• Chapter one:
    Kagome watched slightly aware as the students filed in. their happy demeanors not changing with the coming school year. Chuckling softly Kagome thought of how surprised the students would be that she was a teacher and a student.

    And was still younger than most of the school. All the people before her were to be taught defense against the dark arts by her. And then when she didn't teach Kagome would be following the Gryffindors around for classes.

    Like Transfiguration, care of magical creatures, and runes. The only reason Kagome was not in Potions was due to her being the assistant teacher. Being a miko can come in handy down the road.

    Scanning the crowd, Kagome's eyes softly caught those of a young mans'. His emeralds were boring holes into hers. Almost as if he thought that by reading her eyes, then he can view her intentions. Which were to actually survive another year. Those eyes were so known to Kagome this past month.

    Unlikely to the popular belief, Kagome never did find a happily ever after. The jewel was completed, yes. But Kagome never did mate with Inuyasha. Nor did she get to see Kohaku reunite with his sister. Heck, Kagome wasn't even in the final battle. Inuyasha had sealed the well with the help of Kikyo. Who had brought light to him that Kagome did not belong in this world.

    The only reason Kagome even got the shikon was because of her soul. Her soul called for the item, and the shikons natural magic was able to break the barrier long enough to come to the present. After that Kagome only remembers waking up on her bed.

    Her mother did tell her what happened though, "something pink slammed into your chest dear," Kun-loon described, "and it broke a couple ribs in the process." so there it is the wonderful tale of Kagome's life. The only way it is shown is through her eyes, ones that hold the same weariness as Dumbledore's, but also hold a slight sadness. That will most likely take a lot to overcome. The only eyes Kagome can tell are the same, are the same boys' who has let his eyes leave hers to chatter with a few friends.

    Snapping back to reality, Kagome was done just in time to hear Dumbledore start the words, "Students Welcome Back!…."

    Chapter Two:

    "Welcome back returning students! And to those new to Hogwarts welcome to our school." Dumbledore stated cheerily, "Now, the forbidden forest is still, forbidden. And Mr. Filch has an improved list of banned objects posted outside his office." Dumbledore could easily see that most students were becoming bored so switched to the happily important news. " now I am sure most of you are wondering who our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor will be this year. Well, I would like to welcome Hogwarts youngest professor, Miss Henry Taka."

    At that notion Kagome stood from her position among the staff. Happily watching as most students were weary. Yes Kagome knew of last years professor. A horrid woman indeed. But most of the students were probably wondering what was up with her strange name. Only a handful knew who she really was. The staff. And Harry. Of course Harry had to know. Especially sense it was Kagome who got him and her arrested this summer. Ah, It was quite joyful though to do.

    Kagome hopped off the accursed train ready to meet the 'friend of the family'. Kagome remembered her mother's 'hushed' conversation spoken in rapid English to some of the branch members for her fathers drill company. Passed down to Kuhn-Loon after his death. Apparently the Dursleys were long time helpers, and had gained her parents' respect along the way.

    Gazing at the wedding picture taking 15 years prior to the soon-to-be meeting Kagome instantly noticed a couple with almost nothing changed, A small, plucky looking woman with a horse long face. And a man with a pink tinted face and no visable neck. Yup. The Dursleys.

    Walking over to the family, Kagome bowed, and used her best English.

    "Hello, I am Kagome Higurashi. You must be the Dursley family.

    "Yes! Yes we are" Aunt Petunia started, "Welcome to Europe!"

    Dudley stared at her, in his eyes he had a special disgust. "Amazing, she speaks English? Fricken Oriental's got brains."

    Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon, and Harry all gaped at him. Obviously in disbelief. In Harry's mind, 'I thought Dudley knew how to at least be courteous. But guess he's just that stupid'.

    My Dudders! What has gotten into him? That's basically what went through Petunia, and Vernon's mind, change a few words.

    Apparently the Dursleys were still to enthralled in what Dudley said that Harry would have to speak "Hello, I'm Harry, the one that insulted you is Dudley, my cousin." said Harry as he began to list off the members of the family, "The one that welcomed you is my Aunt Petunia. And the man that has yet to say anything is my Uncle Vernon."

    "Yes, nice to meet you Harry. Also, why are your aunt and uncle just gaping now?" she asked.

