find out, maybe...