• Chapter 1: The legend told
    She lay on the front of porch of the Radley family front porch. Her big brown eyes looked up at them smiling and laughing. Her smile revealed little teeth that were still growing. Her hands and feet were so tiny that Mr. Radley hand could fit over them perfectly. Her dark hair that was coming in seemed beautiful even though she was still little. She held a note in her hand messing with it and drooling on it a little. Mrs. Radley picked up the little girl and read the note to her husband. They both looked at the child with shock. When they removed the cloth from her head did they finally see the crescent moon mark on her forehead.
    Here’s a history lesson of where Mr. and Mrs. Radley live. You see where they live all children found with this mark were to be killed or taken in by the government…but the rarest one that was to be sent to the government most in haste…was the child with the Crimson Red Crescent moon mark. The child was according to legend one of the most powerful beings in the world. This power was beyond the understanding of humans, vampires, and werewolves alike. Even demons and angels couldn’t understand this type of power. For this world that Mr. and Mrs. Radley live in is called “The demon world”. The reason it is called this is because couple of thousand years ago the demon world was once locked away until one day the gates opened and every known creature came to earth over loading it with vampires, werewolves, angels, and demons. Unfortunately the government took complete control and went crazy with mad power to keep everyone in line they separated them. Humans on one side, vampires another, werewolves on another side, angels on another side, and demons as well had their own side. Except in the middle is where everyone could roam together. Legend has it this child with the Crimson Red Crescent moon mark was also called the wolf child. The child that could led everyone into freedom from the government and takes the thrown as the queen of earth and all creatures on it. Her power would be the most feared by the government they wanted her on their side immediately, so they didn’t have to go through all they had too and still keep control. Her true form was unknown but it was said she was a mix of everything…but no one truly knows.
    Mrs. Radley took the wolf child inside quickly will Mr. Radley followed shutting the front door and locking all the locks. Mrs. Radley laid the child in the crib they had laid out for their first child. “We must keep you a secret wolf child…but what shall we name her dear?” Mrs. Radley looked at her husband desperate. Mr. Radley looked back at her and sighed as he said “I don’t know my dear…you were better at picking names then I was….” Mrs. Radley turned to the child and smiled “Will name her wolf..Just like her mother would have wanted..Good night my sweet little wolf….” Mr. and Mrs. Radley walked out of the room and wolf slept for the rest of the night dreaming sweetly.