    "I, don't know really." He stated hoping Kagome basically missed Dudley's orientals comment. "Want to go wait in the car?" He asked. This girl was probably going to be his entertainment until his friends picked him up.

    "Sure." And with that, they were off. Kagome making sure that Dudley was on the other side of the car before everyone got on the road.

    "Welcome!" Aunt Petunia screeched, "Your' room is just up the stairs and to the left!" She seemed overly chipper today. And most likely expecting Kagome to follow her instructions and go that way. But Petunia's face fell as the girl went to the backyard, and pulled out a large tent for herself. And began setting it up. All the while Dudley was still grumbling about her being a weird foreigner. And Harry slightly hoping to get his old room back. Aunt Petunia was protesting he whole while, saying that a room was already set up for her.

    "not to worry Mrs. Dursley, but I like camping more than anything else in the world." Kagome smiled innocently, while on the inside she knew that Petunia was trying her best to be a 'gracious host'. But Kagome knew. A swift survey of the windows told her only three bedrooms within the house. Which meant the one of the family members had given up a bedroom.

    Kagome swiftly left to the backyard to start setting up 'camp'. And after ten minutes, had a tent up and all supplies she brought stowed away.

    Sighing with nothing to do, Kagome left the tent and told the Dursley's that she was going for a walk. And because she didn't trust Dudley, was bringing Harry with her. As soon as the two left the house Kagome took charge, telling Harry to follow her to the nearby park they passed earlier.

    Upon arriving, Harry plopped down on a swing set seat. Not fully understanding that Kagome wasn't hanging back at the house. Turning to Kagome Harry popped a question out, "So why are you in England this summer?" But Harry wasn't answered quickly. She just looked at him. And then narrowed her eyes. Into dangerous slits.

    "Harry, don't move." She hushed out to him, and then silently got up. But, the human curiosity is always over looked. By the reverse psychology in this days age. Harry turned his body around and let his eyes befall on what Kagome was doing. And his green orbs then widened when he witnessed a re-occurrence from last year. Two dementors were in the park. And Kagome was approaching them.

    "Kagome don't I'll-" He was cut off by the snide words of Kagome.

    "You'll what, harm these poor creatures?"

    Harry stood baffled. Here he was, in a park, in Little Winning. A muggle girl, telling him that if he uses the patroness, that he may very well be asking for trouble from the girl. All this was surprising. But even more so when Kagome's voice was heard, not muttering a spell.

    "Shh, it's okay. You know it is slightly your own fault." In response all Harry heard was a low moaning. But apparently, Kagome heard was different on many levels.

    "Yes, I will" Kagome said, yet soft smile grace her lips. And Kagome let her hand be encased in a pink light, slowly reaching out to the dementors. And said dementors reached for her hand. And grasped it. What Harry was witnessing was a beauty not seen in all his magical life. The dementors were slowly transforming. Melting into a whitish, more heavenly color. Looking almost like angels. Their usual rotten hand was actually a whitish wisp of air.

    "Thank –you." The words left the ex-dementors mouth easily. Filled with a sincere grace.

    With all that done. The dementors started to slowly evaporate. Into nothing but air. Leaving only the words of thank-you in the wind.

    "Kagome, explain. Now" Harry demanded. The tolerance. Had been worn thin.

    "I am a miko. And that is all for today. I am really tired." Harry just gawked. She did, who bloody knows what and just is, tired? He sighed. Only knowing Kagome for three hours, and Harry knew at least one thing: If Kagome Higurashi does not want to talk. She will not talk.

    Kagome let out a slight laugh when some students were waiting for her to introduce herself. Apparently for five minutes. Kagome let a blush spread over her face and stood.

    "Hello, as you know, I am Henry" she began, "And my teaching this year will not require any wands. I would like for all of you to bring your books to the class, and place your wands at the front of your desk each class. We will have absolutely no use for them." Kagome smiled out at every student. Gazing at their shocked features. Yes, Kagome also knew that Umbridge didn't use wands at all. And the students feared that. This will be a most exciting year.

