• d103x5: the king. this guy will be in just about all the episodes, he is epic. he will own people with his epicness. he will own you.
    weapons: rocket launcher, grenade launcher, nuke, sword, and more.

    meapin: the peasants. their form represent little blobs with legs, but are aggressive when made mad. all they can say is meap, lol.
    weapons: meap gun

    hexpin: a cyborg meapin. the metal implants are so closely connected to him that he has his own trusty bio laser to help him out, but still weak.
    weapons: bio laser

    cubin: this type of meapin is like a big box, and are the most honoured of all meapins. usually race each other.
    weapons: cube wall

    k.meapin: this guy is the meapin leader. he plans the assaults and has some connection to other cast members!
    weapons: meap gun

    mirandaassassin: me of course. whee
    weapons: anything.

    poot: this guy keeps popping up and annoying people.
    weapons: solar beam

    demonguy: the guy who keeps telling ppl to do evil stuff. he hates all good things. loves destroying stuff.
    weapons: fireball, trident

    Strydabot: SB for short. this giant robotic spider is very agressive, and has been known to eat other gaians. luckily mirandassassin and d103x5 managed to tame this robot and is now the best defence against the animated. only problem is, he is lazy, but when threatened he will put up a massive fight.
    weapons: stun beams, lightning, lasers, blade legs, h4x, self destruct, EMP bombs, ICBM cannons.

    StrydabotCarrier: SBC for short. this guy always carries a large host of SBs inside him. but even robots have hearts. he may be big and strong, until he fell head over heels with chansley (also known as chans, chansleh and lol.)
    weapons: everything SB has with a asbx10 damage amplifier.

    Chansley: Chansley is just like anyone should be. a hard outside, a soft inside. when not smashing up people she hates she tends to relax in a volcano, or hang out with her friends. its all she wants to do.
    weapons: love pistol, hypnosis, and any type of sword.

    Arkan: rival for the love of Chansley. Arkan is like anyone would be if something important to them was stolen, and that was Chansley. Chansley divorced him, and he is trying everything to get her back.
    weapons: gas grenades, stun ball.

    triegy: the wise tree of all knowledge. he knows everything and somehow has the ability to teleport if someone tries to cut him down.
    weapons: none

    squigg: commander of the ocean. loves nothing more than poking people, or eating.
    weapons: trident

    more characters will be introduced later in the series. episode one will be out next week. biggrin biggrin rofl