Dave's Campaign: C. 3, Pt. 1
An escape method almost works well. Megumi successfully provides cover fire for Soren from outside below and she jumps off; in doing so, she also injures her left foot REALLY badly---I bet she's not used to jumping off certain heights. As for me and Baruch, we've managed to slaughter the zombies in the apartment room and we have our own exit. Shortly therefore, our pursuit resumes as we again try to escape the city so that we can head to safety and attempt to warn the other warriors in different places; that way, I can raise an army of my own within my clan. Simple, huh? Well, not quite.... I'm not there, yet. And speaking of that, we come across another survivor. I wonder how many are there?
Soren Whisperwind: [dealing with the last of the zombies and animated enemies] Thanks for covering me, Megumi.
Megumi Tekarukite: Hold on, I'm coming out! [she jumps out and lands, but in doing so injures her left foot HARD] Aaaaaah, dammit!
Soren Whisperwind: You alright?
Megumi Tekarukite: Kinda.
Soren Whisperwind: [looks up and calls me and Baruch] Hey, are you two coming down or what?
Me: Hold on; we just killed the last of them! Give us a moment, man.
Baruch van Austins: You first.
Me: [split-second weird glance before jumping off]
Baruch van Austins: [he jumps out of the window also and lands]
Megumi Tekarukite: Honestly, I'm not used to jumping from tall heights these days. :/
Soren Whisperwind: [wish] That's alright. I heard that you can reduce the chances of injury by crouching while falling. You may fall faster, but at least you will reduce noise when you land.
Megumi Tekarukite: That's almost impossible to do. How can I---?
[more animated forces are coming]
Me: Great, they sure don't have enough.
Baruch van Austins: I bet they have unlimited reinforcements. No matter how hard they die, they always seem to multiply faster and faster.
Soren Whisperwind: Not always; we can try to find a way to reduce their numbers when we gather reinforcements for ourselves. But never mind that, RUN!!!!!
[the four of us are fleeing for our lives, but come across a couple of HUGE abominations]
Me: [five-second pause] Holy snap, I've never seen those creatures before.
Megumi Tekarukite: How can we kill them? They look as if they're sewn together from several different corpses.
Soren Whisperwind: They must have SOME kind of weak spot. Don't let your guard down!
[one of the abominations proceed to approach our direction]
Baruch van Austins: [backing away] Run... or shoot?
[the rest of us are slowly backing away from the abominations that are coming to us]
Baruch van Austins: Run or shoot?
Soren Whisperwind: BOTH! Come on!
[the four of us run, trying to bombard the monsters with all of our long-ranged attacks]
Me: We won't escape alive on foot. We need some kind of transportation!
[tortured roar]
Soren Whisperwind: Good idea. But where can we---?
[a car speeds by and we notice some ghouls latching on to the vehicle]
Soren Whisperwind: [blasts the ghouls off the car with fire]
Baruch van Austins: [bombards the ghouls with water balloon]
Me: [guns guns guns]
Megumi Tekarukite: [hunter's bow]
[the ghouls are now dead. A female survivor comes out unharmed]
Me: Another survivor?
Baruch van Austins: Thank goodness! icon_smile.gif There has to be more!
Soren Whisperwind: [approaching the survivor] Are you alright?
Female Survivor: Yes, I am. I--- [recognizes Megumi] Megumi, is that you?
Megumi Tekarukite: Noriko? Noriko Sanban? It's you! Man, am I glad to see you!
(End of Chapter 3, Part 1)
Dave's Campaign: C. 3, Pt. 1
Mario the Davidic Hero
The first part of Chapter 3 in this fictional zOMG campaign I came up with. Enjoy!
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