    As Kagome sat back down, Dumbledore started announcing for the house placements. All starting with McGonagle announcing a miss, "Adams, Katie"

    Chapter Three:

    Kagome waited patienltly as one by one the student's names were called off. Ending with a new slytherin, Zacharia, George. Everyone expected Dumbledore to continue his earlier lecture. But instead McGonagle announced "Taka, Henry" Of course, that threw all the students for a loop when Kagome strolled to the stool. And the raggedy hat was placed apon her head.
    "hmmm, cunning. Like a Slytherin. But very friendly, like a huffle puff. No arithmacy skills what so ever, so Ravenclaw is out. But you have one of the bravest hearts I have come to seen. Where to place you? Where to place you indeed"

    Kagome felt a few sweat droplets fall off her brow. As the hat took a long while to figure out her house arrangements.

    "Kagome...that's your name huh..." Kagome frozer as the hat found out her identity, " I have a question for you younge one. Would you rather help others? If the chance arose? Would you risk your life again for the sake of the world. And don't answer out loud quickly. I know you would answer yes. But truthfully. Would. You. Go. Thorugh. It. All. Again."

    Thoughts ran like a blizzard though Kagome's mind. Would I? Would I really face all the destruction again? For the sake of anothers' well being? Kagome knew the answer immediently. Especially when Shippous smiling face came to mind.

    "Yes."Was all Kagome had to say as the hat knew what she meant. Visions of the past were still running through her mind. Kagome almost didn't hear the hat scream out "GRIFFINDOR" And soon her thoughts were drowned out by a thunderous applause.

    Chapter Four:

    Kagome contemplated whether this was right or not. She was waiting patiently as the rest of the hall filed out and the teachers were left in the great hall. Kagome chose rather to continue eating with the proffesors instead of the children. Due to the fact, well, she didn't like idle chat.

    Especially the idle chat of young teenagers. Kagome much rather liked the talk with adults. So she spent her time at dinner talking to Serverous. Who turned out to be a much rather nice person than she would've thought. Especially with his whole vendetta against harry. But that's all hush hush as the reason why. And no matter how much pouting she did, Kagome wasn't able to weasle it out of him.

    Strangling her thoughts out of her mind, Kagome took the pleasure in knowing Dumbledore was left in the room. Strooling over towards him, Kagome made sure to stop short of the doo, and block his path.

    "Professor Dumble dore sir?" Kagoem meakly asked, "Um about the hat..."

    Dumbldore's eyes twinkled with his all too hidden knowledge. "Yes, that hat is rather amazing huh?"

    Kagome was expecting his usual banter, "Yes, well. It's just...how did it know...that...I was um..."

    Dumbledore let his voice weave over hers, "Kagome Higurashi?"

    "Well, yes." her voice was a little astonished, "But how did you-?"

    "Doesn't matter." Dumbledore stated. And then waved his wand, letting a door bang open, and a thick heavy, book come flying out of it. "Now this." He stated catching the book effortlessly, "Is among the forbidden section, so don't let others read it. But all you need to know is within it's pages." Dumbldore's mouth stopped moving. But his words still echoed in Kegome's mind.

    And shakily grasping the book, Kagome was amazed at the light weight. "But sir-"

    "ah-ah-ah, It is perfectly fine. You are also a professor." Dumbldore turned to walk away. But before he did, he cocked his head to the side, "And Kagome, less formality when other's aren't around please. You know you can tell your grandfather anything."

    Chapter Five:
    Pages beyond pages were in front of her. The index had many things. Except. The one thing that was leaned towards Kagome was the word. Horcruxes. The definition was that of an object to hold another's peice/ fragment of their soul. First thing to come to mind? The Shikon. Except. the jewel held the souls, plural, of four.

    And The horcrux, if the power is great could take over anothers body, mind, and just shows how terrible this thing is. And most positivley. Dumbledore knew about the Horcrux. This book doesn't even say anything on magical mind reading and talking hats.

    A fifth year told Kagome what gives the hat its power. A charm. But then why did Kagome feel and aura emanating from it? Like, almost a demons aura... An old one at that.

    But the Horcrux. This, evil, and satanic device is holding a chip of one of the most holy beings to walk the Earth. Other than a person's religionist gods, and holy beings of course.

    The definition, the reasons, past experiences. All add up. The shikon, IS a horcrux. And it was the reason so many innocent people were taken in by its power. The Shikon Needs to go. *bum bum bum* Except not now. Someone's at my door.

