- Settling herself in the back of the cab, she set her briefcase beside her and continued to stare out the window with a sour look on her face. “Where to?” the man behind the wheel asked in his deep, rough voice. Slipping her hand into her coat pocket she pulled out a slip of paper and passed it up to him without speaking. She heard him unfolding the paper, and she directed her gaze back to the city street outside the window. She sighed. “Having a bad day, miss?” he asked, keeping his eyes on the road. Yes, she thought. “Sorry, but I don’t feel like telling a nosy cab driver about my personal problems.” she spat, instantly regretting it.

- Title: 42nd Street
- Artist: tsusu
- Description: For some reason I always enjoy writing little tidbits of stories, but I'm never motivated to finish them. Oh, my lazy bum. *sigh*
- Date: 09/14/2010
- Tags: 42nd
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