• It was a cool summer day, I wondered off from that dull garden party and explored the wide open area filled with trees, exotic flowers and beautiful wildlife within the forest.through out my childhood iv'e always thought I was going mad,I always use to have strange dreams that repeated.And felt so real, My father and i were the same in the way we both thought of things.

    He use to say "I imagine 6 impossible things before breakfast.",But he passed away a few years ago.So my mother has tried to get me married to a Lord, ugh I hate being told what to do and when to do it.

    Lately i have been seeing a white rabbit, in a navy suit holding a watch running all over the place.a few minutes later I saw it again! I ran after it, Hoping i wasn't hallucinating. suddenly after running quiet awhile i couldn't find the white rabbit, so i stumbled apon a hole in the ground, It was large in diameter ,dark and scary.

    i screamed out if anyone was in there."hello? is anyone there?" But suddenly , My hand slipped and i losed grip from the roots of the tree and fell in the hole. I screamed as I tried to grab onto the walls but i was falling to fast.It was the most unusual thing i have ever seen, It was exactly like my dream, there were pianos,clocks,and other objects flying or floating around me.

    as the hole had ended i fell into a room flat on my face.and as i tried to stand up i noticed i was somehow upside down.My hair was standing in the air as if i was in space, then i fell onto the ground right next to a glass table with a key on it.

    To be continued....