    Chapter Six:

    Gazing out the door Kagome found herself face to face with nothing. Looking down she found a shabbily wrapped package. Looking around, she found no owner. Picking up the parcel, she took another glance down both halls outside her door. And went back inside.

    Sitting down onto her bed, Kagome slowly unwrapped the package. Wand at the ready if it was dangerous. Unfolding the last corner her eyes lit up as she found herself upon the Sorting Hat. "psst" Kagome prodded the hats tip, "You awake?" A gruff yet childish voice in turn responded, "Great thing I didn't place you in Ravenclaw." The buttons suddenly gleamed, as though eyes were opened. "Even Peeves knows that charmed objects don't require rest."

    Apauled Kagome swatted at the hat "Well you don't have to be so rude!"

    "With that kind of attitude. Maybe I should have left you in Slytherin."

    "Another peep out of you and you become fire food." Kagome responded with the patience of a peanut, "got that?"


    Eyes slightly lit with challenge "I said, GOT THAT?" Kagome barreled out the remarks.

    "Thought you didn't want me to talk." The hat's buttons shifted, almost like eyes again...

    "Sorry. But can you answer a few questions? I have a lot I want to know." Apologizing Kagome immediately knew that you had to handle this, soul, much more delicately.

    "Depends" The hat's voice responded. Reminding her of a lions if he could talk...

    "How did you know my real name?" Kagome's questions were to be straight to the point. No room for disscusion.

    "Simple. I can peer into a minds' depths."

    "But..." Words were fighting to release her mouth "But how? Legimacy is only by a...wizard. But you're not..."

    "Ahhh, young one. That is where you are wrong. I am very much in fact. A wizard." The hat's mouth/ripping twisted into a semi-smile. His button eyes gleaming. "Oldest one in the world. I even beat ol' Flamel."

    Chapter Seven:

    Horror struck Kagome. Doubling over backwards, she backed away from the hat. "But...HOW?"

    The hat's hoarse chuckling came to her ears. He was enjoying this?

    "Silly girl. Even a woman as young, as you should have figured it out by now." The hat's tip shifted back and forth. In a head shaking manner. "Think. I have been alive longer than Flamel. He was over 600 years old. I am a master at Legimacy."

    Thoughts ran through her head. Legimacy...Snape...Slytherin...

    "You...you're Salizar Slytherin!" Kagome became even more self conscious. "This...This is where you have been all these years? You didn't abandon Hogwarts?"

    The hat's chuckling once more reached her ears. "Silly girl. Why would I leave all this behind? My families legacy lies here. My greatest potion storage. And most loyal pet lies here in Hogwarts's walls."

    "What do you mean?" Kagome finaly wormed her way back onto the bed.

    "It would be better if I tell you the whole story." The hat seemed ready.

    Almost 1000 years ago. Within Hogwart's walls a battle was raging. Between the Hogwarts founders. And some unknown force. The force, most of them held the appearance of humans. But others...were too grotesque to even think about. Many of the faculty was dead. Or on the verge...

    Salizar and Godric's backs were together. Fending off the creatures that the two have come to call "Scavengers" The animals that have come whenever a dead body was near. And there were hundreds.

    "Godric! We must retreat! Give them the school! Save the children! The faculty! Our families!" Salizar was a t the last resort. His wife, Rowena, was already a bloody heap. He only had his two children to continue his line.

    "What treachery is this? Salizar! We must never back down! The integrity of this school lies in the balance!" Godric finished as he sliced another Scavenger's head straight off. "If we give in now, all will be undone! The school we tried so hard to build will be destroyed!"

    Salizar let loose his Basilisk. Small as she may be, 2 feet, she could easily kill the Scavengers for a few minutes. Grasping his brother by the shoulders, "Godric! Helga's dead. Rowena's been gone for this whole battle! If we do not flee. Then this school will never be known! Our children will have been dead long before we finish this army!"

    Before he knew it, Godric felt an ice cold heat bleed up his abdomen. Stopping, he gazed down at his stomach. The famous Gryffindor sword protruding from him. He stared up at Godric. His eyes almost unbelieving. Godrics eyes shown with great sorrow. Regret even. But his twisted smile suggested a satisfaction among most.

