• One day, two brothers and their adopted sister were playing somewhere away from home. Their names were Jinxers (or Jinx, for short), Spinner (or Spin), and Toki and they were playing in the early morning of summer.
    Toki was a girl with mahogany-red hair that was tied into fairly long braided pigtails. Her Lolita dress was purple and lacy. She has long gangly legs, a little longer than average size arms, and small but slightly clawed, hands. Jinx was a boy with short, dirty, messy blonde hair that was cut in tufts. His shirt was white with red stripes and he was wearing raggedy overalls. He had two short and stubby legs and a crooked right arm. Spin had one stubby leg and a large ear lobe that was larger than his other ear lobe. He has short red-orange hair. He usually gets around by spinning. He was only wearing his underwear (he always wears his underwear).
    Usually, the siblings went out to play together in these particular mornings but they always strayed too far from home. Today was particularly different, Toki, out of boredom, wandered off. Jinx and Spin were supposed to be watching her like they were told to do in the first place but they disobeyed. An hour passed and it was drawing close to breakfast. Toki was nowhere in sight and nowhere to be found. Jinx looked up and asked “Where’s Toki?” Spin shrugged and gave the only answer he could really think of.
    He answered, “She probably got hit by a car like last time.” Jinx snorted and remembered the time Toki was hit by a car and he remembered when they got in trouble, but he knew that his thoughts were irrelevant. “How many times did I tell you not to play in the street?! Now look at what you did!” was what our mother was screaming into our faces. She had told us this numerous times but we didn’t seem to listen. Other than the tire tracks, scrapes, and bruises, Toki was fine and seemed to be suffering no real ill effect from the ordeal. Our Mother cradled Toki in her arms and slapped Spin and I so hard that Toki even felt it. Toki wasn’t even the one that got slapped but she felt it

    Spin continued on with what he was doing. Jinx punched him in his shoulder and screamed, “We have to find Toki! We were supposed to watching her.” Spin rolled his eyes and though. Toki’s twelve years old, she can take of herself.
    Meanwhile, Toki was heading off to one of her favorite places, a mine field. Typically, a mine field would be death trap to those who are intruders but to Toki, it was playground, albeitly, a noisy, full of explosives, playground.

    “All Toki has to do is cross the field of metal shark dentures (bear traps) and the street, then I can go to the playground!” said Toki happily. Having been frozen in time for a little more than eighty years, Toki had no real sense of danger and wasn’t very bright. Without a care, she continued to walk through the field full of bear traps until she stepped in one.
    “Yeeee-oooooow!” screamed Toki. Her brothers were not too far off when they heard her scream in pain. They tried to reach her but she was already across the field.

    “At least she left a trail for us to follow but it is trail of blood. Obviously, she decided that she was going to go to her ‘playground’ whether she lost a leg or not.” said Spin. Jinx nodded and said nothing. They continued to follow Toki, across the street, and across another field. “Toki, get back here! You’ll get badly hurt if you go!” said Jinx, loudly but Toki seemed to pay no heed to his warnings. Spinner called out to her but she answered, “No! Toki wants play in the playground!” Jinx and Spin crossed the field trying to chase Toki but it was too late, she already reached the mine field.

    “Yay! Toki reached the playground, now, Toki can play!” screamed Toki merrily. She climbed the fence and walked further until she stepped on a delayed detonation land mine (a delayed detonation land mine takes 5 minutes to go off) with her limb that was trapped in a bear trap. Her brothers climbed the fence and stepped on land mines while trying to get to Toki but it was too late for all three of them. The land mines went off.

    Toki, Jinx, and Spin were unconscious for more than three hours. Jinx awoke to horrifying discovery. His right arm was missing and to add even further horrifying discoveries, his siblings were missing some parts as well. Spin was missing his ear lobe (but he could still hear) and his left arm. Spin awoke and look to his left and found Toki lying face-down in a pool of blood. Her right leg was blown almost entirely off. “JINX! We can’t lie about this! Oh dear, she’s probably dead now!” screamed Spin in a panic. Toki awoke but her brothers were quarrelling about what they should do next.

    “Toki thinks we should either tell the truth or should we pay the price of our undoings with our own blood and let death to do our part (In other words: Either we tell the truth or die).” sputtered Toki, giving an extremely harsh implement to her words. The brothers knew what would come if they didn’t heed her advice. With help from each other, the trio managed to go home and tell their mother truth before ultimately passing out and nearly dying of blood loss before ever reaching the hospital. Sometime after that, the siblings never returned to the mine field, nor strayed too far away from home. Toki developed a sense of danger. Jinx and Spin soon took responsibility and obedience more seriously than they thought they would. Everyone learned a valuable lesson