• "Yet another homocide has occured here tonight in Rochester Minnes-," the newscaster was reporting, but Luna jammed the power button so hard she must have sprained her knuckle. She was disgusted with her panther. I'm never letting her out at night again, she thought angrily.
    "Andrena!" she called sternly. The sleek black panther seemed to suddenly appear at her side, her tail forming question marks in the air. "The death toll is rising. You need to knock it off with all the murders and homocides, otherwise I am not afraid to go get my double barrel shotgun." Andrena gave a rumbling purr in apology, and Luna softened. She patted the black panther's head. "Go on, silly little beast. Have fun. But no homocidal attempts!" Luna gently slapped Andrena's hindquarters, and Andrena padded outside into the night.

    Luna woke the next afternoon. But she hadn't remembered when she had fallen asleep. She remembered going outside, but the rest was nothing. Like how a person couldn't remember what happened when they were born. Luna got up, rubbed Andrena, and went to the bathroom. When she was washing her face, she saw something on her hands. Red stains. Her lips had them as well. She tasted her lips. They tasted rusty and sort of sweet. Blood. Her breath became shallow, her heartbeat, faster, she began having tunnel vision. She locked the door, hoping Andrena hadn't seen her like this. Andrena! Had she killed her in her sleep, mistaking her for an intruder? She slowly turned the lock, and opened the door. She was scared to look into the bedroom. But she forced herself to poke her head around the frame. Andrena was lying on the fluffy feather mattress, giving Luna a questioning look. Luna sighed in relief, and quickly washed the blood stains off. She opened the door, and Andrena was gone. But flashing red and blue lights on her wall signaled that police had shown up. Up until a year ago, Luna had been neutral or maybe even friendly to the boys in blue. Now she was completely hostile. Her instinct told her to hide, but just as she was about to make a dash for her top shelf of her closet, an officer walked in, saw her in her lingerie, and waved her to come. She slowly followed the officer downstairs. A man with heavy wounds was describing a person to another officer.
    "...And she had black hair, darker than pitch, and- HEY THAT'S HER!" he broke off, raising a shaking finger at Luna. Luna looked around, searching for Andrena. She knew the homicidal panther had morphing abilities, but never to look like her.
    "Ma'am, what is that on your arm?" The officer talking to the man asked. She looked at her right forearm. There was a crescent shaped set of teeth.
    "That's my bite mark. I bit her when she attacked me." Luna looked at the man, wishing she really could attack him.
    "What the heck are you talking about?" Luna asked in her sensual, manipulative voice. The man was fixated on her for a moment, but the officers never swayed. She knew they were hardened against these type of people.
    "It is her! I will never forget that transfixing voice!" The officer gave Luna a disgusted look, then walked up and shackled her.

    "Why did you do it?" the interrogator asked. For about the tenth time, Luna gave her a confused look and said, "Do what? I didn't do anything!" The interrogator growled while sucking im a breath.
    "TAKE HER AWAY!" he barked. A bailiff pushed her away and into a cell.
    That night, Andrena came to her.
    "Andrena! How did you get in here?!" she asked. Andrena walked into her cell- passing right through the bars. And like that, Luna came to reality. Her memories came flooding back. There was no Andrena the pet panther, there were no crazy old men, there were no coincidental bite marks, there were no homicides with Andrena using her morph powers. It was Luna. It was all Luna. She had caused the homocides, but hadn't been able to bring herself to admit it. The thought of going from person to person, snarling like a panther, snuffing out their lives. It made her go insane. She grabbed the bars, screeching and howling, and growling so terrifyingly, that even the guards backed off. With superhuman strength, she ripped the bars open, threw one guard into another, snapped one's neck, and crushed another one's chest by jumping on him. The two she had knocked into each other were out cold, and only one remained. She pulled him up by his hair, and growled, "Tell your friends they better watch their backs. Sleep with one eye open. Got it?" The guard nodded. Luna clocked him dead in the nose, then scaled the cell, bursting out through the skylight. She flew off the roof, and landed on all fours in the grass. Guards began pouring out of the prison, and Luna growled and shot off in to the woods nearby. She waited until nightfall, then went in search of another victim.