    "I can't let that happen Salizar." Godric twisted the sword. "You know, even with blood bonds, unbreakable promises, and Legimacy. We will never be true brothers. We will never understand what will lead our lives. I die here today Salizar. But you. You will live on. Leading this school. I trust you won't continue with your 'Pure bloods only' route. Rowena was half blood after all. Now sleep. When you wake. This school belongs to you. And I will be dead." With those last words, Godric plunged hiw sword further into Salizar. Far beyond the hilt. Forever embedding it into Salizar. Bringing him into a deep sleep.

    Chapter eight:
    You know that feeling you get. when you have absolutely no breath left in your lungs. That is the feeling Kagome has as of now. Her mind's thought process is repeating. Salazar Slytherin is alive. He didn't betray the school. He is a good guy.

    "But...why tel me all of this? Why do I have to know all of this?" Kagome bolted off the bed. Knocking the hat onto the floor.

    He gazed up wearily at Kagome. His button eyes looking so shiny. It was as if tears were pricking his eyes.

    "You don't know." The hat's raspy voice was that of a whisper. "how important you are. The lives you brought together affected many events in history. Mainly yours. And...anothers."

    Kagome couldn't help it. Salazar. He somehow made absolute sense to her. Even if the circumstances didn't. But so many Ideas. So many questions...

    "Kagome. You alone have helped history in the making you alone..." Then he stopped mid sentence "Would you like to hear another story?" Salazar hopped closer to Kagome. "Listen closely now. For I will only tell this once. Legilimens!"

    And thus Kagome's world was turned into a swift haze. Between rushing pictures. Rolling away to fast to figure. And deep liquidy splatters. All of which were crawling around her skin. Sticking to every visible piece. Even her clothing. Then. Nothing.

    There was blood everywhere. The iron smell seeped into the air. Most likely permentating it for days to come. Years to most demons. But where were the bodies? This much blood had to be at least...5 people. More give or take a body.

    The area seemed to move. As if Kagome was just an esper. Not even a body to help herself. As her sights changed along with the land. Kagome's heart rate increased. Her palms began to get sweaty and her eyes...they..they itched so bad. What was happening?

    Then. All was clear. As a single dry well came into view. Multiple sealing's on the brim, and under the cover. She knew these seals...Kikyo. Then. She must be in the Feudal Era. But...where were the others? Wouldn't the group be situated within the village grounds? All we have seen so far is the...blood. But. No.

    Twisting her head around Kagome witnessed an oddity. Complete gray. The sky, earth, streams. No thing. And, It seemed as if the world behind her was on a loop. Like you couldn't see behind her...

    Facing forward, and wishing to turn back Kagome witnessed the most horrific thing in the world. On the ground. Were not 5. But ten bodies. Pools of blood surrounding them. Most of their eyes were completely lifeless...except for two. Green eyes that sparked with their usual child foolishness. And electric blue eyes that still held the same intensity as ever.

    Her hand jerked upwards. Kagome followed her hand. To see Naraku. On the verge of death. But still holding onto a thread. Before she knew it. Strange words flew straight out of her mouth. And all Kagome could see was a blinding black light. Before she seemed to black out. Only to see two figures struggle to lift up.

    The scenes transitioned. To a large river. Most likely far away from the last. As even the ground was tainted deep red. But this river. Was as pristine as an angels heart.

    Bending over, Kagome looked straight at the river. Only to see an older man's face. Yellow, whitening hair atop his head. And a beard the length of an eraser upon his chin. If Kagome didn't notice the eyes. She would have thought this to be a young Dumbledore. But his eyes were a kind and sad blue. Not like these. The eyes of this man were deep red with shades and hues of golden sunburst.

    The next time Kagome opened her eyes. She was atop her bed. A single button laying across her chest.

    Chapter nine:
    Sometimes you wonder why that higher being put you on Earth. Sometimes you wonder what you are supposed to do now that life has been given to you. A typical teenager believes that there is nothing more important than school. And the person of your interest. Kagome never got that chance.

    When she was 4 her grandfather died.

    Then came along age 6 when her father left to who knows where.

    Soon came age 8. When her mother married again, and brought to life the little bundle of joy known as Souta.

    That is where Dumbledore came in. He is father to my step father. But he took the role I needed filled, so easily. Filling the gap left to make my family whole once again.

