• He looked upon her grinning figure and decided that it was impossible to figure her out. At first, she would be normal and right when you figure her out she turns into this crazy, sadistic person who lusts for the sound of clashing metal and blood. She looked up at him blood staining his white robe and her sword in an instant her grin disappeared and she just stared at him. Was it fear? Was it Happiness? He couldn’t tell his vision was blurring and his skin was porcelain white; or maybe it was realization of what had just happened. Yes, that could have been it, “It’s my job you know” he heard her say at least that’s what he thought she said, her voice was so far away. He felt something warm splatter onto his face, water? Yes, that’s what it was, water.

    Such a sweet and delicate figure and a sick twisted mind. She removed her sword from the now lifeless body and turned around to face the five that came to do what she did in the first place she lifted her sword like she did so many times, but this time it seemed heavier. Her eyes darted to her sword as she heard the voice of one girl calling and other running towards that girl; it was stained with so may people’s blood and yet this time it felt wrong in her hands. Why did it feel wrong? She had killed so many people before he should have been no exception, but he was, he was her first exception.

    They just stared at her, all of them standing where they were not making any sort of movement and just stared. Her laugh filled the hallways, the corners, every crack and hole in that palace reaching everyone’s ears and more. It was sick. Demented. Hurt. That was how she was feeling and it showed in her laughter that filled the hallways, the corners, every crack and hole in that palace reaching everyone’s ears and more.