• 'I'm nothing more than my own imagination. I must be a mistake of life. I’m a young teen, emotional, kind, a bit on the large side, dark on the inside. I found out that I’m my own murderer.’

    Chapter two: Is it just me?...

    After we came home from an annoying laundry mat I slowly walked up to my room. I stopped in mid-step when I heard something break. I ran into the room turning on the light seeing nothing broke. “Was that in my mind?” I said out loud. I took in one big breath before going on my computer and mailing my friends.
    I notice Dan otherwise known as Nee was online. I sent him an IM. ‘Hey Nee how are things over there? ^^’ It took him a while before replying back. ‘Not too well. Mom’s in the living room crying. ._.’ I frowned a bit. ‘Oh really? I’m sorry… Is there anything I can do? =(!’ Before he wrote back something in my mind screamed. “KILL… HIS… DAD!” I rubbed my head thinking. ‘What was that?’ He wrote back. ‘Sorry I have to go…’ He logged off before I could say good-bye. I sighed sitting down.
    I sat alone for a while until I left my room. “Mom?” I yelled out. I didn’t get a respond. So I walked around the house looking for everyone. No one was home. There was a note on the fridge. ‘Dear Lucy, We went out to get some dinner. See you later.’ I sighed and crumbled the note up sitting along in the living room.
    Out of the blue my head started to hurt. “Ow!” I yelled getting up rubbing my head. I ran over to a cabinet and took out some pills taking them. I kept rubbing my head as I heard a voice similar to mine. “DO IT!... KILL HIM!...” The pain pulled in more and more. I walked and sat down. The voice repeditaly said what it said but louder. I finally snapped. “OKAY!” I yelled running into the kitchen grabbing a butcher’s knife.
    I ran out the house. Through the night with no shoes.
    I ran her father’s house and knocked on the door hiding the knife behind my back. I didn’t want to do it but something over my shoulders forced me.
    He opened the door. His face showed he was mad. “What do you want little girl!” He yelled. I frowned. “You… Dead…” I jumped on him tackling him to the floor. He was shocked until I stabbed the knife above his chest. He screamed out in pain as I stabbed through his body over and over again. “LEAVE… NEE…AND HIS MOM… ALONE!” I said swinging the knife into him. He was screaming louder and louder until he took his final breath and I shoved the knife into his head. I got up and smiled feeling proud. The voice in my head was laughing. I walked over to his phone and picked it up and dialed 911. “Hello? This 911? Good a man in the house next to me was screaming at the top of his lungs. Yes he lives at 18 on 1st street. Thank you and bye.” I said hanging up the phone. “Bye...” I said looking at the body walking out the front door.
    I walked back home covered in blood. I made it to the house to see no one came home yet so I walked in like nothing happened. I was happy the voice went away but the pain in my heart was so deep. “What… Have… I done?” I said falling on my knees realizing what I have finally done.