    But then my step father died while I was 13. And Mama hasn't been the same sense.

    And not even a year ago Kagome was 15 and traversing around Feudal Japan!

    Now come's 16. She's not driving a car. Getting ready for college. And dating boys. No, Kagome is teaching an entire school full of children. And is hundreds of thousands of miles away from home.

    She doesn't need to have the fact that one of the most famous wizards in England is alive. In a way. She doesn't need this.

    Especially when her first class of 6th years is coming into the classroom. Gryffindors and Slytherins. Well, must be time. Time to put everything else ahead of your self Kagome. Once again.

    Chapter ten:

    One by one the teenagers filed into the classroom. The obvious hate between Gryffindors and Slytherins was obvious. The sneering glares. The snide comments. Harry looked like any regular teenager. Even with his home.

    It makes you wonder what every person's back story is.

    Hermione's parents might not even respect her because of her abilities.

    Neville's grandmother might secretly be a drunk.

    Crabbe and Goyle's body weight might be a medical condition.

    And Draco's parents might beat him.

    Not saying that this is all true. But it makes you wonder. That the boy forced to get up at 6:00am sharp every morning for his whole life. Is laughing with his friends.

    Kagome unconsciously smiles while sitting Indian style upon her desk. Taking a deep breath she finally begins class.

    "Alright class. I know most of you haven't taken my advice to leave your wands in dorms. I know I wouldn't. But please lay them at the front of your desks. We will have no use for them this term." Grumbling and shuffling papers was heard as 24 students pulled out their wands and placed them onto their desks. After about a minute, a hand rose, it was Hermione's.

    "Yes Ms...Granger" Kagome knew who she was already. But students didn't need to know that.

    "Professor Tanaka. Why are we not using our wands?"

    A bright smile that could rival a mad mans spread across Kagome's cheeks.

    "I was waiting for that question. 10 points to Gryffindor. Now Hermione, I'm gonna use first names, this whole term has a big reason without wands. And today it begins with auras. Anyone know what that is?" Kagome looked around the room. And sure enough Hermione's hand rose into the air. But looking around a few others rose their hands as well.

    "Ms...Patil. Please answer."

    Parvati gleamed at this, "Our divination professor, Mr. Trelawny, told us loads about auras. An aura is kind of like the feel of a person you get while around them. Like if the person is particularly a giant bloke. You would feel that. And only trained or gifted people can see an aura." Parvati's smile was larger than that of Mr. Sun's.

    "Good. Good. Another 10 points Gryffindor. That is our lesson today class...Aura. The very essence of a person. I want you all to meditate for about ten minutes today in class. We have about a half hour left. And when done I will quiz you." Kagome got up to light incense and close the shades. Only a candles light was able to be seen.

    "I want all of you to just clear your mind and think of nothing. Impossible? Then just think of a rainbow. While slowly focusing on a color that you think represents yourself."

    Waiting patiently Kagome knew. Not many of these children would be able to sense their colors. Maybe one. Two at the most. Only those with spirit connectivity can sense it.

    Ten minutes pass and Kagome claps her hands.
    "Alrighty! We have 20 minutes gather together in a big circle. In the corner I prepared, On the red rug." As students came and sat Kagome started the rest of the lesson.

    "Now who wants to share?...Parvati?"

    "I saw a color...a bright pink. "

    Kagome smiled wearily. "That's your favorite color too. Isn't it?" At the girl's nod of the head Kagome continued.

    "Honey, Pink is the color for premature happy go lucky. And childish love. That color does not represent you. I can feel you as a a childish girl. Yes. But you still have a mature person in you...how many of you had their color be their favorite?"

    Almost everyone in the class rose their hands.

    "who's color wasn't their favorite?"

    One hand rose. It was Draco Malfoy's.

    "Mr...Malfoy. What is your favorite color?"

    He rolled his eyes, "Emerald ma'am"

    "And what color did you see?" Kagome questioned.

    "Black and gold ma'am"Malfoy seemed just ready to leave.

    But the news astonished Kagome. This boy was able to...

    "Mr. Malfoy Please stay after class. The rest of you are dismissed."

    Chapter eleven:

    "Mr Malfoy. Do you know what the color of black and gold resemble?" Kagome asked while standing up.

    "No ma'am." Malfoy the3n turned to Kagome to try and realize what she was talking about.

    "Well, black is usually associated with mourning, and death. But also power, pain, and sophistication. While gold represents warmth, enthusiastic, and demanding of attention." Draco looked rather surprised.

    "Mr. Malfoy. Tell me about your home life. And not that your mother and father care deeply for you. No. Tell me what it is REALLY like." At this point Kagome is sitting in front of Malfoy. His eyes have been shrouded with the beginning of memories.

    It was the night after Malfoy met Harry. He was excitingly telling his mother the news. Boasting that a celebrity basically is going to his school. But Malfoy was also grumbling about Harry not even accepting his offer of friendship. At this point Lucius entered the room.

    "That is very well Draco. Narcissa would you give me and the boy a moment? We need to have a man to man talk." Narcissa Malfoy stared wearily at the two men before getting up. The moment she left Lucius grasped Draco by the shoulders.

    "Boy? Do you know who Harry Potter is? He destroyed the Dark Lord! He ruined our family for many years.

    The Dark Lord was doing Potter a favor. By killing his mudblood Mum and disgraceful Father. But in turn Potter killed the Dark Lord!"

    "But father, wouldn't that make the Dark Lord...cruel?"

    Lucius turned to Draco and gave him a swift slap across the cheek.

    "Don't you ever utter things like that again. Potter is the vile. Most cruel of them all."

    Turning away to leave Lucius stopped. Turned. And hit Draco in the ribs with his walking cane.

    Chapter twelve:

    Draco stared up at his father. This wasn't the first time.

    That Draco was injured for no reason. And it wouldn't be the last.

    Take Draco's second year. Harry made a fool of Lucius the day before students went home.

    And Lucius was still furious. To the point that Narcissa had to pick Draco up from the station and take him to his demise. A solid lashing.

    Right across the back. Pain was litteraly etched into Draco's back. Scaring him for who knows how long.

    Narcissa watched as Draco was beaten relentlessly.

    Never able to help until either the very end of the beating. Or until the beating was completly over.

    That way Draco could be healed.

    Bones, blood vessels, eyes. Draco has had almost everything in his body magically repaired at one point in time.

    A reason why she hired Crabb and Goyle for his school times.

    Sure the three were already friuends, but when Narcissa offered money. The two burly boys accepted taking damage for Draco.

    Narcissa knew what the boy felt. Not with her father. Her father was never around.

    no. She knew what it felt like to be beaten y Lucius. Who else got the brunt before she got pregnant?

    Draco knew all about this. He remembers, once when he was little.
    Around the time that all the beatings started.

    Narcissa jumped in. Lucius stopped. And the two parents just left to their room.

    The next day Narcissa wasn't at breakfast. Entering her room as to check on her Draco was shooed away.

    But he didn't leave before he saw a long gash on her left side of face. That was the last, and only time Draco ever saw his mother physically hurt.

    Emotionally, he heard her almost every night. Weeping.

    Kagome watched as Draco bent over. Hiding his embarressment it looked.

    But to Kagome she saw through that. Draco was struggling his great sadness. Trying to hide it. But not very well. Standing up, Kagome made her way over to Draco. And held him. Not in a romantic embrace. She just held him. Feeling his shivers wrack his body. Until it stopped.

    Draco looked up to Kagome, meeting her eyes. A silent thank you was whispered through them. And as Draco started to leave the room Kagome shouted "Draco!" He stopped, not daring look back, "Draco, you have a spiritual awareness. And you will require special training...alright? I want you to wright a note on whether or not you accept."

    Draco just started moving out the door again.

    Kagome watched him go until she couldn't see him anymore.

    Chapter thirteen:

    Kagome sighed as she made her way to the dungeons.

    Knowing Snape would chew her out for being tardy.

    Even if she was the assistant teacher.

    Walking into the room Kagome immediately noticed all the students were mostly from her last class.

    Smiling at all the familiar face she made her way to her desk. Being silent so as Snape not know she just now came in.

    "It would do good for you to actually be punctual to classes Ms. Tanaka."

    "But Severus, you know I love to be fashionably late!"

    "Just start helping the students. Today we are preparing the Drought of Peace"

    Looking around Kagome stopped to notice Neville doing a very important mistake. So making it seem she had nothing better to do, Kagome strolled over to Neville's table and poured the pinch of Moonstone he was missing. Well, if he follows the rest of the directions, then he'll pass. Snape said to help them...

    Kagome realized that many of the students were very skillful at potions. Just couldn't do great work with Snape breathing down their backs.

    Soon the end of class came. With only a few student's being yelled at. Surprisingly, Snape must still be in the Summer Vacation mood. And as the students filed out of the dungeons Kagome stayed by.

    "You should be getting to dinner. Dumbledore is making an announcement." Snape said.

    "Oh I know" Kagome whisked over to Snape hugging him. "But I never get to see you. It's so great of Grandfather Dumbledore to let me teach with my favorite cousin."

    Snape started to chuckle. Causing a passing student to sprint hastily out of the dungeons.

    "With the your past. Nobody would expect me to be related to you. The girl who helped save Feudal Japan. Hell, I couldn't."

    "Aw, Snape, you know you love your wittle bumbling cousin." Kagome said as she was exciting. With a small wave of her hand.

    Passing paintings beyond paintings she tended to notice the elder paintings were at the lower levels of Hogwarts. Newer ones must be near Gryffindor Tower or the Astronomy Tower.

    Passing a particularly old painting Kagome stopped. There, in front of her was a moving, painted canvas. With her picture on it. Along with the jewel. The caption read "The true guardian" S.F.H.

    Interesting... Kagome double checked, grasping the picture, she lifted it off the wall.

    "Confectio"soon, the painting could be seen slowly disintegrating. As if to oblivion. Kagome looked over her shoulder and soon pulled her wand out towards to hallway "Accio Painting of Goshinboku". With a rushing sound of air. One of Kagome's favorite paintings, done by Shippou, was within her grasp. "Flagrate" Soon the tip of Kagome's wand was ignited, inscripting Shippou onto the paintings border she used the Animabilus charm to make the painting move. Another look over her shoulder and Kagome rushed away.

    Chapter fourteen:

    This would usually be the point in a story where the action happens.

    Where the epiphany the character realizes comes to be.

    Not for Kagome.

    Her life story just took a turn to a dark hallway. One filled with questions.

    After finding the painting, Kagome fled to her room. And started examining.

    It was a magical painting. Obvious when it moves. But it was still different.

    It looked as if it was drawn, beautifully. And with talent.

    But looked as if it were drawn with a crayon...

    Kagome attempted to shake her thoughts out of mind as her breakfast began.

    Now usually Kagome would eat with the students, but when a late night equals late morning, you take much time to sleep in.

    Ding-Dong Ding-Dong The clock struck ten to 8. Time to get to transfiguration.

    Finally the first class where she may learn.

    Rushing to the door Kagome hurriedly put on her skirt, and rushed out the door.

    Reaching the door Kagome checked her watch. She had made it with just a minute to spare.

    Professor McGonagall looked at the students.

    Her glare creeping over her class.

    "We will be transfiguring a deck of cards. To take on the appearance of a flower."

    Some of the students groaned. Mumbling about an easy and boring assignment. But that was mostly the Slytherins.

    "Oh?" McGonagall looked as if a challenge was faced. "Fine then. Our spell today is a vanishing one. But not just giving an object the appearance of invisibility. You must send this object to another place. A reverse accio. The spell is, Confectio. Begin."

    Kagome smiled as she knew this spell. One taught to her and Harry over the Summer. Looking next to her, a few rows down, Kagome made eye contact with said boy. And both smiled a knowing smile. Kagome's smile brightened as she witnessed Hermione, for once not know the spell's mechanisms right away.

    Harry tried the spell a few times to ready himself. And then executed it perfectly. Hermione Ron, the rest of the class was sputtering. As not even Hermione could make half of the object disappear.

    Kagome laughed as a few Slytherins tried and failed mercilessly at the spell.

    Smiling at the very idea. Kagome waved her wand, swish and flick. "Confectio" Then boom. The object moved, slowly disintegrating. Then appearing about a foot away. Kagome did all this as she was walking out the door for the end of class. Ready for a good lunch. And then History of Magic.

    In fact, Kagome was in such a good mood, she nearly skipped to lunch. That is until a certain green eyed boy took her aside.